GTX 960 has betrayed and abandoned me

Just fucking Sup Forumsut me alive and leave me to die. I finally ended up building a new tower with an intel i7-4790k to upgrade from the shitty stock HP 2ghz processor that I was using. Everything went well and seems to be workign fine apart form the fact that my GTX 960 (which worked in my old setup) now crashes whenever I boot up any game or anything else that puts any sort of load on it. I've tested the programs with the intel integrated graphics and don't get the same issues. Has anyone else had this issue? Should I bash my fucking head in with this piece of shit video card?

tl;dr GTX 960 locked up my WHOLE GOT DAMB PC whenever I put any load on it after transferring it to my new build.

Did you completely reinstall windows?

Have you considered being a production e member of society instead of a gaymer?

I have the same setup and has a similar problem.
Check your GeForce experience and possibly get older drivers.

Check your PSU.

install gentoo

I use my video card to render hi-polygon models of garfield kissing a tesselated mario from super mario sunshine.

Did you install older drivers to fix it? If so, how far back do I go?

Already did. I'm running a 650W and the 500W I tried didn't work either. Both are more than enough for my setup.


Install the fucking drivers, you fucking meme. Both motherboard and GPU. Also, make sure you've got the pci power cables running from the PSU to the GPU. If neither of these work, you're probably fucked. Try looking into pci power management in power options. Turn it off

Updating my BIOS as we speak

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I didn't mean to ctrl + v the bottom part

Your upgrade probably put your PC past it's PSU limit. Get a beefier PSU. Any 500 watt 80+ gold unit or higher should be fine.

Not op but i honestly have no idea.

can u check the GPU temps with gpu-z or afterburner while under load or it immediately locks up?

You might just have to limp along on intergrated then RMA the card

did you actually plug the power cable into the card

Seems like power issue.

This. Check your pcie power going to the card. You should probably have 2.

Same happens to my GTX 950. Read online it's probably a damaged card and you have to get a new one.
I've been able to fix mine by downgrading drivers and each time it crashes, take the card out and let it sit for a little while. It's gotten better, it used to only last a day l, but now it's turning into weeks before I have to do it again. I think something killed it from my hdmi since the port doesn't work on the card anymore.

Check the card with another board
Or put another card into your board
That should deduce the problem

Is it a new motherboard as well? I'm assuming it is. Could also be a faulty PCI-E slot on the mobo. If you have a second slot available, try that (after ruling out power problems).

it immediately locks up and I can't access anything. Sometimes the whole computer freezes and other times I can still hear it screaming for help with error windows popping up

I'm not running babby's first PC, I know what the PCI-E power cable does.

God fucking damn it.

It's too big to fit into the bottom 2 PCI-E slots without resting directly on the PSU vent. I'm going to try and see how my old GTX 250 works.

>implying nvidia doesen't gimp their cards to break down early in order for you to buy a new one

I've had many friends with nvidia cards that had the same problem.

sounds fucked then.

What happens is exactly what you said as soon as you stress it it just trips the fault safety and shuts off.

Better off just going off intergrated, its not that bad and see if you can last until the new cards come out, snag a bargain like a 290 or 390 8gb for cheapo or a 980ti