
Best new characters that will never ever be in smash

But armadillo was in smash

Dillon still has a chance. His series is still going, plus he already has a presence in Smash.

>Character design is 10/10
>Game is a mediocre download title

Dillon deserves better.

I'd be cool if he was a heavyweight Sonic Clone

Arcade Bunny never ever.

I thought it was fun

It's a fucking shame, really. The game honestly has plenty of good designs.

Have they still not mentioned Dead Heat Breakers in the west at all?

Ever Oasis

>Codename Steam
>difficulty keeps ramping up with new enemies, mechanics and maps from the start
>with a stupid plot about an American folklore strike team killing Lovecraft aliens
>with OST of electric guitars and violins
one of the best games to go in blind

If they really wanna save these IP's change Dillions game into third person shoooter or action game not that retard tower defense shit.

With STEAM just change the artstyle but keep the designs.

Also Travis.

What never ever characters do you want faggots?

NMH switch is gonna be a thing. We really might get him.

He deserves better than that. Especially considering the only thing they have in common is that they both roll.

>Bayonetta and Travis in the same game
>actual possibility
strange times

This is why I hate the switch.
All this small franchises are doomed to die.

Low power portable were a god blessinh and we will never see them again


Agumon, Layton and Wright.

Nintendo's best villain

How can some faggots have so bad taste?

I dunno man. I just don't understand how people could like walking leather bags either.

Walking leather bags?

>Classic Mario and Luigi IceClimbers
>Funky Kong.

Alright maybe I could deal

You know, the ugly mean guy who does the bad thing to the guy in the King Kong suit.

like Ridley and Ganon?

don't remind me

>Mii mage
>Mii villain
I didn't play Miitopia but I unironically want these. I main Mii Gunner (when the venue allows) and it is so fun to completely stomp competent players who have no clue what their moveset does

>there will never be an Eternal Darkness spiritual successor


Realistically, I could go for any new Mii classes. Miitopia-based classes would be a great bonus though.


Never ever

Wonder Red and Saki

Gen7 gave us plenty of potentially interesting smashers

>shovel knight
Cave story is one of my favorite games, but every single one of these picks makes me want to vomit out of every orifice.
I was in complete agreement with this image more or less until that very end where you dropped the ball.
Fuck you for even suggesting these.

>Tapu Koko
>Night dog
>Carrot dog

Those are the ones that could potentially join Smash

Dillon still exists you know

Getting a new game after 5 years is nothing to scoff at

This fucker right here.


It’s actually pretty fun but very low budget

Being able to roll around and setting up your towers works, especially when you can physically attack enemies when you choose to alongside your towers

I’m positive Nintendo still has bad blood with Rare

>Sakura Samurai gets a dubstep remix
>Dillon gets to be an Assist trophy
>Pushmo, despite being the more successful of the new 3DS ip’s, got no representation in Smash other than 3DS trophies

Someday. We need another grapple heavy character.