That one game that you love that Sup Forums almost universally hates and makes discussion of nigh impossible

>that one game that you love that Sup Forums almost universally hates and makes discussion of nigh impossible

what's her name?

Dark Souls 2.
Eh, their loss.

Sup Forums adored the fuck out of DS3, every single one of them, until ds3 came out.

Final fantasy XIII

Every time I mention how much I love Fire Emblem Echoes I get screeched out of threads by screaming autists.

>No meme translations
>Actually difficult, even when you play on no-death mode
>Dungeon exploring is fun
>Walking around the map and examining items while talking to people SMT style is fun
>muh weapon breaking
>muh five hundred billion dorrars of DLC you don't actually have to buy

I think the absolute travesty of Fates shit the bed so hard people refuse to give Echoes a chance.

Original evil within

Nier Automata

Im here friend

Mario kart Wii, and Im not even an autismo GP onlinefag

Killing Floor 2.
I can understand the hate tho since the pre release was a complete wild rollercoaster but in the end they delivered.

really? come on, its a total snorefest.


The only people here who post about it are dumb Mai fags who don't even play the game and if I try to talk about it it always ends up in rabid GG fags shitting on it.

i loved destiny 1 so much. shame that destiny 2 managed to fuck it all up

>posts Terumi
My boi you got taste

Good taste, friend.

MKWII has the best drifting mechanics and the best overall course selection in the series. MK8 is a disaster with the coins and weird gravity mechanics. MKWII was the pinnacle of pure kart racing, and probably will be for the foreseeable future.

Brothers in arms

Diablo 3
I know it sucks, but i love the way it sucks

I genuinely enjoyed The Last of Us and my only real complaint was that you couldn't skip the opening hour of the game on repeat playthroughs because it's painfully, ass rippingly fucking slow and terrible when you just got done beating the game on (insert hard difficulty names) and have to be handheld for an hour/hour and a half every single time.
but yeah, not many people ever wanted to talk about TLoU beyond shitposting.

D3 honestly doesn't even suck. The plot is lame, true, but I cannot think of a game in its genre without a similarly hackneyed plot.

D3 perfected skill changing/respecs in its genre, and will stand as a classic for years as a result. I don't think I'll ever play another Diablo-like that has the standard skill tree again, D3's system is just so much better in every way.

The Yo-kai Watch series. Sup Forums bought into Kotaku’s “Pokemon killer “ clickbait.

Fucking great game user!

Almost anything to do with Nintendo

Sup Forums hating a game is nowhere near as harmful to discussion as when half of Sup Forums likes it and the other half doesn't. At least if Sup Forums hates a game the thread will be empty or allow fans to discuss in relative peace. If it's divisive then the thread just devolves into fighting

This, or when politics and games clash

Yes every Bubsy game after the first one is shit (including the new one that just came out)

But the first one is actually good. It's just not AS good as Sonic or Mario. No one seems to give it a chance. It's weird when people say the newest one is "the closest Bubsy ever got to a competent game" because the 1st one has many things over it.

Which one was the best?

Sup Forums can't get past the first mega man zero boss and they shit on the game just because it made the mistake of putting a little grind at the start to use your weapons properly

Meanwhile i have completed all the games in the series easily with S rank on every mission, they are honestly even easier than the X games

Oh, that is the absolute worst.

it doesn't matter, Sup Forums will make them clash so they can shitpost on the most tenuous reasoning. this + hype + console war is just a horrible combination of shitposting that I simply can't stand any longer.

The music for Echoes was also one of its strongest points.

the best fighting game: ssb

Megaman legends. I'm as upset as the next guy 3 got cancelled for the most bullshit reason. Get over it, there's still so much to talk about of the 2 games and misadventures.
I can't even talk about my love of low poly because the convo will always come back to MML3.
You guys don't "ruin" discussion of the games, the cancellation of 3 quite literally broke people on even wanting to talk about it. Its sad.

There's gonna be like 1 or 2 WiiU games that never get ported over to Switch and switchtards are gonna malign them as terrible games from now until the end of time. I fucking know it.

For me the only reason I dislike them more than X is that Zero's sprite is so big and the screen field-of-view is so small.

can i play destiny 1 solo or do i have to play with someone?

That's what emulation is for, friend.

I think monster hunter world is alot of fun, but I do agree the rocksteady mantle is a problem

for my purposes, DS2 was the best since I mostly cared about pvp. I've done alot of runs in it and it just doesn't get old. It's one of those subjective things though.

Destiny 1 was just "Phantasy Star Online but it's an FPS" anyway

Yoshi or Donkey Kong 64

Holy shit, this.



Resi 4. Like damn that game has aged like fine wine and it's fucking hated on because it was popular at one point. I will accept that it had flaws but really??? This is why hallway horror games are even a thing

>3 sanik games in the list

Night In The Woods.

add Killing Floor 2

this, RE4 is a gem and people need to accept it moves on past muh fixed camera angles


Y'all can fuck off, it gave me feels and had some solid tunes.

Half-Life 2
I get that it wasn't exactly revolutionary but fuck that game was amazing.
also sidenote:
This video is exactly 10 years old today

That's not why people hate RE4 you fucking cunt

Pic related.
I don't know if Sup Forums just hates it or if there's on pajeet who likes shilling Nuclear Throne and shitting on Gungeon whenever it comes up.

RIP Blazblue, it had an actual ninja as opposed to President Weeaboo Ninja

these threads are cancer and shit taste and wrong opinion enablers

Undertale was a brilliant game. Falls just short of entering my top 10.

Dark Souls 3 comes to mind


pretty much any racing game that isn't a retarded "hold up to win wtf are brakes"

Another instance of a solid game with a garbage fandom

Unironically FFXII
Good thing I couldn't give a shit what you faggots think because FFXII is without a doubt the best Final Fantasy in the series.
t. long term fan who hated the look of XII at first before I actually played it and sunk nearly 1k hours into it.

Yeah but only because of assfags. The haters don't even give a fuck enough to shitpost anymore.

See conflict and neither has really said why but I understand you both. There is reason this shit gets ported to everything regardless of quality


I don't hate it but god damn was I salty when it turned out to be so fucking dull.

Star Citizen

I didn't think I'd like bang but I played him in a match as a meme and had a pretty good time.

Every game ever

Except MGQ, everyone likes MGQ

Holy shit fix the fucking captcha, seventh time I've submitted this with a solved captcha

Wait why can't we talk about the BEST 3D sonic game?

I like it though

I don't shitpost but to be 100% honest, I didn't even give Echoes a second glance because of how fucked Fates was

Start a Drakengard thread and talk about it in there

This game is fun and all but sadly made me realize that I just can't play these types of rougelikes. I'm too accustomed to the type where even if you do die you are still making incremental progress (Increased damage or health by .05% or whatever). I've never made it passed the 3rd floor. I look at these games like I look at Cuphead, sure they look cool but there's no way I'll ever actually be able to beat it without immense practice and frustration so fuck it.
I guess I'm just getting to old for this shit.


hey guys, i really like pokemon XD

Yeah this, the best Automata thread I've ever been in was a hijacked Drakengard 3 thread.

>Emulating Rainbow Curse or Fatal Frame
Can't be done properly


I haven't beaten it, but I played through a lot of it and mostly spent my rime doing optional content and hunts. Shit was so comfy and fun. I'm with you, brother.

>Sup Forums adored the fuck out of DS3, every single one of them, until ds3 came out.
I believe it

Every Matsuno game is good prove me wrong you can't

Radiant Mythology

Metroid: Other M

No I'm fucking with you that game's irredeemable and anyone who likes it should be shot

DmC, fuck Sup Forums I liked it and yes I played old DMC so fuck off.

Didn't mean to reply but hey, no script captchas work nicely

Does the fact a fandom is shit ruin a game for you? Genuine question.

pokemon xd: gale of darkness

DmC is better than old DMC imo, that's coming from someone who loves the old games.

Honestly, this. I played Bubsy so much as a kid and absolutely loved it! Later in life when I saw how many people despised the games I really couldn't wrap my head around it. I never had any problems and could beat it just fine, to this day I still kinda don't understand, or maybe it's just people bandwagoning?

Just about any game is near impossible to discuss without some form of shitposting. Sup Forums has always been shit but it's definitely gotten worse over time with the influx of phone posters. You can't talk about anything now without someone who has blatantly never touched the game talking about how shit it is.

The problem with Echoes is that it has barely any replayability value whatsoever.

What's so wrong about phone posters?

Well it's better than DMC2 at least

Gungeon is a game with a lot potential, but with critical design flaws that hold the game back immensly. Floors are way too big, enemies are bulletsponges, pickup droprates are way too low, the playable characters don't really play different from eachother, save for Robot and Bullet. Elevator upgrades are expensive as hell and themselves useless, and you only do it for the item unlocks. And the fact that the only way to reliably gain more health is when you beat bosses without taking damage is beyond retarded

fuck off underage

Phoneposter here, don't shitpost though
It's braindead easy to ban evade

Skip every cutscene and Conquest becomes an easy 10/10.

who the fuck has static IPs in year 2018
if anything phone posters dont have a 1gb folder of smug anime reaction images available

Encourages short posts with the same dozen images that they have saved locally over and over again.


Gears of War

The first 2 always have some assholes running around the threads and crying because you aren't playing their onii-chan panty quest instead.
Latter 2 usually have retards from competing franchises trying to validate their opinions as facts and shitting up the thread.

Came here to say this