You have exactly 15 minutes to explain why you're using GNU/Linux instead of the superior alternative, FreeBSD

You have exactly 15 minutes to explain why you're using GNU/Linux instead of the superior alternative, FreeBSD.

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Fuck BSD

I'm using GNU/Linux-libre to avoid binary botnet blobs

I'm looking forward to LibertyBSD

Because I live in the 21st century.

It's too obscure and Arch Gnu/Linux suffices my needs.

What you're referring to as BSD is actually BSD/Nothing-werks or as I like to call it BSD + Nothing-werkz

how will i watch porn on it

Superior drivers, better FPU code, better general purpose FS, superior security, and faster development. It's also in general easier to deploy, and thus, more user friendly. The GNU userland, is also nearly bulletproof, and I find that there are more reasons to use GNU over the BSD coreutils than Linux over BSD. BSD has the advantages of pf (nftables will likely be defacto once it is mature), ZFS (although once BTRFS reaches maturity this advantage will be negated as well), and centralized development, if that is an advantage at all.

>superior security
[citation needed]

Im installing BSD in a VM right now to try things out and see how stuff works.

Im isntaling xfce right now, but what Display manager should I use?? How do services work in BSD?? HELP!

You must run the windows version of firefox in wine. Yes, bsd sucks that hard.

I use Gentoo Linux which is abouts as superior to GNU as openBSD is to freeBSD

>program doesn't work on OS
>it's the OS's fault
Gee, sounds fermiliar.

I don't see any benefits in using BSD.

well that's not true at all

802.11 n/ac

shitty driver support or something
I would be using it if the wireless worked but it don't

You have exactly 15 minutes to explain why I should use FreeBSD over GNU/Linux.

LibertyBSD makes absolutely no sense.

Just don't use closed hardware if you don't want closed blobs uploaded to that closed hardware.

Rice and to be truly libre

For one thing, I don't want to watch the grass growing while I wait for my machine to boot.

BSD had network capability before any other OS

How do you start/stop system services in BSD?

>BTRFS reaches maturity
in 1000 years maybe

What BSD?

OpenBSD has rcctl. But you can do it the old fashioned /etc/rc.d/ way.

I'm using OpenBSD and I want to run gdm (gnome display manager) at boot. Not sure how I would go about doing this.

>proprietary blobs
No thanks. I like my Libreboot and Trisquel.
You'll probably want to add
To your /etc/rc.conf

So what you're saying is you have no self-control and buy closed source hardware?

Because my 10TB of backed up data are in ext3 so to be able to use BSD, I'd need to purchase 10TB more storage, format it to whatever fs BSD uses, then copy it all over from the ext3 storage.

That kind of investment isn't worth it for an OS that has shit hardware support, isn't tailored to the desktop market in the least, that I have to compile every goddamn thing I want to install. I didn't buy that shit with genpooinloo portage and I'm certainly not buying it with BSD ports

>that I have to compile every goddamn thing I want to install
That's how I know that you don't know anything.

>closed source
Say "nonfree" instead; that says freedom matters.

>program doesn't work
They're talking about streaming video though. That's a little more than a program not working.

Who the fuck wants to use an OS where they can't even stream video?

Shut the fuck up, freetard.

No one but you and your butt buddy Stallman cares about these semantics.

He said watch, not stream.

Is there a "superior" method of installing software with a package manager that does not require compiling it?

Who stores porn locally these days?

Yes. Literally every BSD has a package manager.

At least do some research before saying stupid shit. But you're a tripfag, so maybe I'm expecting too much out of you.

I've thought with orange abuse, and crocodiles have equal paired galoshes when apricots jauntily heave without camouflage. Why keep a generic will-o-wisp over the cankerous mandolin?

Whenever I try and run gdm it says Couldn't connect to dbus, whatever that means

Well, I care about freedom too, and so should you.

>inb4 muh toe cheese

Nope. My Thinkpad X200 is made up of free software and hardware. I run a free software BIOS called Libreboot.

add dbus_daemon to the pkg_scripts line then
pkg_scripts="dbus_daemon avahi_daemon gdm"

I have no idea how to install it. With arch, I could get a bootstrap archive, chroot into it and install the whole thing to another partition without turning my computer off. I can't afford DVDs.

There is no dbus daemon,. wtf

The research I did involved reading the FreeBSD documentation section titled "Installing Applications: Packages and Ports" and in both options for installing software (and the documentation does indeed say that you have but two ways to install applications) it says you need to compile it yourself.

So how about you fuck yourself.

Just boot it from a USB

If you installed GNOME, it had to come with dbus. It's a dependency.

Clearly you didn't fucking read it, because pkgng exists.

I just installed gdm, not GNOME, yet when I run pkg_add dbus it seems that it is already installed.

Strong kernel, amazing community, never tried BSD, GNU/Linux is exactly what I need.

I use xubuntu because of Steam, otherwise I use FreeBSD on virtual machines and servers.

Don't have one.

How do you install Arch then?

Download a basic root as an archive, arch-chroot into it, mount a partition, pacstrap, bam.

I mean when your laptop didn't have an OS on it, and you decided to install arch, how would you boot up anything?

My laptop came with Debian on it. It's dual-booted now.

Y not tho


Well hold on then, I'll try it on my side.

It's incredible how many useless dependencies it has. I don't even know why you'd want GDM.

USB Flash Drives are dirt cheap nowadays

USB 3.0 16GB Kingston : 7 Euros (8 dollars)
"Kingston DataTraveler SE9 G2"

Well as it turns out, dbus_daemon was renamed to messagebus in the latest releases.
pkg_scripts="messagebus avahi_daemon gdm" is what you're looking for.

i need the compatibility

all my real stuff is on openbsd

Also gotta keep in mind that if you're using virtualbox, you probably don't have accelerated video, therefore GDM won't work.

obsd used pkg_add/pkg_delete
fbsd uses pkg add/pkg delete

you will never need any other commands

>having underscores in your command names

Just further proof that freebsd is better than openbsd.

they do it so there's no ambiguity

pkg on freebsd is a single big binary that has all those commands while the pkg_ commands are all separate

>no ambiguity

>see pkg
Person with IQ above 80: I'm invoking the package manager
OpenBSD tard (who has never used a multi command program like git, hg, etc): UHHHH...

Being a complete tinfoil hat fucknut like you, I just code my OS in assembly.

>trying THIS hard
also why don't you write a package manager if you think you can do it better

Because it's not 1997-2003

Or hey we could go the OpenBSD route and listen to Theo De Raadts crazy fucking tantrums when he goes off his meds.

also i think it's funny that you're saying this because openbsd comes with CVS and the devs use it

why are there so many people here who don't know what they're talking about

No software

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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

no, OP, the burden is on you to convince me to use FreeBSD instead of GNU/Linux


ctrl+f Theo
Good man.

>You have exactly 15 minutes to explain why you're using GNU/Linux instead of the superior alternative, FreeBSD.
Don't need fifteen minutes to explain why I am not a basement dwelling faggot like you. Fuck your damned computer

so you dont use linux either i assume

What's wrong? You're not confused by my word choice, are you? Because that would just be semantics.

Linux is an Unix flavour for girls.




Get cucked

epic donald trump and cuck meme xD

better boot times
better smp performance
better security (pax grsec selinux tpe)
better hardware/driver support
better software support
better filesystem support
better power management
better games
better architecture support
better compiler support

Pretty much objectively any aspect of the two you can come up with Linux is better :3 uguu

i love these fucking tripfags that spend all day searching "BSD" in the catalog so they can post retarded shit

Found a solution, using Virtualbox with a .vmdk that points to my physical drive.

Posting from my phone, my boot loader is gone

>Literally using super linux

I would like to have some software available.


Bad news: the tripshits aren't the only ones who realize the BSDs are worthless

i just destroyed my partition table, somebody please help

oh yeah you also have the guy who posts trollaxor in here and takes it seriously

are you fucking serious

what made you think that was a good idea

I'm just a lurker. don't mind me...


no what made you think that pointing a vmdk to a physical drive makes sense to install an OS

i don't have any USB drives or CDs

Consider yourself mound

Should have installed freebsd. We're competent enough to give clear instructions to beginners.