Company looking for candidate with 7 years AngularJS experience

>company looking for candidate with 7 years AngularJS experience

cool story bro

>retard doesn't understand why this is funny

Maybe it's just not funny.

Do you even understand it?

I will never understand why kids enjoy the cinnamony taste of that garbage breakfast cereal

>not expecting HR drones to be brain dead
it's the same as internships or entry level positions requiring 2 years of experience.

Case in point.




Kids love sugar. The cinnamon is just a bonus.
I've eaten it and I like the cinnamon but it's just far too sweet. It's like eating pure sugar.


>time to search for jobs
>experience requirement: none
>"junior slave worker"
>oh my
>"requires 15 years of slave working experience"


>country has a fucked up internship system
>you're not allowed to pay more than a minimum wage
>internship is intership no matter degree you're getting, you could be working on CS degree and working part time as an advertiser junior, it will count as CS internship experience
>Jewish owners realized this loophole
>They don't want to pay a full time software engineer or whatever
>they list software engineer jobs as internships, scoops people out until they found one unlucky and desperate faggot or some oblivious script genius who happens to be a software engineer in disguise
>slave the shit outta their work


>in the year Java was released
>job postings wanting 10 years Java experience

Same happened to Perl, .NET (they never tended to say which .NET language), and hell, even back to Delphi.

This isn't new. And it never stopped being funny/pathetic.

It's because of HR goons playing Chinese whispers and not having any idea of the meaning of the buzzwords flying past their head, of course. Also a gigantic red flag, because clueless HR goons are rarely a good thing, and damn near everyone is cursed with them.

>apply for some job that requires more specialized knowledge
>HR person doesn't bring along a second opinion who actually knows stuff about the positions
>she sits there vacantly blinking like I tried explaining the quantum field theory to her

This my future we are talking about lady so it would be nice if you DID YOUR FUCKING DAMN JOB.

AngularJS was originally developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery

Sorry your joke bombed idiot

it's so they can say "we couldn't find any qualified applicants" when they get audited for hiring pajeet. his resume probably has "10 years of AngularJS experience".

2 years of experience for an internship is simply going to college

>get degree
>internship requires years of previous work experience