Lol now I get to be banned across multiple games at once, nice

Lol now I get to be banned across multiple games at once, nice.
Guess I'll just quit videogames altogether then thanks guys.

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Fair play implies everyone has a chance to compete. What this is trying to do is prevent certain people from competing. The exact opposite of fair play.

Trump voters aren't people.........

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And remember, if you get good at a game, that's against the principles of fair play! Everyone must be equal! Not abiding by the equality principle is considered to be a toxic act, and appropriate punishment will be delivered.

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Neither are sjws

>cries on Sup Forums why he gets banned
>"It-t s ju-ust banter guise. U dont understand!"

True, we're demi-gods. Get fucked.

You act like it's not banter.

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Sure, because that's what's happening.

Maybe stop screaming nigger down the mike at every opportunity. Or maybe even better just stop playing shitty multiplayer games?

Blizzdrones out in full force today

If Blizz wants to ban you from Overwatch because you can't stop shouting NIGGERFAGGOT every game like an autistic screecher, that's fine by me. But if you get banned from other games for saying NIGGERFAGGOT in Overwatch, that's ridiculous.

I also don't think banning people is the way to go. I think they should just silence the players without telling them so you just have a guy shouting like a retard in every game with nobody to listen to him.

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>privately call friend a faggot on discord
>get banned from 30 games i paid for
im glad im not a retard that still buys games in 2018 lmfao

Shadowbans are great.

how do they plan to enforce that?

>thinking IPs are always static

Sup Forums behavior isn't acceptable behavior in public spaces, and these games are now considering themselves public spaces. Wild West days are over.

This. If you don't act like a dumbass, you will never be banned.

What is this shit?

ni hao, reddit

I'm just saying they're more entertaining than a normal ban, you dumb shit.

They could do like amazon and just ban any form of payment from that person.

I've always said: Once an HR dept is "needed", your company has gone full corporate.

Have fun listening to people tell you, "Looks like someone has a bad case of the mondays!" to you when you smack them with some harsh reality.

>tfw eliminating free speech from vidyagames will actually make communities tolerable again and force people to behave

Why is it always "nigger" with you people? Can't you think of anything better?
They'll ban you for "gg" or for tweeting something they don't like. Stop projecting so much.

>playing online games

This. Any community worth being a part of develops a way to police itself according to the wishes of the people that make up the core of the community. It's not dictated and enforced by people who are not a part of the community.

This is a bunch of suits and mouthpieces deciding what should and should not happen in video games based on their interpretations of the current political atmosphere and social media.

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>Call your m8 a cunt on discord because youre best buds and throw bants around and enjoy a good laugh
>get blacklisted by every company in the industry
>Sup Forumsedditors think this is a good thing because "muh Sup Forums freeze peach boogeyman"

so who decides what is/isnt ok?

you realize those people have bias, right?

Why wouldn't you want to be a respectable and enjoyable person to be around and talk to? What makes people act like edgy teens?

>Why is it always "nigger" with you people? Can't you think of anything better?
Well, it's the most common slur online aside from maybe faggot, why does this bother you?

We have people who are already afraid to say anything in OW for fear of being toxic, and even THEN their silence is being called toxic because they "arent communicating." How the everliving fuck is extending this shit across 50 different company suits a good thing

Is stifling your own urges and preventing yourself from expressing what you wish to express somehow more enjoyable to you? Do you often go to the bathroom, drop trow, sit on the john, come close to shitting, suck it back up, and leave?

Well, that's not what's happening, so why make it up?

>>posted on Sup
Just kill yourself my man

Why am I not allowed to joke around with my mates on a game I paid for? Why do I have to be strictly policed? Where does it end? Where are the biases?
This isn't even about saying shit like "Nigger or faggot" It's just ridiculous to be policed and nannied due to the current political climate and rampant "Political Correctness"

It reveals a terrifying mindset, a "police me because I can't help myself" sort of thing. It's really sad, and I think that you need some counseling for your racist and homophobic tendencies. You CAN be helped. You are NOT alone.

You can literally get banned on overwatch for spamming in-game voicelines, which you buy, from their lootboxes.

Now my dva's "GEE GEE" emote will get be kicked from League somehow HAHA

I don't know anything about discord. How would anyone except the people connected to it know what's being said. If there's an option to connect it to a game, just don't do it.

Do you not have friends to banter with or something?

>Guys I absolutely NEED to call this guy a faggot I cannot help myself! It's not my fault!

Not really, I remember hearing about that one overwatch player who got banned or something?

I understand joking around, but lots of people think being a jerk is just okay on the internet. Half of the shit people say they wouldn't say to somebodies face, or if they said it at work they'd get fired. Good riddence to "Nigger faggot kys" posters, they have no place in a professional environment. Flames are supposed to be banned outside of Sup Forums, after all. Even though some people think Sup Forums is this place where you're supposed to be an asshole.

If dumb words trigger you, you may want to go somewhere more fitting, like tumblr or to a psychologist.

it's a videogame, I don't want super sanitized polite chat.

let people say what they want.

>Guys I absolutely CANNOT handle being called a faggot at all! Or insulted in any way. Ban these toxic players now!!!

>go to someones house
>act like a cunt
>get asked to leave

I can't comprehend why anyone here would think this is a good thing. You can mute everyone. You can custom tailor your gaming experience as you see fit. But instead you want some other establishment to make the decisions about who you should be listening to for you?

You're a faggot. Whew, I'm glad I was able to get that off of my chest. I feel better now. Expressing my emotions is very cathartic and significantly improves my state of mind. Thank you for being a willing participant in my effective self-applied therapy.

They could easily look at your text chats. If one stray meme you post get taken the wrong way, you can easily be blacklisted. Are you stupid?

These. The bias and I fucking hate this word but "slippery slope" is real. Where does it fucking end?

Leave the policing to the community. If you're being a cunt, they can initiate a vote kick. If you're on a large server like an MMO, have a mute function for a set period of time or have warnings or strikes on a record.

>Sup Forums
>Video games
>professional enviornment
Fuck this retarded bait, Im out. KYS Nigger faggot

Exactly this. Fucking people are pussies these days.

What the fuck happened to "Sticks and Stones"

this is why you're all virgins

>Half of the shit people say they wouldn't say to somebodies face
Are you implying that if they're brave enough to say shit to someone's face then they should be allowed to do it online? Stop making this retarded point. It's nonsensical. Being a jerk anywhere has consequences. That's not the issue. The issue is people are trying to turn speaking your mind into an offense that merits a witch hunt.

no I'm not a fucking virgin, thats why I don't give a shit about what people say to me online. grow a thicker skin or you have all the maturity of a 12 yo. better yet just KYS

Insulting someone is not "speaking your mind".

A professional OW player got removed from the league for using this emote.
An emote which is available for everyone to use on twitch.

So soon any of us emote spamming on twitch will get banned from a few 30+ games too lol.

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I'm honestly surprised its taken these leftist scumfucks so long to actually try blacklists for video games themselves seeing as they've done it for years on vidya-related communities.

That is precisely what it is. You are mistaken if you think the only time people are being genuine is when they're being kind and polite. Nobody's a fucking angel; not even you.

Yes. Yes it is. If someone is playing shit, I think "Wow that was shit" And want to say it.

>I can't comprehend why anyone here would think this is a good thing. You can mute everyone.

THIS. Pic related.
Is cyberbullying even real nigga?
Why can't people just mute and move on, every game has a mute feature. Jesus christ literally look away from the screen, close your eyes nigga.

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It's not bait. Playing over-watch professionally is a professional environment. Sup Forums is not, but even here blatant insults (Flames) are not allowed. Same thing goes for video-games.

Calling someone a faggot nigger and then telling them to kill them selves is insufferable, and it's not surprising people don't want to be around it.

Yes it is, cunt. Go fuck yourself. That was me speaking my mind. You should probably kill yourself. That was also me speaking my mind.


>can ignore them
>can mute them

>So soon any of us emote spamming on twitch will get banned from a few 30+ games too lol.
And why isn't this a good thing?

I know how you can solve your problem. Leave. Instead of trying to change the behavior of a hundred thousand people calling you a faggot, leave the place they're calling you a faggot.

Just mute them? wtf lol you don't have to listen to it?

>no words used, just indirect shadow actions to remove a person
>"it's banter"

Et tu, strawman?

I like the gap of skin between the thigh highs and skirt on this young anime lady.

What happened to sticks and stones?

No wonder people tell you you're a faggot and should kill yourself. You're fucking insufferable.

If speaking your mind involves calling someone a faggot, nigger, or telling them to go kill themselves. I'm in favor of you being removed.

It's inappropriate coming from a professional. I agree with Pat, what if somebody in the NFL acted that way? What if overwatch was on the big screen, would somebody let that on television? "LOL BLACK GUY XDDDD" "HE'S BLACK GUYS LOOK". He even mentions how the black guy feels, and he's not happy about it.

The they'll go back to saying faggot, or move on to chink. Fighting a futile battle.

When people are saying shit to get you worked up on purpose it's supposed to be fun. You're supposed to play along and give it back. That's banter. When you take it personally and get your sandy cunt wrinkled up it's no longer banter, it's you being a fucking pussy who doesn't know how to interact with anyone fun.

>say "fucking cunt got me with a sniper rifle"

>get banned for "offensive speech towards women"

fuck that shit. I don't want 1984-esque thought control.

>TriHard in twitch chat is 'hate speech'
>people defend this ruling unironically
When the fuck am I going to wake up from this coma

>Fair Play Alliance: Government should not regulate lootboxes
>Fair Play Alliance: Government should arrest anyone who says a naughty word



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This "but muh real sports" arguement is ridiculous. This DOES happen in real sports banter, hell a bunch of NFL players literally beat their wives to death n shit, and don't get perma-banned from the field.
However a little smiley image of a black guy got this fella kicked out, it doesn't legitimizes esports, in fact it makes the whole league look juvenile and in need of baby-sitting.

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>Overwatch is a serious professional environment

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It's the influx of reddit posters. They are an absolute cancer.

>I'm in favor of you being removed.
In other words you advocate censorship, and your idea of what needs to be censored is updated weekly. If it were up to you only you and a handful of the nicest people on the planet would get to play your video game with you. Well, you know what? You can play games with just your friends already. You can mute everyone else. You can play privately. You are already being catered to. You have every tool at your disposal to turn your gaming experience into exactly what you want.

So what is the problem? You want more people to be like you? Well, sonny. Tough shit. Not everyone comes home after a shitty day at work and wants to walk on fucking eggshells around your delicate sensibilities. Their money is just as green as yours.

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>using examples of existing thoughtpolicing to justify further thoughtpolicing
Fuck off faggot. If the community doesn't want it his viewership will tank.

>It's inappropriate coming from a professional.
People in the NFL get fucking arrested and still have careers, just fuck off you retarded child...TriHard is NOT HATE SPEECH LMFAO

Hmmm jeeeee I wonder who's behind the alliance...

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So do people actually like micspammers or autistic screechers?
I understand this shit goes too far to censor people and stuff like banning for saying "gg ez" is beyond overboard but the real question is why don't we ban people who use open mic and can't stop eating chips or have a screaming family in the background.

As someone who doesn't play online games this is great, whenever you nerds whine because you don't get to act like the annoying, racist, entitled manbabies that you are I always get a good laugh.
Stay mad, cunts.

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>why don't we ban people who use open mic and can't stop eating chips
Holy fuck end your own life


I'm all in favor of free speech legally, but I don't want my friends online to call me a nigger and a faggot. I don't like that in a community. I understand saying it as a joke, like in the lighthearted sense it was used on Sup Forums (Tripfag, OP is always a faggot) etc.

I hate it when people say this "HEY NIGGER FAGGOT LOL U SUCK", "DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!?!" "LEAVE LOL"

Imagine someone doing that in real life. They'd get fired, removed, suspended, etc. And that's exactly what is happening in gaming.

Words do hurt peoples feelings, believe it or not. Sure. I'm not upset. But I can't exactly say like any of the people defending this type of behavior seem like fun people to be around.

Nice, glad to see asshat spergs like you finally purged.

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You know that every game has a feature to turn those micspammers off right?
Why do you need someone else to police them for you?

Do you think if a white football player called a black player a nigger (even in jest), he wouldn't be out of the league real fucking quick? Hell, at least that would have actual consequences. All you're really losing if you say that in a game is access to said game.

>how do we deal with micspammers
The same way we've been dealing with them for the past 20 years. Just press the mute button you lazy nigger.

>but I don't want my friends online to call me a nigger and a faggot
If they are your friends, you should automatically know they aren't serious. If they bother you that much, why do you hang out with them?

>I don't like that in a community.
Then leave. Don't ruin it for everyone else.

That part was a joke.

I honestly could never comprehend this idea at all, it fuck boggles my mind.

What worries me is not that they want to ban those who keep shouting "nigger" into the microphone, but that they end up using the excuse of "toxic behaviour" to eliminate anyone who does not think according to what the majority dictates.

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It's fine to ban people from a specific game once they fuck up in that specific game. It's not fine to have a cartel of corporations blacklisting customers all at once and essentially stealing their money.

I really don't give a fuck about your feelings.

That piece of scum Michael Vick beat dogs and made them fight to the death, and he was hired right back by the Eagles after serving his sentence. Fuck's sake he's still employed as an analyst to this day by the NFL.