>you're a random nobody
>big boss was creating outer heaven off screen
>2/3 of the missions are filler, not counting all the other filler from collecting nonexistant animals to fob shit
>beginning mission was chopped off and sold seperately over a year in advance
>the end mission was cut and experienced via unfinished youtube upload
>worst metal gear online
>no coop
was mgsv the biggest disappointment of the generation?
You're a random nobody
Final Fantasy XV and Zero Time Dilemma say hi.
Anyway, some of what you said is incorrect.
>You're a random
>Big Boss was creating Outer Heaven
Yes, both of these were necessary for showing the villainy of Big Boss.
>2/3 of the missions are filler
With the exception of 3-4 missions (not counting the optional replay missions that are not required for the story), pretty much every single one of them advance the plot if you actually bother to listen to the dialogue between your targets and other people. Plus a lot of stuff happens even between missions and you get casette tapes constantly.
>beginning mission
True, but it was actually the third mission. Also
>end mission was cut
It was not the final mission, it was supposed to take place before Huey's exile and the second parasite outbreak, chronologically. It was also supposed to be a Ground Zeroes type DLC (named Metal Gear Solid V: Kingdom of the Flies) that was supposed to release a year after the TPP for next generation consoles.
>worst Metal Gear online
>no coop
only 17 missions are written by kojima and are important and not repeats
even if they have some story content, they are what gz would consider a side op
>gz was the third mission
also source the mission 51 statement pls
>GZ would consider a side op
Yeah, they clearly changed the name of those in TPP and added them in the main ops.
Logical gameplay and story progression. The hospital level is supposed to teach you the basics of the gameplay. Story wise, both you and Venom Snake are supposed to feel disoriented and to not remember how you got there. The Phantom Limbs mission is an easy mission, full fledged mission.
Notice how up until this point, and even during the ending cutscene of the game, not a single character actually tells you what happened in Ground Zeroes. They just say stuff like "We'll get revenge for what happened 9 years ago" etc.
At the end of the last Phantom Limbs cutscene, Kaz says "You remember how it went down, don't you?". This is where Ground Zeroes was originally supposed to be.
Now for Mission 51. I know because I have a few connections that worked for Konami LA (Kojima Productions LA at one point) before it closed.
I already made a post about it before explaining the mission but I'm really tired now. I might make a thread later about it if you're interested.
Bluepoint is remaking MGS1, so no. There's a bigger disappointment coming soon
Literally a dev on the team that spilled the beans to Yong and python/selkan.
Konami allegedly approached them after holding a seminar for hiring new graduates to work on the MGS franchise just last week
can you give me a link?
I saw some videos of online gameplay and imo it looked fun and fast paced. Whats bad about it?
MGtheories is one of the python&selkan brothers. They also worked with Ubisoft on helping setting up the promo movie in malta. It says rumored but they usually tweet this when someone hits their inbox with some confidential info
Yong hasn't made a video about his source yet regarding the matter, he has someone at sony in a private discord (don't have a link, sorry)
If you also follow bluepoint, they recently just started following konami and Kojima
Always online required
>hiring new graduates to work on the MGS franchise
That’s just for Survive
>they recently just started following konami and Kojima
>you're a random nobody
Not true, you are yourself.
>That’s just for Survive
The meeting was for the "MGS Franchise" in general. They already got a reserve team working on supporting survive
Doubt it, more like following them to see what their mindset is like
>Yes, both of these were necessary for showing the villainy of Big Boss.
>People still think MGSV is about showing Big Boss's Villainy.
I know Nojima said it's open to interpretation, but the ending is pretty clearly meant to be a heartfelt goodbye to the fanbase.
Add in that Venom openly accepts his new identity, and any idea that Big Boss is a villain because he let a random soldier take part in a role he didn't even concieve himself pretty much just falls on the player's perspective and hardly counts for anything in-universe
TPP should have ended with an unwinnable boss fight against Solid Snake
>Big Boss brainwashing a soldier and putting his legacy on his shoulders against his will is not evil
>him becoming what he hated at the end of 3 isn't evil
Big Boss didn't do it. Zero did while they were both in the coma. By the time Boss woke up Venom had already been fucked with.
He was still okay with it once he woke up. Also with all the innocent people being slaughtered. Also leaving his best friend.
The thing I hate outside of MGO, is the mission structure and the map design. GZ had a really good map, but PP was fucking awful. I'd understand if the sandbox was decent, but it's empty and bland.
I guess in the end it's my fault for being hyped for a game.
It is so easy to forget the hype, isn't it?
the hype was unreal.
those trailers man.
I'm interested, how exactly would mission 51 fit in where you claim it would've been?
It would basically happen before Mission 43. Pretty much everything you saw in the video was the story content. It's also why no one ever talks about Eli and Sally after they disappear in TPP (because by Mission 43 they already took care of them) .
Nah, MGSV was fucking hilarious.
All makes perfect sense in hindsight when Kojima called MGS4 the last numbered entry. Ending the MGS franchise with a spin-off game in disguise is literally the most Metal Gear thing ever and I love it.
I loved Peace Walker and I thought Phantom Pain was going to be the even better Peace Walker and game of the generation
how wrong I was
I will always be disappointed
Why didn't they just make motherbase a regular military compound? Would have been cooler.
Tripping on acid and wandering around motherbase was cool, though.
I'm the opposite. Didn't like Peace Walker, loved The Phantom Pain.
>Venom isn't the real Big Boss
>MGSV isn't a real MGS5
'course it's not. It's Metal Gear Solid Venom.
It was only called '5' for marketing purposes. Look at how poorly Peace Walker sold.
The game as fun and the story was interesting enough to keep me playing.
The real disappointment was the sheer lack of potential DLC that Konami just didnt give a fuck about. Mission 51 was near complete, they could have finished it up and sold it for like $20 and we wouldve eaten it up like GZ. There was so many possibilities for new mission parameters or just putting new filler missions in different locations that from a development stand point, would not have been extremely hard. The game was pratically made for more filler missions.
But no, all Konami gave us was shitty online additions no one wanted. Or that boring ass fuck FOB missions that may have given a lazy color swap outfit. Wasted potential all the way around
>near complete
It barely left the concept phase.
>i-i-it gets g-good if you listen to 5754 audio novels!
He had no fucking choice but to be okay with it, moron. Venom had already been created by the time Jack woke up. What was he going to do, destroy his most trusted soldiers mind by shattering his conditioning just so the two of them can go be buddy buddy and rebuild the same shit that literally just failed him?
t. Big Boss
Ah, so you're the retard from yesterday.
>Biggest dissapointment
Yes, but it was also the best game of 2015 so its a bittersweet kind of thing. Which fit perfectly into the games theme and almost kind of elevated it for me.
The only way I could rationalize the blind hate the game got was people getting mad about their headcanon not being played out. The game is definitely not without its flaws but all of them are so negligable and don't take away much from the game at all, Save helicopter sequences, which were the KEY flaw of the game not whatever other bullshit people bitch about. Downtime is always a flaw, being mad about the story is just being a little bitch.
>random nobody
>confirmed best solider under boss himself
So you're the retard I blew the fuck out yesterday, huh? Keep being a moron and keep getting dealt with in open forum.
Nope, I was just in that thread.
>fucking retards hype yourself over ever trailer over-analyzing every little thing making up theories about anything possible obsessing about the game every possible second on Sup Forums
Half the game was incomplete, user. Stop blaming Konami for everything.
Then you're just as retarded as the guy I blew out for blaming Jack for what happened to venom. You've already got it set in your own foolish mind whos guilty of what and will never be able to appreciate the game for what it is.
So please, lurk more. Only start posting when you know what the fuck you're posting about.
>half the game was incomplete
Imagine being this retarded
I will never not be mad
>you're a random nobody
Ironically this isn't true, you're the real Big Boss. Yeah Jack is the guy who was given the title, but he only had like 3 missions and then his small 300 man army and his little base was destroyed. He didn't even accept the title until 1974, one year before his coma. Also turns out most of the legends about him and Snake Eater were exaggerated.
Meanwhile, Venom is the man who most people are referring to when they talk about what made Big Boss a legend. The legend who went through all those missions in the 80s, the man who built 5 bases with 3500 troops strong. A bulk majority of Big Boss' legend is Venom while Jack was in hiding.
imagine being this kojicucked
oh wait you don’t have to
>It was also supposed to be a Ground Zeroes type DLC (named Metal Gear Solid V: Kingdom of the Flies) that was supposed to release a year after the TPP for next generation consoles.
Can I get a source on this? This is more information on the chapter than I've heard before.
shit taste
>every fucking mission is "go to X, take/destroy Y, leave X"
>AI is hot garbage until they get upgraded, then halfway through the game you take away their upgrades and theyre back to being retarded forever
I'd love to, but that would mean giving you names and I can't do that. Want me to go into detail about it the mission and why it was cancelled?
>every fucking mission is go from here to here
>guards are retarded, you can always see their movement and vision cones
mgs1 is overrated
mgs2 and mgs3 are the great metal gears
exactly every mission is like sidequest from MMORPG
>fuck asscreed and witcher lol repetetive garbage!
>omg kojima give me your dick!!! death stranding HOOOOYYYYYYP
It was great.
mgs1 is liked because it was an amazing game that was something new back in the day.
So it doesn't surprise me one bit that modern Sup Forums users keep saying it's overrated,since they never had any experience with it in the first place.
Also a great game.
They didn't want to use any more funds because of the wasteful spending up to that point. Everything released as DLC was content they already had, because releasing MGSV as it was in the first place was simply a cost recouping measure.
>people fell for the TRUTH mission
War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength and what if Truth is Falsehood?
Why don't people question the crazy reveal in a series famous for dealing with the controll of informations? Especially MGSV with all those 1984 references.
honestly random nobody would've been just fucking fine without the whole big boss doppelganger shit. I liked the idea of playing as a new character in it, I just wish Venom could have been his own character instead of a body double, it literally added nothing to the story.
I'm glad Ground Zeroes got pushed out earlier than TPP
GZ was fucking great.
No it wasn't.
>War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength and what if Truth is Falsehood?
Christ almighty, what a dumb thing to say. Read a fucking book. Minitrue's 'truth' is about limiting the spectrum of thoughts that are possible in the human brain, not just "durr what if true = lie :O"
Why start that mission with the "There are no facts, only interpretations" quote if we are not meant to question anything in it? I'm just suggesting another point of view.
>over 3000 nukes disappear in a few days on steam
>every day couple of hundred more disappear
>only started a few day ago
So what's going on, this is very uncommon
Wasn't it canceled becaus pachinko?
Hey, just started MGSV actually. Anything that I absolutely should avoid?
I killed a few dudes rescuing Miller but haven't really killed any otherwise. Just finished Mission 8 by C4ing the tank commander and both tanks, couldn't find a way to extract him. Also I knocked a guy out in a guard tower once and other enemies spotted me and blew it up with a grenade after I left, does that count as a kill for me?
And I've been playing offline since I'm not sure I want to deal with FOB stuff, any way to clarify how the Online/Offline GMP and equipment works?
Yeah, FFXV was a real fucking disappointment, and I didn't even pay for it because my friend is a big FF-fag, hated it and lent it to me indefinitely. As soon as I beat the game I never touched it again; Comrades and Episodes tempt me for a few minutes until I remember how fucking tedious everything from Chapter 8+ was.
Even finishing only 8-9 missions in MGSV I've already had way more fun than I did the whole way through FFXV. Though I find myself wishing there was faster travel around mother base.
Doesn't really matter if you get spotted or kill people. Just replay the mission if you wanna do it differently. Only really matters if you're looking to S-rank missions. Online GMP is extra money that you have when connected online only and goes towards buying super overpowered equipment that develops in real time instead of in game. It's only useful for FOB, you can 100% the single player with the basic equipment. You know the difference between them because the online equipment has a yellow background.
There's also a limit to how much online equipment you can develop at once, it's however many fobs you have. Max is 4.
weird indeed
At each base/location make sure to collect the invoices attached to the delivery points (they're small, orange metal platforms) which allow you to fast travel using the card board box. It completely changes doing the side ops, instead of having to fly in, deploy and travel to each location/op, it makes it feel more like playing a big version of Ground Zeroes, and makes things like destroying enemy comms actually useful.
>I'm not sure I want to deal with FOB stuff
If you don't wanna play real people you can deal with some of that shit by doing the events. You can get like 250 or 300 S+ soldiers just from doing the event one week, then wait for the event to change(updates biweekly) and do it again. If you only have 1 fob you can have a full S+ base in a few weeks.
Okay, good. I'm into online play in most games but it's kind of confusing how it works so if I don't have to decide now, it'd be preferable to stay offline.
Kill Quiet. Mission 11.
But who was leading those XOF forces in Kingdom of the Flies (aka 51) ?
Just wait for it, you'll be calling twin snakes good in comparison on release day.
Damn, I got a few of them but there's so much stuff in this game between tapes and logs. I've been sorting through that slowly but didn't look at any invoices yet.
Already got her. Rode through the ruins and triggered the fight, was pretty tough with just a silenced pistol and the nonlethal UN assault rifle. I'm a hoarder in games so I never kill/destroy what I can use.
Donald Anderson
>Donald Anderson
I dig it.
There was literally nothing wrong with ZTD
Rob Peeler (the KPLA community manager) talked about in a couple of places (twitter/metal gear informer). That it was scraped (or at least put on a back burner with some intention of still doing it) fairly early in the games development, as well as some other stuff, like how KotF wasn't the ending, the ending of the game was as planned, and the repeat missions weren't put in in place of scrapped original missions.
(Am a different user) but there are some clues KOTF would be separate from TPP like Ground Zeroes was. In the Art Book for instance, its divided into three sections MGSV: Ground Zeroes, MGSV: The Phantom Pain, and MGSV:Kingdom of the Flies, not Kingdom of the Flies being a mission within TPP. Though I think it would have to be accessed/activated (obvs) through story triggers in the game, as the Mission ID list that was datamined show it with a similar code to Shining Lights, A Quiet Exit and Truth. [a good way to think about might be, at least 'storywise', like what Artorias of the Abyss was to Dark Souls.]
Have you anti-shills been paid by some rival company to hate on XV? Fuck off. It's one of the best FFs ever made and saved the whole series.
Oops, forgot to post mission ID list:
>pretty much every single one of them advance the plot if you actually bother to listen to the dialogue between your targets and other people
the plot shouldn't have relied on obscure conversations and long audiotapes to make all those filler missions relevant
So back in 2012-2013, when the game was still relatively early in development, the mission that eventually became Kingdom of the Flies was supposed to be MGSV's equivalent of the Paz/Zeke fight in Peace Walker (The game as a whole uses Peace Walker's story structure too).
After Konami announced and released Ground Zeroes as a standalone chapter of Metal Gear Solid V (it was profitable), they wanted to do the same to some of the ending missions. They obviously couldn't take the actual ending of the game (Mission 46) and sell it separately so they took something that happens before it : the final boss fight. Eli's mission changed a bit after this decision. Originally it was supposed to take place in the normal Angola-Zaire map, but since it was now supposed to be DLC KojiPro scrapped it and started again.
This time they envisioned the mission taking place in a separate place, a huge island. Since it was DLC and they had more than a year till launch (and most of the content in The Phantom Pain was already completed), KP added new things to it that weren't in the base game, like traps and some areas that required interaction with the world to proceed. It was much bigger in concept than any of TPP's missions because it was only being made for next generation consoles.
Then the fallout happened. Konami wanted TPP to be released early 2015 but the game wasn't completely finished. Shit happened. Kingdom of the Flies was initially put on hold and then later cancelled. Fuck, I'm tired.
the most disappointing aspect for me was the gameplay.
So much pure raw potential and then they go nowhere with it. Enemy AI is shit and too easy to get away from and deal with, especially at range. You can't really call in your own troops or have large scale battles or really use your massive motherbase army for anything.
In the game you can fucking call in a support helicopter to pick you up or rain fire on your enemies while ride of the valkyries is blaring on the speakers. You can fucking do that which is the coolest shit ever, but there's no fucking reason for you to ever do that because 99% of the time you'll be tranq rifle headshotting dudes by yourself.
what happened to Sahalathawhatever after Liquid stole it
Pretty much. After Skull Face's death, control of XOF ended up in Zero's hands again.
Recovered by XOF in KotF
Damn, SIGINT was smart as fuck pulling that move while Venom was dealing with Eli
I'm pretty sure Boss was infiltrating the US Government and building Zanzibar. But the twist killed me, it left the game feeling so empty since the real Boss was off doing his own thing while you had these experiences, it just makes him into some dick with no real downfall it just irks me
long story short. He goes on island. Releases the parasites. Taunts Diamond Dogs. Diamond Dogs beat the shit out of Eli and destroy Sally for good. Mantis removes parasites from Eli and gets him out of there. Diamond Dogs napalm bomb the shit out of the island.
it's funny because metal gear survive has more structured missions yet everyone will shit on him because LE KOJIMA
I'd been excited about XV since it was XIII VS and had those early PS3-gen graphics with Noctis and Stella. The tonal shift between XIII-VS to what we got of XV meant I'd always be disappointed.
Even if I removed my unreasonable expectations, XV was still an unfinished game, and it shows. What a disappointment. At least MGSV is fun to fuck around in, whereas the load times (if fast travelling) or travel time in XV suck any enjoyment out of the barren landscape.