The law is the law user, now I have to inspect your penis!

The law is the law user, now I have to inspect your penis!


No penis get

Fuck off

gib bunny gf

rollin for bunny


roll for my carrot

This but unironically


Why aren't you watching Zootopia, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.


who was ironic bitch

Is it wrong to have Zootopia as my all time favorite Disney Movie? Besides maybe the original Tron, and obviously not counting Pixar.

What do you want with one of those?


>visuals completely outclassed by moana, which released the same year and everything


Oooh so close and yet so far

Yes, it's a pretty bad and generic movie, even among modern disney films.

I'm confused, haven't seen the film but I thought it took place in one of those cartoon animal worlds so why's there a human scale computer there like it's Toy Story?