D is a mainstream language now

D is a mainstream language now

time to give people the D

How long till feminists start saying D triggers them and it's patriarch rape culture and male violence?

We already have the Cunt language

>tfw C# will soon dominate
Good feels.



What is delphi used for that makes it popular?


POS, inventory management systems, ERPs, etc. That kind of business thing that needs a GUI and a database connection. I'd personally use C# and WinForms for that kind of things, but Delphi has been longer and there's legacy systems to maintain.


fuck yes D is awesome

Literally how is that even possible! Nobody uses D for anything at fucking all.

>php that high up

>Java still on top

>rust not on the list

>assembly language

It's well designed, fast, compiled, much safer than C or C++, gives more low level control than Java or C#, GUIs are easy to make,etc. it's a miracle it's that high on the list though. first Borland tried to kill it and killed itself because of it and the company that bought Delphi went full retard and charges 5000$ for the only IDE

I don't think this list can possibly be even remotely accurate tbH.


Rust is the only good language to come out in the past 40 years.

You misspelled C#



*teleports behind (You)*