Coming from someone that played Bloodborne first and then the Dark Souls series, I have it on good authority and can 100% confirm that Blood vials are superior to Estus flasks as a game mechanic.
Coming from someone that played Bloodborne first and then the Dark Souls series...
you are correct.
Constantly having 20 because enemies throw them at you is pretty lame
Hitting to heal back is neat but those two together make the game pretty easy
They're both fine in honesty.
Blood Vials are incredibly easy to obtain in large quantities so their being a non-replenishing resource doesn't impact at all.
>having to walk back to cathedral ward to grind for it
idk, i feel like estus is kinda better since it's always refilled after you died and you can't increase it until you pass levels to find them. I can imagine a lot of new players having to farm for ages to pass the first few levels.
Coming from someone who started with dark souls and on my way to trying to complete BB 100% agree
oh well I guess that confirms it then
If you play properly you don't need to grind. Also the guy outside Ludwig drops 5 every time.
>the virgin estus VS the chad Blood
Makes the game way too easy, I was saddened that BB turned out to be the easiest of the souls games.
but you have to constantly farm them
How many times are you faggots going to make this thread?
>souls game
Thanks for stating the obvious.
Everyone knows bloodborne is mechanically the most polished souls game.
wrong. grinding for healing items is dick and you know it. estus is bestus.
They aren't self-replenishing but they are renewable. You can buy an unlimited quantity for blood echoes, and they are cheap.
I sometimes think the people who whine about 'blood vial farming' think they have to farm drops and don't realise they can just spend a few echoes to get hundreds of vials. I use my coldbloods for them if I ever need to restock.
>easiest of the souls games
That will forever be Demon's Souls
Grass from Demon's Souls is superior, shitters get out.
Why not have both
>inb4 DS2 is the fkn worst and I should go hang myself
>ever having to farm for blood vials
the only time I ever ran out was on a NG+7 run.
took 1 minute to farm 400000 echoes from a chalice dungeon and I was on my way again.
Nobody playing Bloodborne for the first time will play properly. Blood vials are inherently a bad game mechanic because they ruin the flow of a first playthrough. Most people are shit, and they're gonna have to go farm some blood vials during the first parts of the game if they get fucked up by any of the early bosses too many times.
Estus is a better system because the player can focus on their goal without having to take a trip to fucking Costco (central yharnam) to get some more blood vials.
Come on now, do you people even fucking play video games?
I can't fucking stand them. Main story is easy enough, but having to fuck off and farm souls for 10 minutes every few attempts at a difficult chalice boss is just awful. I'll probably never replay the game in its entirety solely because of it.
>Running out of vials
Fucking kill yourself, needing to heal at all is already ultra casual tier.
Blah blah blah 10 days platinum etc.
Orphan of Kos is very challenging and Lud and Zallen are frankly ridiculous. Maneaters is harder than anything in DaS and DaSIII was easy but I should clarify I didn't play the DLC for DaSIII because the base game was shit.
If we include Chalice Dungeons then BB is easily hardest because fuck Defiled Hotdog and Loran Camera Beast.
wow you’re so cool faggot
I think opinions may vary which is the best but I think we can all agree that DaS3 is the fucking worst by far.
It's literally faster than a blood vial.
Blood vials being limited made me reluctant to use them, because I wasn't certain I'd be able to get more if I ran out. As a result I healed less, often dying with 18 blood vials still on my person.
As a side effect of not relying on 20 heals to facetank bosses, I got gud.
>it's this thread again
you got anal annihilated yesterday, why come back for another roasting?
>DS1 on last place
no I didnt have to grind the first time around
you are just bad at video games
DaSIII was the worst at literally everything except boss design and even then only mechanically.
DaS2 is the worst but I don't think you should hang yourself!
In terms of boss difficulty.
All of the bosses in DaS except O&S fall to the universal strategy of just staying behind them.
DS2 is not the worst desu
But you should still hang yourself.
Kinda forgot about new players. I've got 2000+hours on be so I kinda forgot what it's like to die before forbidden woods
What kills you in Forbidden Woods? Apart from the cannon catching me by surprise the first time, I thought it was a pretty comfy area.
>if you have the DLC it's fine
I feel you.
I only play to make PvP builds these days so I'm pretty accustomed to playing through the DLC at level 43.
DaS2 is bad on paper but isn't as bad as you play. It actually isn't as overpowered as you would think because it actually takes time to use stuff.
DaS3 is much worse. Estus is super fast and heals a lot and then you can just roll away 4 times being literally invincible.
I never run out of vials on my first playthrough. The only times I run out was when I was trying to speedrun through stuff in subsequent plays and didn't stop to kill stuff or buy vials ever.
you're a baddie if you EVER have to grind for vials or echoes in bloodborne
The restrictions that the estus system brought about in the beginning on the games is the main reason why I enjoyed the vial system so much more.
Take the intro levels of BB in contrast to DS3
In BB, the vial system allowed for the map size and enemy count to be outstanding. As you progressed through the map (and therefore took hits and used vials), the vials would be relatively commonplace drops, allowing you to continue to make ground the more and more you went in. If you were a shitter at the game you could save up plenty and then go on with excessive extra heals to make up for it. If you are already good at the game it didn't matter either way how much extra you get.
However in DS3 with the estus, the map had so much potential to be huge, with varied routes and enemies and all sorts of interesting routes you could take. However, since you were only allowed 3 (or 4) estus drinks, each restoring a very small amount, and with NO ability to regain them other than the tiny chance of an enemy kill dropping 1, it dramatically limited the length of map between bonfires, as well as forced beginners to be too restricted/nervous to lose them. If you're a shitter at the beginning of a DS game, you're basically fucked. If you're good then it didn't matter.
Later on in DS3 DLC, the maps exploded out into vast territories with plenty to explore and fuck with, but by then you already had 10+ and with boosted HP recovery, though still no estus recovery.
So yeah, If the estus heal was altered/switched for vials I can only imagine just how much better the beginning, as well as plenty of the intermediate levels, would have been free to really expand and make for a thorough, non-linear game with limited enemies.
Nope, estus is perfect in das1. BB is also the hardest next to das2 imo.
Personally for me it goes like this:
DaS3 > BB > DeS >> DaS1 >>> DaS2
I just like good gameplay and level design. I don't know why everybody shits on DaS3 when it improved on almost everything and didn't keep any of the dumb shit from 2.
>improved on almost everything
Didn't know matchmaking was almost everything user but I'm glad you enjoyed the game
>If you're a shitter at the beginning of a DS game, you're basically fucked.
This is the prime reason why DaS has miracles. DaS1 comes to mind as you can get them right out of the gate regardless of class.
Another big element to consider is the invasion system in accordance to estus level. DS3 was changed so level and weapon level factored into invasions, but not estus. Therefore a person who has a reliable dark hand/some good early game weapon could slip through most of the game and get 10-14 estus, all of which allowed to be up to +9, so they could invade with upwards of 7 estus that are +9, as opposed to 3/4+0, giving them a 'very' easy time invading early.
Vials, however, are constant throughout the game so there's no way an invader can use them to such an advantage.
at the cost of FP (which you'd have to sacrifice an estus count for replenishing), with no way to regain it. It's the continuous reward of vials and being allowed to stockpile them that allowed maps to be much larger for early game adventures.
Everyone shits on DaS3 because it didn't come out with Bloodborne. Bloodborne was made with DaS2. Compared to BB, DaS3 is an unpolished mess with overpowered rolls, ss being speed up to bb levels, overpowered healing, generic movesets all around, gimmick copy pasted WAs instead of a proper L2 moveset, a lot of reused assets, went backwards on backstab mechanics, still broken covenants that simply doesn't work or are redundant, obviously reused/leftover assets from bloodborne, all counter incentives possible to make people not invade, easy infinite phantom summoning with no consequences, boss with infinite sequence of combos full of idiotic spins, enemy AI somehow more stupid than DaS2's, etc.
It goes on.
The only thing DaS3 has going for it is some bosses and matchmaking.
>maneaters is harder than anything in DaS
It might be because demons souls was the last game in the series I played but I have never died to the maneaters. It took a few attempts to beat flamelurker the first time though
What kind of build did you have?
They're pretty rough for pure melee. You can beat them easily with magic but such is the nature of Demon's Souls.
I played DaS then DeS.
They gave me a hard time.