B...but GIRLS can't CODE

>b...but GIRLS can't CODE
Goodness gracious Sup Forums, will you ever stop getting blown the fuck out, and on suicide watch?

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i always thought it was hot girls can't code

no btfo'ing here


>shittyass cinema displays
>TWO of them
>no HDMI inputs
>shittyass Magic Mouse
>no VESA mount for multiple displays

How could you fuck up that badly with that much money?

jk, good for her.

I've never said girls can't code.

>coding on a mac


What's the problem?

The subject of the photograph is the girl.
The screens are background scenery.

humans can perform basic logical task, such a making lists and flow charts.

wow OP you deserve a Nobel Prize.

the question is not can girls 'code' but can girls code to the same standards as boys?

#EqualWorkEqualPay , #BLM , #Diversity

How am I backpedaling exactly? I've never said girls can't code... What's the problem?

She's probably sitting at her boyfriends computer.

>lol I'm a nerdy gurrrl

>but can girls code to the same standards as boys?
I don't see why not? Any evidence to support your implication.


We'd still be programming in machine language if it wasn't for faggots and women.

While I don't particularly care for their keyboards and their hardware is overpriced OSX is POSIX compliant and perfectly fine for coding.

Faggot windows on the other hand, is only appropriate for filthy-handed .NET pajeets.

Probably "coding" html and css

>i-i-i- nevah sed dey cannae code wuwuu~
You can't whitewash away your dark past

wrong, if it was a man he'd be showing his code, but since its a female she has to be present in 30% of the picture.

Girls that program don't take pictures of them with background computers full of "code".

I'm sure the majority of people here think girls can't code, which is fine, people are entitled to their own opinions. However personally I have never adhered to this belief.

Implying the extra bloat has been worth it. We should have never stopped coding in assembly. Bullshit like nodejs and ruby on rails are the failures fags and womyn have created.

This. This to the fucking 26th power. Daily programming threads are not full of men taking photos of themselves coding.

Yeah this is fucking stupid and I hate this. It's obviously she's taking a selfie because of her arms position. She's obviously insecure about something otherwise why would she feel the need to take a picture of herself and I'm assuming post it on social media.

But not many here actually say that. The main Sup Forumstard argument against "women in coding" movements is that the *majority* of women aren't *interested* in programming (which basically causes the same problems that affirmative action does, without really solving the one being addressed), not that all of them are incapable. Pretty much everyone here knows that programming is really a fairly simple craft that anyone can pick up with some time and patience, but having no interest in it causes one to be bad at it through lack of practice.

she's hideous. also, why are her pupils dilated?

look at that jew nose

>She's obviously insecure about something
This is obvious. The more you boast about doing something the more likely you're to be a complete pleb about the thing you boast about. She's probably compensating for only being able to write super basic scripts.

>goodness gracious

are you my fucking grandmother?

Bottom Feeding Misogynists Not So Tough After Being Blown The Fuck Out
>"We never really hated women, honest" says virgin basement, 32

>that branching
what a fucking mess

Women are sex objects. Their only purpose is to breed strong sons. Letting white women have jobs instead of making babies is why double digit IQ negros will out breed us and idiocracy will become a reality.

shit was out of control when i went to a linux expo.

macs nearly everywhere

But can they do low level embedded programming?
Yeah? Thought so.
Can they be as passionate about tech as men can be and have tinkering as their hobby? Yeah thought so.

Women btfo bankrupt and on suicide watch

>implying anyone in /dpt/ isn't female

'hello world' doesn't count.


Who? Fuck off literal retard. Sup Forums is not one person.

>linux expo
>macs everywhere
Sounds about right. GNU expos are where homOSeXuals don't go.

>'hello world' doesn't cound
Never said it did.

I like that you did the capitalization, I think many fish will be blinded and not see the hook

Believe whatever you want, faggot

Thats the point, dipshit. Its about the code, not gender.

>>says virgin basement, 32
Jokes on you, my basement gets laid on the reg.

>Goodness gracious Sup Forums, will you ever stop getting blown the fuck out, and on suicide watch?

We honestly dont give a shit who can code, but stop shoving your gender/other bullshit in front of everything.
We hate people who are posers and people who shove their politics in places where it doesnt belong.

>pic related, it would get just as much ridicule even if it was a man

I post in /dpt/, and am male. So is OSGTP.

>wrong, if it was a man he'd be showing his code, his anime-dolls collection, his pile of clothes, a bottle of his favourite scotch, his dinner and his Glock, but since

>wah girls post their faces because they want attention
>uses tripcode

How far down the bait-hole have you gone? Time to wake up

As long as they aren't like this waste of air.


>choose a handle that indicates your gender
>act offended when gender is brought up

>woman in picture """ coding """"
>has a beverage or edible around them

Every time

Crypto-Jewish SJW, please.
If it wasn't for the 24/7 Sup Forumsposting, we would be able to have a normal conversation in Sup Forums and none of us are here for that.

Yea because his trip code totally identifies him.

Women can't into embedded programming
It's too hard for them

Who is that

>Two hands on keyboard
>How dafuq

thats a battestation or edc thread user
were talking about what females think a dpt thread is

please do try to keep track of whats going on

I give a fuck, i would never hire a woman or tranny or a faggot because it fucks up the team vibe and kills productivity. Men evolved to go out and hunt with other men while the women and faggots stayed home and cooked and changed diapers. Women and pseudo-women kill the vibe and are the weak link that brings the rest of the team down to their pathetic level. There's a reason that all male companies perform better than mixed gender companies. An ugly woman is a killjoy and hot woman is a distraction and will tear teams apart. Women have one job and that's to make babies and they are fucking that up in the name of feminism.

Why did you take your code off? Or are you unironically defending tripfags

Are you implying there's a difference between how men and women learn or how their brain works.

Thin people have a small gap between their jaw and neck where they can hold a phone or a camera if necessary.

Neither. I give no fucks. But how does a tripcode identify a person like a photo? Answer the question you little shit.

>posted from my mobile Sony Hunting Spear xXx

not with that attitude

>apple monitors
>Apple keyboard
>apple mouse
>plain mousepad, no design or memory foam wrist-rest
>no graphics tablet
>no custom build desktop in site, only apple
>wearing anything other than
underwear, pajamas, or sweatpants
>empty desk with no figurines or toys
Only a woman, OP, only a woman...

Of course, I thought it was obvious
Women and men both have fields they excel in, and fall short in, it's simple biology.


Or any work environment outside of a Fortune 100 corp.

His ass and some outdated "studies".

>Implying im fat
How would """SHE""" set the shutter off?

A pain in the balls on /r/sysadmin that constantly complain about how bad women have it in the tech industry when all you need to do is have tits and show up.

>has a beverage or edible around them
Feels more like product placement than anything else.

As for OP's pic, it is embarrassing that the displays are so 'premium' yet can't even adjust in height.

I don't feel like crawling through her comment history.

Got anything good


Well, men and women are biologically different, and that has to affect them psychologically some way.

Everything that happens to your affects your psychology, which also "alters" your brain.

plenty of women can code

i even work with a few

pushing an agenda and shilling a product.

so american


I want to kode and snoo-snoo with Karlie desu

Coding on a mac is like rollerblading across the ocean.

girls are welcome to code.

They're NOT welcome to claim that guys are evil and prevent them from coding or advancing in related carreers. We're NOT doing that. We can't. Stop inventing enemies FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.

Thank you.

> 3 fucking macs with matching apple gear
> some strange flowchart program

aight b

I'm talking about the way we learn though.

God that fucking pic


This blog post of hers comes to mind first.

Girls are welcome to code

But they're NOT welcome to brag about how they're so special because they are a woman in a job full of men.

We should prevent them. Women need to legally be men's property like they were in the good old days. Women, like children, should not have rights. Feminism will be the downfall of civilization.

>unix environment
>package manager for quickly getting what you need
>support for typing stuffs inside a file
What else do you need ?
I don't think wifi driver issues is a requirement for programming.

Wow perhaps I stand corrected. I noticed that they say how females are better at remembering things whereas males are better at mathematical applications of problems. Interesting read.

She's a fucking pleb, probably writing something babby tier.

itt: permavirgs upset that the world's first computer programmer was a woman

I am 100% sure the world's first computer programmer was a man. He was the computer scientist to the world's first computer and after perfecting it, he wrote a test program, making him the first

No, I respect her actually.
But technically she isn't the first depending on your definition of "computer".

You could reasonably say whoever invented basic math was the first computer programmer, or you could say the abacus, or you could say it was someone in the late 20th century.

That's a man in drag

This. When asked if I would take on a female student volunteer (sysadmin at a high school) I said if there's genuine interest in the work anyone is welcome.

I've had hold the hand with enough men and women through every little snag instead of working on what I was supposed to be doing because they just wanted the title and/or the paycheck and have no interest in working on computers. I won't be responsible for introducing another one into my field.

Some of the coolest sysadmins I've ever met were middle aged over weight women.

Thats linux you just described.

b-but you can write your own drivers.

theres plenty about that.

the entire modern education system in the west was changed to be most suitable for female style learning.

Actually that's was anything besides OSX considering all other even remotely popular operating systems either lack UNIX and package managers or they just have driver issues.

You cant write your own drivers in OSX, nor can you test them.

She also just did her job and didn't make a deal about also happening to have a vagina.