Twitter front page, featuring a fuckload of pictures

>twitter front page, featuring a fuckload of pictures
>twitter login page, featuring 'only text'

what of so important is there in a site like this for it to weight like that?


you could fit multiple dictionary databases into these 3mb
this shit is getting out of hand, lads.

I'm beginning to get fond of 'deprecated' software, old mobile apps and sites.

Internet is facing an obesity spread, the fuck is wrong with this world.

Other urls found in this thread:

As long as it loads fast enough, you might as well cram shit in there for the hell of it. It's not like Twitter or are hurting on bandwidth fees.

>what of so important is there in a site like this for it to weight like that?
A couple dozen scripts for tracking everything you do and selling you to advertisers.

im having probelms with that to OP, websites are getting so bloated that its making Internet more resource intensive than it should be. other than disabling javascript what is the other option?

>image hosted on photobucket
>1,500 lines of javascript

you cant make this shit up

Just a little thing called JavaScript

>twitter front page
1.3MB with images, 153KB without
>twitter login page


Those fucking bastards. Does UBO kill shit shit or do I need a hosts file, too?

Yeah, I real hate how pb has gone to shit over the years.

yes, uBlock Origin blocks requests based on domain names. google-analytics is the one of the most obvious domains to block.

You're preaching to the choir here.

Doom isn't 1MB in size.

>knows how big Doom is
>can't read a graph
Public school ftw

>pastebin embed (xchan)

if you don't like it you can stay away from the thread.

Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?

>'I agree with this.'
>'Though it bothers me I agree with the point of this thread'
>'Why? Because I agree with this, and other people do too.'
>'I'm going to complain about this on that thread.'
Above is being retarded/idiot. Suggesting you to do the opposite is in the very least reasonable.
If you don't like the thread, you can leave it alone. This way you don't bother yourself or others.


Oh no a whole 3mb the first time and then any competent browser would cache it. You only have to worry about this on mobile and you're the same type who would just call it cancer.

>I'm beginning to get fond of 'deprecated' software, old mobile apps and sites.
This is the path of ludditry and will end with you on the same exact BBS / IRC circlejerk jacking off with other 25 year olds about the "good ol' days". Start downloading the same libs over and over again now to prevent psuedo old age.

With uMatrix+uBlock Origin disabled
>682 requests
>13,785.88 KB

With uMatrix+uBlock Origin enabled
>520 requests
>7,930.62 KB


enjoy your botnet

it's all the shit you're allowing them to use to track you by not blocking it and continuing to use their services

No really try IRC you'll love it.

You have the right mindset to be a textpunk. WIll you join us & refuse their bloated GUIs by using text-only interfaces wherever you can? Or do you lack the expertise/drive to learn?


Lower your head and feel what little is left of the hair on the back of your head flow in the wind as you nose dive at mach six into the obscure IRC or BBS circlejerk oil mix of your choice. Then whine so loud that you blow the whole thing ten miles sky high.

I miss old text websites.

Take this shit for example, 6 or 7 ads on the page for every view.


>Using both umatrix and ublock
That's retarded.

someone who wants old websites back but has a mobile data plan? and now I have seen it all. But at least it isn't a smartphone, right... right?

Smartphone users hate shitty heavy javascript-slathered sites too. My mobile web browsing frequency increased by as much as 2x or 3x with the release of iOS 9 and native content blockers.

It's a big deal. Looking back I have no fucking clue how people can cope with a mobile web without using a content blocker.

I recently ordered some shit from using my phone as a hotspot, because there's no decent internet service in my area. Just six searches and maybe 15 product page views gobbled up roughly 100 mb. Jesus fucking Christ, that's like 30 minutes of 480p video off YouTube.

Just use Slim.

that's like
>why wear a condom, it's a sort of second skin, that's redundant, I only need one.

I'd use a text browser if the layout didn't come out utterly fucked. If there was a guarantee that they'd come out fine I'd use text-only.

And god I wish I could block the download of .gifs on regular browsers. Apparently I can only pause them.