How are you supposed to use this shit reliably in solo?

how are you supposed to use this shit reliably in solo?

Other urls found in this thread:

1. don't get hit
2. hit the monster

git gud and enjoy all your 3 - 6 minute hunts

>Shieth weapon
>Draw attack when able
>Shieth weapon

git gud and learn every monster's attack patterns

hit the monsters until they die

triangle triangle circle triangle

tbqh great sword is the worst solo weapon in the game.
If the monster you're fighting is faster than fucking Barroth, you won't be able to get a hit in, and FORGET about fighting the really fast shit like Odogaron.

Nigger you what

>t. shitter
Solo'd every single monster, tempered included, with GS. Get good nerd.

Tackling into a easy 3rd charge swing is op as fuck and i hope you learn to get good and use it.

>3rd charge does more dmg that charge 1 and 2 combined.

Knock over
Super charge
Super swing.

I've only played MH3U. Is this game as good? I tried the beta but without much content I couldnt get a good feel for it. I want to get in now while the multiplayer is fresh, but $60+ is a lot for me right now

R8 my hunter!

If I can solo tempered EDs with HH, you can beat the story with GS


That weapon looks so fucking retarded.

Wow full Zorahs how creative

Works for me

I like it.

Lots of funs with a ton of QoL buffs, bu:
A) Lacks content, as expected of a non-G rank game
B) Is noticeably easier than past iterations as despite all of the QoL buffs, monsters still move slow and methodically like in 3 and 4.(or have overly tight hit boxes like Odogaren)

So will you get your moneys worth? Totally. Will you sink as many hours into it as you can FU/3U/4U? No

I've solo'd with GS before. It's perfectly fine. You just need to learn to fucking dodge.

>I only play realistic games like CoD for mature gamers such as myself

Turn off your cat. GS relies on you being able to predict the monster and punish. With your cat with you, the monster can get distracted at literally any moment.


What happens when you go online then? You won't be prepared for when the monster goes after your group.

GS is great fuck you. It's been my weapon of choice for every MH

As with everyone else who already stated it, you can solo any MH with GS.

I cleared nearly all of MH3U with GS (because I switched from DB to GS early on).

g rank when

Hopefully around PC release, otherwise likely a "Definitive edition" come xmas.
We can only hope there will also be the option to buy as an expansion, but hey: Capcom loves shooting themselves in the foot so we'll see.

Just killed double Bazels

Is there anything else left to hunt or just more of those purple quests?

>People not maining at least 3 weapons.

I do GS for big monsters, DS for fast shit and Hammer for monster with a lot of parts that need higher sharpness.

>was about to buy mhw
>apparently bowguns got nerfed
back to FU it is

Good riddance, one less person spamming ranged weapons

Remember that Monster Hunter is a defensive game (or at least used to be.)

This variation of it does. Why the fuck does it have wood?

purple dragons
Only slicing ammo. Normal, pierce, and elemental got buffed. Also Spread was already in a good spot, oddly enough.

Its great wood

The GS in OP's image has no wood though.
The blade is all bone.

bro you cant carve bones into weapons

>video game
Pick one and only one.

>TFW I am getting the hang of the GS now

It's a nice change from using Hammer most of the time. Whats a good GS to look out for?

>Is wrong
>Quotes things
>Points to be made
Still wrong bro

There's a middle ground between the two you that.


>no gunhammer

>No gunchucks

GS is the solo weapon.

Holy shit the absolute state of this board. How fucking bad at the most babby mode game in the series do you have to be to think the fucking GS is bad solo?


That's why solo hunting is way more fun and rewarding. Multiplayer is there to basically cheese everything to death. And even if it's unpredictable, it's much easier with multiple people doing damage

I thought the same when I started playing a decade ago, you just need to git gud.

Reading shit like this makes me feel like hot shit beating Brachy with GS consistently, but then I remember you guys are just shitters.
Also rate my waifu

I'm wrong about how a video game you've clearly never played works?
Also, since you're implying bones can't be used as weapons, you clearly have no idea about real world history either.

For real. First Mon Hun I've played (been playing mostly solo) and I only switch to anything else for fun. GS is what I take when I need something dead. Currently on double Bazil Juice.

I use multiple people just for farming when I’m bored. Hilariously you can’t break nergs horns in multi thanks to a glitch so I solo him anyways

>TFW beat both Bazels with HBG's slicing ammo

That ammo really needed a nerf to be quite honest

It's still decently powerful, and with the other ammo types getting buffs I'd said bowguns are better all round.

Solo GS is easy as shit since you can manipulate monster A.I
You shitters say the same thing about the Hunting Horn not being a viable solo weapon.

uhhhhhhhhhh, user viable implies a good hunt time. With 50 minutes total technically anything is viable if our only control is "monster ded"

I really don't know what they were thinking with slicing shot. If you feel like having a laugh, look at all the shitters crying on Reddit and gamefaqs about not being able to cheese the entire game with a fucking utility ammo. There are retards whining that they have to actually play bowguns using standard shots and aiming at weakpoints instead of just spamming s shot without critical distance. World brought in so many shitters, I hope there's a proper G rank crush them.

>Hilariously you can’t break nergs horns in multi thanks to a glitch
Seriously? It always seemed like the horns weren't breaking but I figured that was just because they had more hp in multi.

Is this fast enough you fucking shitter?

You can definitely break the horns in multi, it's just a hell of a lot harder to break parts and KO than it should be.

I will usually KO once and break both horns before the end of a hunt, but that's still a bit strange. I'd regularly KO 2-3 times in Tri and 4U and parts would break at about the same rate as solo play.

Get angry all you want but sub 15 for elders should be your goal, not even speed running circle jerking here

The way scaling currently is in multi, you pretty much can't break/cut anything on any monster.
For some reason, the scaling makes breaking parts or cutting tails take nearly as much damage as the multiplayer version of the monster has overall health, so unless you all only focus on a single part to break/cut, nothing will be broken or cut in multiplayer.
So, it seems the scaling for the break/cut threshhold is wrong.

You can for most monsters and it’s honestly not to bad. Not nerg. Absolutely nothing you do will break his horns in multi it’s hilarious

GS is one of if not the safest weapon in the game because your time spent not attacking can be spent superman diving or running.

This just plain isn’t true. I farmed HR Diabolos tails and horns on multi and had no problems whatsoever

That was my first hunt against it, it's not like I'm going out of the way to get speed kills. Viable is being able to kill a monster consistently and comfortably which is what I can do with any monster I've fought. If I used a greatsword which is my soul weapon then it would far quicker.


I've broken both horns with HH in a multiplayer session m8, you can definitely do it.

still trying to figure this out myself too. About to write it off as useless desu. Not nearly enough mobiliy or reliability.

>Walks into narga's paw
>Takes damage

I don't miss Gen2 at all.

I'm well aware and didn't post the Teostra pic. Just trying to show the retards on this board that it's easy to solo with GS

>rath runs straight over you
>deals no damage
so hurdcurr

Every weapon should be able to sub 5 Nerg, even HH.

Other Elders should be around sub 10, but that's just because they have those annoying fucking auras.

ah, assumed you were him. Carry on good user.

Since when did time to kill become the determining factor for whether or not a weapon was good or not? Especially in a series with barrel bombs and other shit to make the hunt faster and easier.

Since FU

Cat is cuter.

As a GS main who has no trouble getting all his strongest hits in all the time no matter what, this thread really boosted my self-confidence. It's not like it isn't tricky to get used to, but I am surprised people are having this much trouble. Especially this loser lol

Jut realized something.

How the fuck do you get throwing knives?

It doesn't matter what you use, so long as you can kill the target(s) within the time limit and are having fun.
The only people that care about kill times are the autistic elitists that want to grow their e-peen off some kind of bragging about getting sub-X minute kills.
You know, like the people that made hame a thing.

Dark Souls fags and tier-whores flocked to MH in droves, especially with World. All weapons are viable but some have better damage-potential than others in certain situations, though these are people that cried about how Charge Blade is overpowered in 4U despite DB/GS still dominating clear-times

This is what Worldshitters are like, Jesus

Yeah instead now you just chill under monsters all day since they "fixed" the hitboxes and steps don't hurt so nothing hits you

most secret arena quests have standard knives, bring your own mushrooms

World brought in tons of casuals that don't understand every weapon is viable. They get rekt and want to switch to the most OP weapon like you would in a normal game to try and rush through content.

Youtubers want their epic clickbait videos where they kill Nergi in 30 seconds.

You get them from the quest box in missions, meanining you can only create posion/sleet etc knives in the field.

People have been arguing about kill times since MH started you donut.

You can still find years old threads on gamefaqs with fags arguing about whether Hammer, GS, or HBG was the king in MHFU.

>tfw slicing shitters are giving HBG fags a bad name.

>watched a guy who made a video of a 100% affinity Kulu hammer build
>it does less damage than my Diabolos hammer’s negative crit

I was lance because headlocking

Yeah nah,i got into this series using the GS and even without understanding shit about the game I was able to solo things up until high rank with just a bone blade thanks to all that Raw damage

But it's fair now breh, positioning was a bullshit outdated mechanic for autists.

I’ve literally solo everything with GS. You just suck.

Bowguns got nerfed and are still stronger than everything else. One LBG faggot does more damage output than two hammer boys.

You want greatsword to be useful? Press circle/B while charging to do a shoulder bash that has hyper armor. But even more importantly, IT MOVES YOU FORWARD! And guess what, you can follow up with.another circle/B to use a forward moving vertical slash that deals more damage depending on what point of the charge you pressed circle/B at.

This can be used to face tank and trade with hop checks and roar while still continuing to deal out absurd amounts of damage. See a Radobaan rolling towards you like sonic the fucking hedgehog? Shoulder tackle that bitch! Get you a free tailcut

Slicing shitters made me stop playing the game until they patch it.

Every group I get into for tempered elders is 3 bowgunners with slicing. It's the least fun shit ever, compounded onto it taking like 5-10 minutes to get into an SOS in the first place because PSN is garbage.