Not even ESA is safe
Not even ESA is safe
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Why do these monstrosities think they're cute?
So I just googled this faggot and what the fuck? He looked decent as a guy, why become a 2/10 degenerate?
>ESA winter starts off with a speech about it being an event to find friends, not a safe space for haters
>Now this
It was good while it lasted
Give me the quick rundown on both this nigga and the ESA
>Sup Forums sperg replier
Worse than the tranny
lurk faggot
protomagicgirl is a tranny that is involved with games done quick. he is a big SJW that wanted an emote banned on the twitch live stream which resulted in a sub only mode chat. ESA was meant to be a BASED speedrunning event free from sjws and trannies however it has been infected by cancer. see
Check out this cool guy. Woah!
thank you for ruining every speedrunning event, guess ill go back to watching crazy shit like kaizo mario on youtube. im no longer amused.
Thanks mate.
Yup yours faggot
>ESA is constantly making fun of GDQ
>that amerimutt thinks that it'll be a nice trip to europe for it
good luck being a lonely faggot that everyone avoids
a good number of speedrunners are trans cosmo, the dudes at this years GDQ. It is the most degenerate hobby
defense mechanism. it's basically a prayer to enter their safe space.
>reee fuckin trannies need to hang amicoolyet/pol/?
Woah check out this bad ass
cry harder faggot, all of you will hang one day
Ever believing some event was going to be your special alt right zone was pretty retarded. Did you think ESA actually was going to ban trannies?
Here's hoping. But we can only hope at this point.
Day of the machete soon, son.
>Did you think ESA actually was going to ban trannies?
no but I thought the trannies would not go there because ESA was not very tranny friendly
>literally who joining literally what
Oh wow it's fucking nothing.
>no but I thought the trannies would not go there because ESA was not very tranny friendly
What made you believe this?
ESA will be fine, if anything proto will be treated like a human at the event and nobody will have problems unless it starts shit because ESA doesn't put up with that nonsense.
It's not supposed to be a psychiatric hospital for untreatable conditions. They're mentally ill people and should be treated as such.
>literally what
Lurk harder faggot, did you join this year?
This is entirely irrelevant to the post.
Am i supposed to know who that is?
ESA didnt have any SJWs and didnt care what the runners would say, no word policing
Why are people surprised that the speedrunning community is full of autism and mental illness? Speedrunning by its very nature is only done by the mentally ill. Nobody who's actually sane would speedrun.
>only the alt-right hate trannies
>pick up speedrunning
>turn into a tranny
Do you actually believe all the users of Sup Forums care about your fucking speedrunners?
Pretty sure tranny nerds have no business in European Space Agency
you are delusional if you think that. ESA doesnt have the balls to out themselves as openly anti-trans which they so if they dont tend to PMGs every need. get ready for at least emote only chat whenever shes on cam.
No because I don't care about autism events.
So, you were stupid.
Only the alt right would try to ban or keep trannies out, yes. You're not normal, user.
I enjoy watching the trannies invade Sup Forums's safe space.
>You're not normal
How can degenerate Americans join the European Space Agency?
>You're not normal, user.
But men who dress up as women and mutilate their genitals are, right?
>Only the alt right would try to ban or keep suicidal mentally ill people out
I'd like for them to get the help they need
Someone post this tranny's copypasta
Someone post the My Summer Car webm of the player flipping off the GDQ banner.
Americans always....ALWAYS ruin everything they fucking touch.
Your "culture" went full weimar X10, gay 10.
>You're not normal
just like trannies then
Is that a picture of one of them in transition or just your mom putting make up before going to work?
>shitting on our guy alberto
kys reddo
More normal than you.
>You're not normal, user.
BUT TRANNIES ARE? i detest Sup Forums, i think the "alt-right" is for faggots exclusively and i think you are retarded.
>Amerimutts coming in to destroy yet another good European thing
What the fuck is wrong with them?
Whats that? You want a safe space free safe space? What a dumb safe spacer.
the based one is NASA, not ESA. The one tranny that went to NASA regretted it wholeheartedly and felt horribly out of place.
Statistically speaking, most of them will kill themselves in the next years because of the hormonal imbalance and the horrible psychological and physical damages they have.
they can just reject his fat ass
3dpd not even once
Why don't they just go gay? Would be way cuter.
Transtrending is literally the worst thing in existence. I don't have a problem with genuine trans people, but 95% of them today aren't that. God damn I hate attention whores so much.
Well it's not the first time amerimutts ruined ESA. Remember the furry who lost the hat in the SM64 relay?
hopefully he joins the ranks of the 45%
>Speedrunning events
Oh great, they're coming over to enrich us
Honestly I think speed running is fucking rad, such a shame to see it come down to this.
>I don't have a problem with genuine trans people
There is no such thing. They're all mentally ill and need the right treatment. If we can't cure them we should just put them into a asylum where they can live with their delusions until they die.
trannies aren't normal
just like the muslims
>Implying Muttland ever had a culture in the first place.
you mean boring garbage nobody watches and doesn't get any donations?
i agree but what annoys me most is that you just cant escape politics any more. it drenches everything.
Muslims are white in America.
Then why did Obama call himself black?
To get the black vote, retard.
Obama is protestant christian.
>Live in Europe
>Anywhere I go I see no muslims and only one blackie in every 20 whites despite living in a country that owned colonies
where in europe?
>hating based Moorish warrior
Fuck off Dutch scum
>The United States Census Bureau defines white people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa."
portugal is fine
I didn't even know until I, get this: took a glimpse at the thread
it's seems to be a person who hosts AQDQ
learn to read you lazy cunt, or if you just want to be all
>muh ecelebs get off muh v
just report the thread you daft cunt
For some reason people leave us alone
To get PC people and shitskins to vote for him.
Hope he gets bullied mercilessly and commits suicide on stream
>For some reason people leave us alone
Of course, if you want to leech someone, might as well leech the richest, because there is more to leech.
That's why they go to France, Germany, UK, Sweden...
Not fucking Portugal or Poland.
It's something they actually struggle with to the point of being a major contributing factor in why they are so likely to kill themselves. They have to constantly reiterate that they are cute because, deep down, even they know they don't buy their own bullshit and it eats away at them knowing that they'll never truly see themselves as women.
>Hope he gets bullied mercilessly
"Merciless bullying" in today's world counts as posting emotes so he will definitely get bullied and make upset twitter posts calling for action
Is that 'thing' autistic too?
>two literal whos
>literal who ESA
trifecta of cancer, congratulations
Protomagicalgirl is a hypocritical cunt. She claims that drag-queens and crossdressing for kink are discriminatory to transexuals, but has adult diaper fetish themself.
>thing tries to worm way into ESA top brass like at GDQ
>ESA owners don’t put up with its bullshit and refuse to give it special treatment & backpats on camera
>several runners & audience members yell out “DanSexy” during its Breath of the Normie run
>thing sets world record for ESA any%/bad ending
>ESA runners continue to enjoy good time after it runs out mid-game screaming like a banshee
>commentator just starts reading off angry GDQmutt comments in Twitch chat & laughs because he just doesn’t give a fuck
>good day had by all
>BBC as a source
kys, reddit
They literally want to transform into girls and had a terrible time being men. What do you think?
Think La Creatura will show up?