Does playing games help your loneliness anymore

What video games help you forget you are friend less. Also /soc/ sucks its just trannies and penises.

Space station 13

Go check /vg/

>its just trannies and penises.
But that's what you're looking for, isn't it? Go away.

Nope I just want some casual conversation

Protip: Loneliness is a mental illness.
If you are happy with yourself, you will not feel lonely, since you always have your own company.
More importantly, having other people around you won't fix your loneliness, since your hurt feelz come from within yourself. You'll just not notice all the people around you and still feel isolated.

Have you tried being happy with yourself and enjoying videogames?
Friends are a normalfag meme anyway. Overrated and more effort than they're worth.

No I am not very happy with my self and yes I have some problems but I don't want my issues to be all I am. Ya know?

Instead of playing games, get paired with weirdos and go to a school trip with them so they eventually become your friends.

>being lonely in current year

I know what you're referencing, but say I didn't I have been out of school for awhile now.

I don't really feel the need to runaway from it, I accept it and just entertain myself with these video games.

Most of the time is doesn't bother me but when I am home alone, wife is at work and the kids are gone. I can really see how empty my life is

Play Minecraft, preferably with good shaders. I'm all alone on this Friday night and it's comfy as fuck.

>not being pass such things
Oh user, its like you don't hear the voices.

Thats why I have to have music or rain sounds on. So I can't hear them.

Last time I tried to play minecraft was like 3-4yrs ago.

Try to listen next time, very enlightening.

The Arisen + the pawn legion vs. the oni from toukiden 2. I would actually love to see/play that now

Allright user, what are your problems. Why are you unhappy with yourself?

I got bored of it a while ago as well, but I just started playing again and it's really fun in small doses.

Even Tomoko has friends now you loser.

And, thus, Sup Forums is betrayed.

amphetamines and imageboards are all you need to stay happy forever
there are still communities in pockets that are close but not namefaggy

>there are still communities in pockets that are close but not namefaggy
Not OP, but how to find?

Actually Sup Forums loves Tomoko's friends because they're all freaky, socially malajusted weirdos just like Tomoko.

Watamote is now cute freak girls doing antisocial things, like it was always destined to be.

Lurk and explore really, it hasn't changed.
It's just harder because everything is so fractured and so many anons probably just up and killed themselves.

Though I will say it's harder if your interests aren't in higher functioning autism territory.
For some reason anons who do things normal people consider work for fun are a lot less likely to fall into namefaggotry and circlejerking.

I mean, I'm into vidya, programming, and math, but I can't really find any communities based around games that I like or anything that aren't reddit boards. Hell, I don't even know where to even start lurking.

Go to the dead parts of more popular imageboards like here and wait for someone to mention a deader one.
Or just lurk the dead parts of the surface
That's usually enough.

The trick to finding good communities is patience, you're not going to find quality and speed.
Only places that are slow maintain the quality.
It's not even popularity, necessarily even, it's just how many people lurk verses post.
Ideally you want a lot of lurkers who only post when something interesting happens, so that those discussions are always really high quality and have a lot of back and fourth.

I dunno, the problem is that when I find dead forums, they're too dead. I don't really want to participate in a community where one post is made per month, but those seem to be the only ones I come across.
Also, the only dead parts of Sup Forums that I know of don't really pertain to my interests. I'm shit at 3D modeling, for example, and don't plan on getting any better any time soon.

Give user time. They are busy writing a short novel of a post.

I don't have loneliness. I have crippling depression and apathy that I mask with multiple layers of irony, alcohol and video game escapism.

Imageboards, not forums.
Forums are ubiquitously shit.

And not that dead.
One post per 1/2 an hour without anything interesting going on is and then once something interesting happens it's a post a 1/2 a minute is about what I'd consider healthy.
Also, expand your horizons, /3d/ is a bad example because it's an art board, and on art boards you only really get people who can't into art looking for advice and showoffs.
Whereas places like /diy/ are comfyish.

Pay more attention to how memes and board culture naturally evolve.
That means stay the fuck away from Sup Forums because reddit severely warped the natural lifecycle of shit like that.

>playing games to cure loneliness
Fuck that. I play games because I've had enough of people and I'm tired of making retarded small talk.

Video games are a distraction and have no benefit to you emotionally. They help you take your mind off of stresses, but can not fulfill the LACK of stress.

A certain amount of stress is ok. Meeting new people, and making the time to socialize with them can be a stressful process. That's a good kind of stress though. You pay in discomfort in order to gain in satisfaction.

No, not when I spend so much time alone and get compliments that I'm reasonably attractive and interesting person.

You're not reasonable attractive or interesting.
People are just saying that in a wasted attempt to improve your self image.

You aint helping here.


Where can I read Watamote online?
Asking for a friend.

But I like being alone though I get lonely sometimes

fuckin google it