Hey Nintendo
*forever kills Nintendo console presence*
Nothing personnel kid
Hey Nintendo
*forever kills Nintendo console presence*
Nothing personnel kid
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The Wii sold 3 units for every PS3 unit sold though, and the Switch is on its way to outsell the PS4.
And I was a Sony kid.
>things that didn’t happen
>clones every hardware innovation that Nintendo invents
The Wii is the perfect example what Nintendo is all about.
Quick easy money cashing on gimmicks that have zero lasting value. The Wii fucked them over real good with the Wii U.
>Switch is on its way to outsell the PS4.
The PS4 outsold the Switch in 2017. It's been out for four years. The switch is a brand new console. Stay delusional.
Switch is selling less than 3DS relative to time. Despite Japan buying it only because it's a handheld.
But console sales typically do peak at around half their life (when they start having games), plus the switch wasn't out for all of 2017.
>Switch outselling PS4, Wii and PS2
>b-but the 3ds and the original DS sold more
You can't write Sony without SOY
Agreed. Sup Forums doesn't realise how much the core gaming audience hated the Wii and how bad their reputation was by the time the Wii U was out.
They blame it all on people not knowing that the Wii U was it's own console but of course that's only an excuse for people who didn't give really a shit about games in the first place.
lel I bet you're too young to remember that this was the exact same reason as of why the ps2 was such a sucess
That doesn't really apply to Nintendo handhelds.
3DS kept itself fairly consistent year-to-year despite more and more games and revisions. There's nothing indicating a surge in sales for Switch to come when it has absolutely nothing worthwhile in 2018 to sell units.
>equating Wii to PS2
Why do toddlers do this? PS2 had some of the greatest games of all times while Wii was wagglan shit for 4 years straight before it died and everyone moved to a real console.
>The Wii is the perfect example what Nintendo is all about.
I'd agree but for reasons that aren't retarded.
The Wii is emblematic of Nintendo for forcing gimmicks instead of making smart decisions. The Wii U bit them on the ass for this reason, along with its garbage marketing.
It's also representative of most Nintendo consoles having at LEAST 70% garbage libraries with most of the good games being first party. Multiplats are guaranteed shit no matter what and most developers just don't know how to or don't care to adapt to what Nintendo's hardware is doing.
But the Wii had a few fun games so I can't really hate it that much. Pic related is one of my GOAT games.
Still selling less than 3DS which is also about to get overtaken by PS4.
It was definitely something personal.
>both the technically weakest of their generations
>both sold like fucking crazy
gee I wonder
PS2 was stronger than Dreamcast while Wii was literally a duck-taped GC. But you were too young to remember it's ok.
I never understood why faggot kids choose the playstation 1 over the n64 never has a console had more shit games than ps1 like boxes and boxes of unplayable games. MFW my friend tried to show me coolboarders when i had 1080 snowboarding at home.
Dreamcast was out of the race shortly after PS2 came around. In comparison to its real competition, the GCN and Xbox, it was the fucking weakest. Fuck yourself, you stupid faggot. Yeah I mad.
>Dreamcast doesn't count as a 6th gen console
The state of toddlers. Look as they weasel themselves out of this one.
Didn't say it didn't count. It does. But you're are literally retarded if you think it mattered at all in comparison to the GCN, Xbox and PS2. There's a reason it shut down Sega as a hardware developer.
The absolute STATE of this retard.
I wouldn't call making your console a competitive DVD player alternative as well as having a pretty memorable library of games a fucking gimmick fucking kek.
>it doesn't count because I said so
I know having autism is rough but if you put down that cardboard covering your eyes you'd realize that Dreamcast was a real 6th gen console and not an imaginary thing.
Thank you for understanding.
The PS2 was succesful because it had tons of great games, played DVDs and was retrocompatible with the (at the time) best selling console of all time.
How fucking incompetent do you have to be to win 3:1 and 7:1 without making more money?
It's generally harder making money when your audience is less accepting of $80 cardboards
>gimmick craze all time high
>nobody remembers Nintendo gimmick anymore
This chart really says everything you need about Nintendo.
so today i got a gang beasts for the ps4 and i enjoy it thoroughly i think it would do good on the nintendo switch
*Destroys the Wii for eternity*
>that Nintendo JUST after Wii toy got too stupid for casuals
Wii has some of the best 7th gen games though.
During Sony's peak time during the PS2 era they were pretty much selling every console at a loss. It was the cheapest DVD player on the market.
I've always considered the PS1 to be the greater success than the PS2. It didn't need that DVD gimmick to BTFO the competition, just great games.
Nigger come on. It was essentials for games aswell.
*then matures into a responsible hard working adult with a hot wife and kid to play PS4 with*
Seriously Chad won in the end.
>hot wife
Doubt it.
I've seen pictures. She is. Very nice body despite having a baby.
You haven't.
You just saw a picture of him holding a baby that's not actually his.
Chad a cuck.
The PS2 didn't have the power of a PS1 with a motion sensing remote as its main controller.
nobody bought the fucking gamecube either. The wii U flopped because it was shitty and too expensive. That's it. It's nothing to do with the Wii or the core audience
So you're saying gamers wanted revenge against Nintendo for the Wii's success and took it out on the Wii U?
Reminder that when western journalism refers to "core audience", they refer to kids shouting at the mic at Call of fucking Duty.
Are you illiterate?
>not buying a console because you expect it to be shit like their last one
How do you even make that connection?
Why does the Gamecube come into this? I'm talking about the huge dip from the Wii to the Wii U.
>The Wii fuck them real good
Not as much as the PS3 fucked you :^)
Because everything gamers do is based on spite. Exhibit A: this thread.
PS3 fucked me? I got tons of great games on it on a hardware that was worth 200 Euro more than I paid for it.
Meanwhile your shitty toy was overpriced from start and in the long run only ended up killing Nintendo's console presence.
>I got tons of great games on it
Thats implying the PS3 has games. And we both know thats not true.
>Meanwhile your shitty toy was overpriced from start
If anything was overpriced it was the PS3 at launch.
Well, it's not like all of Nintendo's invetions were completely original either.
Atlease they didn't blatantly copy them.
How does it feel that Wii became so irrelevant after two years that not even multiplats came out for it anymore and PS3 became default console for that gen? Literally a shitty toy with a gimmick that got old so fast that its successor burned out completely and died.
And PS3 was factually underpriced for its actual cost. Do you even know basic vocabulary?
>that not even multiplats came out for it anymore and PS3 became default console for that gen?
Your fucking delusional. The Xbox was the 2nd place winner of the 7th gen. PS3 came in dead last as it should have.
PS4 outsold Shitch in 2017, fucking toddler.
>It didn't need that DVD gimmick to BTFO the competition, just great games.
And piracy. Same thing for PS2 and Wii.
>Wii became so irrelevant after two years
Thats false it had solid sales up until about 2012
Its extra four years of relevance into Gen7 due to the PS3's utter disaster also helped.
Meant to reply to , in regards to the PS2
Solid sales and still no games. It will go down as perhaps the darkest period in all of console gaming's history.
There were plenty of great games after 2008.
We're not talking about the PS4, user
>the Switch is on its way to outsell the PS4.
Let's wait until it outsold the Vita first
Rekt him
yea dude just finished shadow of memoreis last yeah whats next
>>>Switch outselling PS4, Wii and PS2
What the fuck are you talking about?
There are so many wrong facts in this thread I don’t even know where to begin.
-Sony sold one third of PS1 consoles after the PS2 came out. This was mostly to poor third world countries who bought hardware only and pirated software. The N64 was effectively discontinued by then.
-PS2 was only the cheapest DVD player on the market for one year (2000). By 2001 you could buy DVD players for the same price ($299) and by 2002, the PS2’s most successful year, you could buy DVD players already way cheaper ($40).
-Nintendo dropped software support for Wii before the market stopped buying it. That is, casuals didn’t abandon the Wii, Nintendo euthanised it,
-Blaming the Wii U’s failure on the Wii is like blaming the PS3’s launch failure on the PS2. It’s literally the most sub-80 IQ business analysis you can make.
- Wii had little Multiplatform support because third parties thought it would be another GameCube so hardly anything was commissioned in development for that platform. When the next round of games came along, 360 and PS3 had picked up a little bit. Many developers and publishers were anti-Wii because of the console’s anti-AAA philosophy which, in hindsight, was most prescient.
-PS2 was more powerful than GameCube, but it was extremely hard to optimise.
64 > ps1
GC >> ps2
Wii > ps3
Switch > Wii U >>ps4
>Wii had little Multiplatform support because third parties thought it would be another GameCube so hardly anything was commissioned in development for that platform. When the next round of games came along, 360 and PS3 had picked up a little bit. Many developers and publishers were anti-Wii because of the console’s anti-AAA philosophy which, in hindsight, was most prescient.
Or maybe because of the huge powergap between Wii and PS3/360
MK Wii
Saints Row 2
Rhythm Heaven
Dragon Quest V
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Come on now. '08 wasn't that bad.
>idolizes a shitposting cretin
>doesn't realize that said shitposting cretin grew up and moved on while he ended up posting in wojak-filled consolewar holes almost 10 years later
I own a Switch and no PS4 but you are objectively wrong if you believe that the PS1 and PS2 didn't win their gens.
At least with the Switch the gimmick they've landed on is not only not retarded, but actually useful and innovative. Waggle shit was cool in concept but horrible in execution and I still have no fucking idea as what the Wii U was supposed to be.
And Brawl.
Screw the post-documentary circlejerk, it's still my favorite
>MK Wii
Fuck you, I couldn't play the GP in multiplayer which is something I always do with my brother, that alone makes it the worst MK
>3 units sold for every PS3 sold
>Wii 101M
>PS3 80M+ (2013)
Wiimote became god-tier once they started making it with MotionPlus built in, I'm still fuming that Wii U didn't take the opportunity to make it standard by packing in a Wiimote.
Was going to list that but I was afraid of being dog piled by asshurt meleefags
Power gap had nothing to do it with, except philosophically. After all, even Mo dean Warfare 3 got a Wii port. There was just a common belief at that time that video games have to go rapidly forward in graphics and focusing on controls was only providing illusory success.
Developers and publishers just lacked faith in Nintendo’s vision. Stupidly in most cases. The reason there are so few non-indie games being produced today is that a ridiculous number of companies died after they bet the wrong horse in 2007/2008. - that is, the 360 or PS3 in stead of the Wii.
The ouya existed too.
So, I guess that matters.
I don't even like Nintendo, but your argument is a very retarded "but it does matter! It's a real phisycal object! It's real! It's real!"
Yes, user. We all know that is does exist, but that doesn't mean it meant much. (If Sega was still in the ring, you wouldn't be praising them so much, and you know it. You only care now because it's you fall to argument for the ps4. Which is just outright moronic.)
You Sonyqueers are so petty that this is the argument that you bring yourself to... but hey, anything to make the PedoStation4 look good, I guess... Not sure how spacking out over Sega has anything to do with it, but sure.
Don't bother.
Arguing with a Sonyqueer is like debating with an angry baboon.
They will just freak out, throw their shit at you and think they won an argument.
It's kinda funny, really.
They are all like it.
They are all the very same.
Look at any Sonyqueer and you will see a heavily brainwashed consumer.
Christ what a trainwreck of a post
>nindendo: foolish sony don't you know that cds are heresy? Look how awfull cd-i was.
I did it! This is amazing!
I was the one who finally befuddled a Sonyqueer so intensely that you had nothing to say!
Holy shit! I can't believe that I was the one who beat a Sonyqueer so badly that you couldn't even think of anything!
I know you still resorted to a petty insult, but that's what Sonyqueers do.
I am just so overjoyed that you absolutely gave up.
You are absolutely stuck, aren't you?
After defending Sega as a means to praise Sony, you finally ran out of fuel.
That's what it took? Defending Sega? Wow, Sega is so shit and it even burns a Sonyqueer out.
>GC >> ps2
Ps2 had much more and much better games, but no "muh moorioo" ofcourse, so I can see why you might think so.
>MFW the Wii outsold the PS3 and then the PS Move happened
What the fuck is it even saying?
You forgot *actually succeeds at it*
Sup brah.
>PS move
>more successful than Wii
>successful at all
>And PS3 was factually underpriced for its actual cost.
Get the fuck out of here, crazy Ken. Your senile ass was fired for a reason.
DVD playback in 2001 was a “gimmick”
Stay salty.
>never see threads starting “so i just got a 360/Wii”
>see “so i just got a PS3” threads to this very day
>it died first though
user, people not choosing your platform of choice is not “spite” get over your self
Do they though? IIRC the Move was a failure in every aspect except letting Sonyfags play RE4 with motion controls. I don't remember using Sixaxis for anything but Uncharted where it was for grenades and was generally just awful. Eye Toy was a joke as was PS Eye, I got one of each for free. AFAIK Sony's major claim to fame is dual analog sticks, I think they were the first to do that. They also make handhelds that actually have something under the hood but they never do anything with them, anything that might've interested me in a Vita got ported to the PS4.
>the pocketstation (not a virtual pet) was somehow copying poket Pikachu (a literal copy on the Tamagotchi craze)
Someone was desperate as fuck to make such an image and didn’t even think through their own hypocricy. Also fuck off with your anti competitve bullshit.