How come are they even still on the market if their products are so ridiculously overpriced?

How come are they even still on the market if their products are so ridiculously overpriced?

Other urls found in this thread:

because they're super overpriced they don't need to sell as many to continue to operate

Why are Lexus cars still on the market if you can get better performing cars for much less?

People are buying them

How come are they even still on the market if their products are so ridiculously overpriced?

Lexus isn't about performance you idiot, it's a luxurious Toyota.

Lexus IS actually the best

Mercedes is shit

People only want the badge

MacBooks are unique in some aspects
OS X (& retina)
apple fans will buy everything
hardware design
iOS is unique and some people prefer it over android
iPhone SE is the only non-outdated non-shit smartphone with 4 inch display
iPhone is one of the last smartphones with a small screen

So you think Macs are about performance even when they are priced at luxury prices and sold as luxury devices?

Wouldn't know, I just happened to see /o/ related post.

>that Audi
yeah, nah

>idiot swipes the curb with his alloys rim
>"lol fuck mercedes for making so small tires, right? XDDD"

I wouldn't even ask about price. Think about how bad they are compared to Android when it comes to mobile devices.

You can hardly customize them
Jailbreaking is difficult, and there isn't much you can do still
Dev community is crap because there isn't much to dev
You can't swap the OS
If an app doesn't use your version of iOS, you're pretty much screwed

Etc etc

Apple sucks in general.


Someone's got to be the bottom.

Because the market has determined that they are not overpriced.

That's not how reports work.

A meme.
>Hardware design.
Cheap shit made in China.
A fad.


Isn't capitalism great? So meritocratic, right?

I've personally come to accept them. They honestly piss me the fuck off but you just gotta live with it. I.e. these two motherfuckers in my Spanish class defended Apple by saying it's simple to use. What? Simple to use? And then they said that it's impossible to use an android. Son, I think you just roasted yourself there :^)

>fag monkey garage


>prepending GNU to Linux

You are retarded, wanna know how I know?

to jailbreak you just connect the device to a computer and press the jailbreak button
and iOS' jailbreak dev community isn't pajeets unlike android's root community
iOS is backwards compatible too

What the fuck? If you are a complete tech illiterate (as most people are) you'll find Macs much easier to use

>we live in a world where companies make a killing off of selling bracelets that they claim make you stronger by purifying your negative ions
>people still believe that the market proves shit

how does it feel being a dumbass?

There is literally 0 merit to Apple or its products.

That's why capitalism needs to go. Supply and demand economics are obsolete.

no one cares nerd

There is, they are easier to use.

finally, someone tech savvy isn't a propertarian or ayncrap.

full communism?

OS X is the best OS today and 15 years before.
Retina may be a meme, but on OS X all apps and everything support hi-dpi
>Hardware design
"Designed by apple in california(or something)"
Iphone is a fad like 4+ inch screens are.

OS X is the only OS that has decent high PPI support. It's also a solid desktop use unix-like, so that already makes it better than Windows.
Let's not forget they actually bothered to even push high PPI into the consumer market in 2009 and 2012. Before that the only real options consumers had were incredibly shitty IBM T221s.
Then again this is Sup Forums, so you clearly aren't computer illiterate or anything

Windows is superior across the board. The Mac filesystem hasn't seen any improvement in a decade, and it's memory management is rudimentary at best. You obviously never took a class in operating systems.


Toyota Prius at best

>Windows is superior across the board.
How to tell when someone is baiting. Don't respond anymore.

t. Pajeet

Macs are unix though
And Windows has bash

>Windows is superior to a UNIX system
the really only bad thing about OS X is the FS. but you can just make a tiny HFS+ partition for OS X only and store the rest on separate, say, ext4 partition (install a FUSE driver).

>Windows is superior across the board
no really it isn't

>The Mac filesystem hasn't seen any improvement in a decade
hfs is still better than ntfs

>memory management is rudimentary at best
not only is this flat out wrong it is objectively the most ridiculous thing I've seen on Sup Forums is months

>hfs better than ntfs
Both extreme sides are quite wrong.

>Cheap shit made in China.
all computers are wtf am I reading

The true horrors of HFS+ are not in how it’s not a great filesystem, but in how it’s actively designed to be a bad filesystem by people who thought they had good ideas.

The case insensitivity is just a horribly bad idea, and Apple could have pushed fixing it. They didn’t. Instead, they doubled down on a bad idea, and actively extended it – very very badly – to unicode. And it’s not even UTF-8, it’s UCS2 I think.

Ok, so NTFS did some of the same. But apple really took it to the next level with HFS+.

There’s some excuse for case insensitivity in a legacy model (“We didn’t know better”). But people who think unicode equivalency comparisons are a good idea in a filesystem shouldn’t be allowed to play in that space. Give them some paste, and let them sit in a corner eating it. They’ll be happy, and they won’t be messing up your system.

And then picking NFD normalization – and making it visible, and actively converting correct unicode into that absolutely horrible format, that’s just inexcusable. Even the people who think normalization is a good thing admit that NFD is a bad format, and certainly not for data exchange. It’s not even “paste-eater” quality thinking. It’s actually actively corrupting user data. By design. Christ.

And Apple let these monkeys work on their filesystem? Seriously?

trolling aside he's right, OSX is known for its insanely slow system calls, getting major security features years after everyone else, also windows IOCP is currently the best async IO api

He's wrong. Nobody wants case sensitivity other than unix nerds.

hfs is case sensitive since OS X 10.3 i think

Many people are not poor and don't like Android.

the article's point was that the VFS layer or shell should handle case insensitivity, and that putting it in the file system was retarded

actually using ios and not baiting

Get a Blackberry then. Also, stop pretending there aren't high-end Android phones out there.

Apple is a company with terrible products and a fantastic marketing department. That is all.

Regular people think that:

>The more expensive the product is, the better it is.

Even you have fallen for this marketing trick at some point in your life. It also helps that Apple products also look shiny, clean & neat which further helps the image that their product is high quality.

We Sup Forumsentlemen know better, though.

Because they are the best at advertisement and consumer manipulation.

We here make fun of American people like you for being this much of a mindless sheep lolololol never change xDDDD

How is it the 21st century and that is still allowed though?

When will we live in a true meritocracy?

apple is a cult. and its devices are a social status and "lifestyle"

Also forgot to mention that regular people don't like to mess with technology as much as we do, rather they want something that just werks and is intuitive (easy to understand and use). This is the primary reason a lot of tech enthusiasts don't like Apple. Because it restricts the amount of things you can do in favor for making it easier to use.

I bet you buy brand name bread instead of generic bread at your local supermarket.

It's the same case with Apple. You're paying for the logo.


Because real life consumers do not act as economically perfect consumer simulations

Unless market manipulation is involved (like Windows or Intel abusing their monopol) yes it is.

The marketing power would stop working the second people actually bought the products. Customer satisfaction just like the market, confirms that Apple makes the best products my any objectively measurable criteria.

Different brands do taste different, are you the type that some ghetto cola tastes the same as Coca Cola?

Because they're good at marketing

Pretty much this. I was like the typical Sup Forums user bitching about the specs of iDevices and macbooks, laughing about people paying more for less cores/mhz/ram and the likes. Started making money and bought a macbook because the Asus I wanted to get wasn't available in the store and waiting is lame.

Now I feel sorry for people using anything else.

>high-end Android phones
High end price, sure. High end hardware, some of them. High end software? Ahahahaha. Using Android feels like using alpha software compared to iOS. Yes it has more features and gives you more control but the reliability is ass. You'll spend more time making it work right and will need to accept occasional lag. It's cool if you're on a budget but it's simply unacceptable if we talk about a device for a premium price.

>that graph

>Different brands do taste different, are you the type that some ghetto cola tastes the same as Coca Cola?

Yeah, but the taste isn't as different as you think. Our tastes are influenced by simple thing such as the brand name of the product, the price or even external factors such as noise.

Take this for example:

A study where people drank wine that cost $5 dollars and the other wine costed 40$ dollars. They are both the same though, but the tester didn't know this. Guess which one they said they preferred?

It's the same thing with Apple or bread. By buying more expensive versions of products, you automatically assume that it's better (And thus tastes better in your case) because the normal person assumes that: more expensive = the better the product.

Another example:

It's the same case with #2. If they jack up the prices, it starts to sell people again, people think that more expensive == the better the product

>Different brands do taste different, are you the type that some ghetto cola tastes the same as Coca Cola?
Yeah, Coca Cola has this distinct taste of murder and exploitation that you just don't get out of any other soft drink.

AIDF out in full force this afternoon.

>Our tastes are influenced by simple thing such as the brand name of the product, the price or even external factors such as noise.
Sure but ghetto cola still tastes like shit (At least I don't remember a single person preferring it). Wine is a different example, since it generally tastes very differently, I had bottles for 6 bucks that tasted awesome and stuff for 80 that was mediocre at best.

Then again, it boils down to preference, so if you prefer the taste of branded bread (and make sure you're not manipulated but outside factors), it's simply the better choice. Personally I don't taste too much difference with bread but something like energy drinks or cigs or cola, the cheap stuff is usually pretty horrible.

It's true that price (and other factors) would affect how you'd feel about a product but specially with technology, you'll run into limits of this strategy pretty soon. If your phone runs like shit or your laptop screen has shitty colors, no amount of manipulation will change it.

>that you just don't get out of any other soft drink.
How comes? Sure, it's not hard to find a more ethical company but in the end all of them exploit the environment and their workers. At least my murder and exploitation Cola is actually enjoyable.

By that graph, Toyota or Audi would be the best choice for those who don't have money they need to dispose of. Best bang for the buck, and if you choose wisely with Audi, better quality too.

Though it's all meaningless unless you know how they determined better vs. worse.

Did you know OS X's high DPI stuff just scales apps that don't support high DPI? That's exactly what Windows 8.1 and 10 do. Also browser screenshots are not the best example to use. It looks the same as your screenshot in Firefox on any platform.

> just scales apps that don't support high DPI?
In a way that is usually not horrible, besides the amount of software on OSX that doesn't support high DPI is minimal, while it's a widespread problem on Windows.

>software that supports hidpi on osx: 100
>software that doesn't support hidpi on osx: 100
>software that supports hidpi on windows: 200
>software that doesn't support hidpi on windows: 2000000

>LMAO look windoze inly has 1% hidpi supprott xDDD

Fuck off retard.


Because hipsters.

>>software that supports hidpi on osx: 100
>>software that doesn't support hidpi on osx: 100
>>software that supports hidpi on windows: 200
>>software that doesn't support hidpi on windows: 2000000
>>LMAO look windoze inly has 1% hidpi supprott xDDD
>Fuck off retard.

Really? The "Mac doesn't have programs" meme in 2016? Where have you been?

All the relevant software supports it on OSX though, can't say same about Windows.

Why do people still buy diamonds even though everyone knows that their high prices are artificial?

Status. Social pressure. Marketing.

Diamonds are actually beautiful and useful though.

>Diamonds are actually beautiful and useful though.


>People only want the badge

this guy gets it

also, believe it or not, OSX is more "friendly" and getting support is a lot easier

have a problem with your windows 10 pc? lol good luck speaking to pajeet with microsoft customer support who will tell you to go speak to the manufacturer, who is probably another pajeet. not sure if you guys understand, but most people who go down this route hate it

have a problem with your macbook? make an appointment, drive 20 minutes to the nearest apple store, and the chance you get someone who can help you right away with an issue is very high and you'll walk out of the store with either:
a) your problem being fixed
b) a guarantee that your shit is being fixed

a lot of people like that.

apple has created an ecosystem of friendliess and easieness that can't compare with microsoft. Some people don't mind paying a little extra if they are also going to get help a lot easier just in case something goes wrong. Microsoft realized this and is now doing the same shit with their windows store (hopefully? i don't know but they probably should) but they're a little late. plus they have the fact that they only support their operating system, while apple supports every step of the way. which again, makes getting support for a pc harder.

also, have a problem with linux? write on an anime imageboard about your problem and then have a bunch of neckbeards argue why the distro youre using is shit

Is this another shitty leaked Sup Forums meme? Kinda wish mods would ban hate speech here.

Anyway, here's your refutation:


Diamond powder has always had applications. "Jemstone" quality diamonds are priced 50000x their actual practical value. Fuck off kike.

As are the far cheaper fake diamonds.

Industrial diamonds are not expensive though.