The Jews will win as always

>tfw still have hope that EA will make BFII playable by removing all that shit.
A man can dream.

you're retarded if you think any of this eurocommie bullcrap will ever make a difference


its going to change a lot of games if lootboxes turn games adult only, however theres so many ways to make dlc that dodges lootboxes.

and they dont seem to be addressing mobile games while are literally lootboxes but 1000 times worse.

Why do we suddenly care about lootboxes when mobile games have been pulling this crap for the better part of a decade? Why is it fine for a game that can be downloaded for free on a phone by anyone and their children to promote literal gambling using credit card info already stored on the device, but when a $60 M rated video game has some optional cosmetics and upgrades it's suddenly a national disaster? Shouldn't you have more self control than that? You're just using gambling as an excuse to get mad about microtransactions. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Butthurt Star Wars fans.

Because there hasn't been much overlap at all between mobile gaming and console/pc gaming until the last few years. And that in no small apart to large crossovers from consoles onto mobile platforms.

>Shouldn't you have more self control than that?

Why do people keep bringing up this garbage argument? 90% of Humanity are braindead adult children who need to be babysat.

This is also why free market capitalism always ends in disaster and you have 1% owning 99% of the worlds wealth.

because mobile games are garbage anyway. unless you mean why senators now give a damn, in which case i have no idea, but could be right

Partially because most of the phone games are free and the method by which they make money is through optional expenses. It's built into the game. $60 AAA titles have adopted that method as a way to supplement income on a thing you're already purchasing and have since built those predatory practices into their full price vidya.

Look, I'm all for banning microtransactions in their entirety. But, it does make sense.

Mobile games are always shit and no one should care about them
Real games have the potential to be good, but when the Devs make more money shitting out skins and lootboxes instead of making games good, the industry suffers with shitty games

with any luck this sparks another crash, or at the very least get EA blacklisted for fucking up the gravy train that has been unregulated for years

Pretty much, it may not seem like it, but the wording behind most F2P is solid as fuck. "You CAN play for free, but you also COULD pay a bit for better odds", scummy, but solid.

>Implying EA won't use their money to buy the senators

Phone titles were free. 60 dollar games are not.
Nice try shill.

They are too busy counting the tobacco, medicine and gun lobbies's money for that.

The market should be mostly free.

>free mobile game charges for crates
>expensive 90 dollar game with little content with crates

>why do people care when cancer is infecting real games when literal garbage nobody cares about has had it forever
Golly, what a puzzler.

I have no problem with a mostly free market but the common people need to be protected from themselves and the kikes that prey on them.

probably because enough people suddenly started yelling about it and then political people finally heard about it with this super popular named game and decided "wow gambling in video games that my children play is bad"

The ESRB works for game companies, not the consumer. Needs to be disbanded

As long as the only things really coming from the loot boxes are just dumb cosmetics, I don't see how it's a big deal cause it doesn't hurt the game and if you're dumbass is retarded enough to pay for the chance to unlock something you would've unlocked for free through just playing the game, then thats on you and no one but you.

>literally moving to kill loot boxes before tackling the gun issue that's been prevalent for years
bravo, americlaps.

>A manchild can dream
fixed for you

>muh gubmit pls take care uv me, I hav nu self cuntrul and can't take car uf muhself...

Boycotting has literally never helped in gaming


There's literally nothing wrong with the Overwatch lootbox model. Tickle me purple.

>waaaah government do something I literally can't stop myself from spending money
>muh chillens

fuck off

mobil games are free you stupid retard
And nobody likes them in phone games either

>15 years ago
>Unlock the costume in game

>10 years ago
>Buy the costume as DLC

>5 years ago
>Costume is exclusive to season pass/DLC

>Pay $5.99+ for a lootbox that has a 10% chance of actually getting the costume you want

>hurrrrrr what's the problem


I don't get why we need a ESRB desu. It should be up to either the developer to state whats in their game or the retailer themselves. Thats just my opinion tho. Seems like a left over from a much more sensitive time.

Yes. Seriously what is the problem? Just don't buy it.

Wrong. It would just be hilarious if lootboxes are banned in US and EU because it would probably mean EA losing about half its profit since the Fifa thing can be considered lootboxes as well.

I've always hated loot boxes and micro transactions since I discovered them on the app store actually

I've made at least one angry post per week for like 10 years

Why? They are just going to release BF3 in like 4 months anyway. It doesn't matter to them

Let the Federal Trade Commission handle them. Wtf does the ESRB even do all day

uunga chuunga

You're retarded, have no historical context, and should shut the fuck up.

Play games and make sure the violence isn't briefly interrupted by a tit.

>2008 was 10 years ago

When was the last time a developer didn't lie about the contents of their game? Without an independent body evaluating that there's nothing really stopping publishers from downplaying the fact that they're trying to get you hooked on spending money on nothing by calling it stupid buzzwords instead.

>I've made at least one angry post per week for like 10 years

The absolute state of 30 year old Sup Forumsirgins
Get a job

>me no self control me must buy costume

This is what I mean. These practices have been in effect for YEARS but you only care now that it effects you, and only that it effects the games you personally want. It's hypocritical. You say mobile games are garbage and no one plays them despite being so easily accessible, but in the same breath claim that no one can resist these $60 titles. Either include shit like mobile gachas and casinos and whatnot into your arguments, or put your money where your mouth is and just stop buying these games. It actually had an effect on Battlefront II.

I meant that you have more self control than someone who can gamble on their phone, since you already put down at least $60 and should at least be old enough to handle that much money. You shouldn't need the government to tell you not to spend any more.

this but unironically


>we're closer to 2030 than 2000

its alright that the game get rewards downgraded so they can pull money from people, and having the odds of rewards hidden just mean that people investing money will get fuck because they dont know that the cool shit they are trying to pay for have a 1% chance of comming out.

That is alright. as a person that pay and a person that doesnt pay.

>Made to keep gvt. regulation out
>Ignores lootboxes for so long gvt. is gearing up to start regulating.

They're pretty shit at their jobs.

I wonder, what if these other games had trading systems like TF2/CSGO have?

For $10, you can get this amount of refined metal, which in turn could be traded to people for anything you want. Most of the cosmetics you want are going to cost 3 refined on average (barring the super expensive unusual and professional killstreak weapons that are super expensive and will be equivalent to 400-500 refine)

What if you could just pay somebody to trade Overwatch in-game currency in this fashion? You'd be able to buy up all of the skins you wanted without gambling for them with lootboxes.

spotted the underage

NISA straight up lied about even asking PEGI if Mugen Souls would have been objectionable. Fuck trusting companies.

There's a tremendous difference between "I wanna regulate games that are developed in another country entirely and only recently started being localized" IE Japanese gatcha simulators. and regulating what's being legally released in your jurisdiction.


>I meant that you have more self control than someone who can gamble on their phone, since you already put down at least $60 and should at least be old enough to handle that much money. You shouldn't need the government to tell you not to spend any more.

This isn't about us, dumbass. Almost nobody who legitimately talks about the problems the industry is facing will fall for lootboxes. The analysis-watching, forum-browsing, hardcore audience is fully aware that publishers are money-grubbing fuckwads.

We want these regulations for two reasons:
1. To discourage publishers and developers from locking content in their games behind paywalls designed to force you to pay to have fun
2. To protect gamers who AREN'T like us. Teens, gambling addicts, idiots in a hurry, and people who don't know any better. Unless you're autistic, it's easy to recognize why keeping devs from exclusively catering to (and preying on) these groups is a good idea.

it did, it's gravitating towards what makes the most money :^)

>Things we've always gotten for free being stripped out of the game so they can be sold back to us in a gatcha-style system is okay

How about you go fuck yourself with a rusty knife

Good. EA deserves every terrible thing that happens to them.


Thats exactly why they DON'T have those trading systems, because everyone would just buy what they want, rather than pissing away money on a chance of getting what they want instead. Kikes.

What does this mean? Should I even care?
I have never bought dlc or lootboxes in my entire life.
I don't play gacha or mobile games.

>supports the free market with net neutrality
>fucks the free market over video games

>These practices have been in effect for YEARS but you only care now that it effects you, and only that it effects the games you personally want. It's hypocritical
Yes, and?

>Be American
>Get shot

Garbage arguments all around.
i'm not buying it, i am not tempted to buy it, i don't care about those who are.
IT'S FUCKING LAME Get that shit out of my game

>net neutrality

Not reading the whole thread but god damn m'son if this anit the truth.

Those idiots also never address the fact that implementing them affects the game even if you never use them they affect the game design and its progression heavily
"just dont use them" is not an argument it affects everything anyways
"just dont buy it" is not an argument because if this crap keeps gtting more and more popular it will keep spreading to more and more games, we cannot ignore it

But other idiots do and it can potentially harm the industry

That's not good enough. Every time I refuse to buy the cosmetics or any lootbox DLC for that matter, they just put more and more content behind the paywall to incentivize me to buy it. I continue to not buy it, and they just paywall more of the game. Before you know it, I'm paying 90+ bucks for a startup screen and a demo stage, and the rest of the game is behind lootboxes and season passes. Honestly, they'd do it even if I did buy it, because then they'd smell blood in the water and want more of my money.

It all comes down to greed, and at some point I have to put my foot down and say "this is not okay." These scumbags lobby the government to make games worse, so at the very least why shouldn't I try to use the system against them?

>just ignore the problem it will surely go away

Kill yourself jew

It would if not for the fact that people like loot boxes and buy them. Who are you to say they shouldn't be allowed to?

>an issue exists for years, but is only addressed by the mainstream once it effects the mainstream Yeah, that's how a lot of things work. What's even your point?

Because mobile gaming is a dumpster fire and it always will be. Least we can do is try to preserve the little bit of rationality left in console/PC games. DLC and paid online are bad enough as is. Many people draw the line at lootboxes.


If Disney cant profit from it then no one can.

I can only imagine the nightmare monetization schemes their market teams will think up to get around not being able to fill up their dogshit games with lootboxes
this may yet bite the end user in the ass

>I wonder, what if these other games had trading systems like TF2/CSGO have?
I saw Dan's gaming spend close to 600$ to buy a full set of cosmetic armor in Path of Exile. That's why they don't.

This and you notice how the 'but the parents responsibility! ' posters are underage kids because they still see parents as demi gods instead of just regular ordinary humans trying to get by. Parents work all day and meet their kids a few hours per day and on the weekend. Most parents don't know shit about video games. But if there were a big sign on the game cover saying IN GAME GAMBLING and 18+ they might go hmm...

Our asses are already bitten, if all this achieves is a headache for them and forcing jews to work over time to figure out the next big scam, then it's at least a little turn about.

Gotta make sure your bullet riddled children aren't rolling gachas


>notice how the 'but the parents responsibility! ' posters are underage kids
Or just sane people who realized that it's almost always the parents' fault for having children in the first place.
How to fix all problems with children: don't have children
>b-b-but muh future workers! who will work for muh retardments?

If Ross couldn't headache some sense into them, what chance do you think the Law will have?

Dealing with the problem of gun violence in America would require dealing with the massive surplus of guns in circulation, the comparatively tiny amount of gun owners who know how to use the fucking things, the sizable portion of the Republican party who dedicate their political power to shilling for gun manufacturers, and the absolute shitshow that is the American education and mental healthcare systems.

Dealing with game publishers being greedy piggies is as simple as convincing legislators that this is something they should plop down a bill that says "anyone selling lootboxes should be treated the same way as gambling institutions are treated in this state".

>Be playing Pokemon
>Game Corner has RNG 'gambling' minigame
>Now Pokemon is a AO game for having a shit version to get Porygon

I didn't know you had to scan your credit card for Pokemon red/blue. You learn something new every day.

Except my dear user, is that you aren't paying real money for it

>wanting the government to control vidya

Sup Forums has gone full retard

kill yourselves

Because the corporations are doing such a good job, you stupid fucking frog poster.

Do you think all forms of regulation are bad, or are you just paranoid of the possibility that any regulation of vidya will lead to Video Games Prohibition?

But I remember having to give my brother part of my allowance so he could get me more Coins and could afford Scyther.

That's pretty fucked up user, your brother would really bully a retard like that?

Hopefully they'll deal with violence in video games next.

finally the government doing anything to curve this garbage.

>Retards thinking video games falling down the perpetual rabbit hole of being supported by lootboxes which is the most cannibalistic and invasive form of support imaginable is okay because MUH PHREE MURKET

Only so many whales with thousands of dollars exist, and most of them are spending money in Overwatch, Hearthstone, CS:GO, TF2, Dota 2, Fortnite and PUBG because it's possible to earn money back out of their purchases. This type of revenue does not have room for more than a handful of video games on the market as it spreads playerbases too thin and their money with it. It's a self-destructive system and it needs to fuck off before the whole market crumbles in on itself with the weight.