LOL! Stop! no cleaning up. Post a picture of your music player

LOL! Stop! no cleaning up. Post a picture of your music player.

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dumb tripfag cancer

I usually don't listen to music, except for the classical radio station here in New York. I like classical and a few other genres of instrumental music. I don't think I've listened to anything within a span of 1.5 years. Nature sounds nice.

nice blog post

Sorry, forgot I was in the techie section. Tell your mom I said sorry for keeping your eyes glued to the screen.

>equalizer enabled
> 0db gain across all bands

Enjoy your phasing baka

who /winamp 2.9x/ here?


that colour scheme fucking hurts

>Bebop OST



>I only listen to Classical and nature
What an autist.


how did you thgeme this?


my attempts to make it look pretty have only fucked up the functionality for me

fucking 10/10 get both other albums


>group x
underage detected

Lol I literally listen to everything man, that's like 10 songs. The group x is just on there for nostalgia.

Here, I scrolled down a little bit.

everything that sucks. it just got worse. anytime someone says they listen to "everything" it really means they listen to "anything". 0 musical knowledge, 0 musical taste...

the fucking playlists!
>chill the fuck out bro

my fucking sides

No, it means I literally listen to everything.

Glad you thought my playlist names were funny

>tfw lost all my playlists a few weeks ago when rebuilding computer
i was sure i backed them up


Why are people still using Winamp in the year 2016?

Fast, familiar, has most of the features everybody is looking for, decently customizable, lightweight.

Not a lot of reason NOT to use it unless your autism is so severe you need to be able to literally customize every single aspect of your music player, then you should get Foobar.

tip top kek, winamp the most bloated music player I've ever seen...

>not using Clementine


Player: Clementine
Theme: Adapta
Icons: Numix-Bevel


Maybe new versions, I never experienced any bloat in old school winamp but I haven't used it since like 2010 so I can't speak for it now.


>implying i was pretending to be multiple people
>reddit tab
>being this triggered about your bad music

just stop m8

why not

book>tomorrow>hear you

Who /wide variety/ in here?


>Spending literally all of your time on the internet on 4chins and thinking that makes you better than anyone
>Thinking every reply means someone is mad

I'm just sharing my music, butterball.
You tried to make a sweeping judgement based on a snapshot of my music, I chose to prove you wrong. Take your crow and leave.




Because my raging autism demands that every program on my computer be fully theme-able so I can rice out my compiler with anime bitches.

"come on guys. im just here to post my music, not get replys or feedback. im glad i cant hear your comments over my le workout mix"

Triggering complete

I'll probably customize this more later

>Blue on black
It's like you don't even want to be able to read what's on your screen

Replies and feedback are welcome. You had neither. There's like 95 artists in there buddy, surely you can form a coherent reply that isn't just "lol u mad". Or you could post what YOU listen to so we can all laugh at your library of K-Pop FLACs.

IMO iTunes is much less shit than musicbee. And it's almost good on OS X.


blue on black is very easy to read unless you're not able to decipher blue from black

You're bad at this

Did you really just criticize someone for doing something and then literally do the exact same thing in the SAME post?

I still listen to CDs.

Just seems hard on the eyes, but I'm blind as fuck so that's probably why. I would have picked a lighter color to improve the contrast, to each their own.


My eyes work just fine, thanks.

if i had a choice i'd probably lighten up the blue too, but overall i don't think his looks bad by any means. would also change the program window itself to be black with the same light blue text

my son's

I'd put some time into this thing but I am reminded that I have to get music from legit sources or at least properly tagged, so I don't have a mess full of different artists and unknown albums and such.

I mean I love how some people have their music all organized and shit, some even buy it so they have their iTunes library that looks all neat. But it's just embarrassing how very few music players actually have options for people who just happen to have folders with music and that's it. Folder view, you know.

It's not so bad on the main window, but the artist window is harder to read because of the thin font.

Like I said, my vision is balls though, so I really have no right to criticize visual themes based on readability. I do think a nice bright cyan would look better though.

Where are you getting your music that it doesn't have ID3 tags that you can use to build folders?

There are plenty of programs that will read folder names and write tags so that music players can organize your library.

foobar is the only thing i miss on arch :

Vektor is music for the gods

I get some music that's done by various artists. I like to pirate shit so at times I also download completely unofficial compilations because I don't like filling up my hard drive with albums that have music I don't like much.

I share the exact same habit as my dad. He hated buying albums just for like, 2 songs.

Anyways, torrent sites and such. I'm not enough into music to get into one of those private trackers and I can only find some of that music on things like deezer (for which I could use deezloader and just grab whatever, covers included, properly tagged).

You mean your wife's son's or your son's

even turbo folk? that's weak, man

Is this what you're talking about?

If so, I could bump that if I was fucked up enough. Not sure I could jam to that in my car on the way to work or anything.


Found some Bosnian shit. Sounds like literally all Latin music.

Nah, that's just some rap referencing it, check out

3/10 would only listen to if at a Mexican party

Find me some Euro Turbo Folk, that's probably more my speed.

sorry, didn't catch what are you currently playing, can you clarify?





It looks a little better than the last one I had. I'm not really in awe about it, but at least it's not really ugly like before.

Any advice on making look a little better while being easier to use. Maybe change the colors/fonts, maybe move some stuff around.




By right clicking the bar I pause play the song, by scrolling over the bar I go to the prev next song, by clicking on the bar I open the album display. of course mpd is also completely controllable with global shortcuts and command line commands.

Anyone a fan?


omg my eyes


Is your desktop.....blurry?

How the fuck do you have an out-of-focus screenshot?


I think the colors are just a really terrible choice

I mean, no argument there. But the text in the Now Playing window is literally illegible like he blurred it out. Everything else looks pretty terrible too.

Overall, it makes my eyes want to puke.

>being this trigger'd

Granted, most trips are cancer.

You asked for it.


This is what good taste looks like.

back to Sup Forums you cancerous shit.

ok boss



the text is big like that so I can see what song is playing when I'm laying in bed across my room


How would that cause phase cancellation?

How did you get the Artist --> albums part of foobar?
