>not picking up soy milk combos
what are you favorite soy milk combos in isaac? are there other games with good soy?

Other urls found in this thread:


bitch that ain't milk

thats jarate

>are there other games with good soy?
Xenogears has Soylent.

>soyboy thread in disguise
They're evolvng.


>This guy again

people still play this?

>anime poster
>seething at soyposters

Soy milk + ipecac + loki's horns best combo, trust me.

delete this

>soy is literally the worst item in the game
really makes you think...

No that would be cursed eye.

Daily reminder Deus Ex predicted massive soy consumption

>curse of the blind
>pick up cursed eye
>find out it's an a tier item because you're lilith

That's from a game

>anime poster
What. That's from Danganronpa, shit game but still a game.

i raise a glass of tapwater in toast to u user :)

sweet, ty. but jrpgs dont have enuf freedom for this american
western/euro/dark souls ftw

Antibirth's almond milk is funnier to play

The fucking state of Sup Forums

Unless you have the item that negates explosive damage then fuck off with that combo.

Where is the sausage, really? Isaac should have it on his person somewhere.