How many of you faggots had Soylent? How did it taste? Were you able to get more work done?

How many of you faggots had Soylent? How did it taste? Were you able to get more work done?

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>Were you able to get more work done?
kill yourself

I got a bottle of Soylent at a hackathon once. Tasted like watery Cherreos and didn't really feel like a meal. It also gave me bowel issues (poop problems) for days.

0/10 total meme.

Its crap.

Friend of mine tried Huel, which is a similar kindof thing. Found it a little unsatisfying, and said it made his fingernails grow really fucking fast.

Holy shit. So essentially it made him a corpse.

Home cooked food > Soylent

He's probably missing some nutrients on his regular diet.

Yeah, not having to get up to eat a cheeseburger and fries then take a massive methane laden shit shortly after tends to add years to your life.

i kinda liked the taste of 2.0, but never had the other.

I tried a rip-off of that stuff for half a year (as a substitute for lunch) and it was enough to make me full until dinner, although I might add that I don't eat a lot in general.
Definitely a time saver, and the taste wasn't too bad. A bit like really thin cookie dough.

Quite. kindof tempted to try it to see if it shows up any similar issues in myself.

Tried Queal, which is similar to Soylent.
They have a bunch of different tastes though, but the base tastes like oat. Slinged farts like a madman. The texture is very weird. It's very hard to chug, as the texture becomes more apparent, and you start feeling like theres sandpaper (hyperbole) in your throat.

I only used it as breakfast though.

I've had a subscription since 2.0 came out. I have frequent stomach problems so Soylent is great when I can't eat something solid, I'm in a hurry, or I'm just feeling lazy. I drink one for breakfast a lot. I'm going to up my subscription to 24/mo I think.

Taste is fine, i actually like it. It's kind of like corn flakes and milk flavor. I don't get sick of it.

>I have frequent stomach problems
You might have have celiac disease or lactose intolerance.

Is there actual soy in it? I don't want to become a sissy.

You already are if you worry about that.

I'm really tempted to try it, should beat cup ramen at least.

If only they shipped to my country.

I spilled some on my computer and it cleaned out the botnet. Great stuff, got 300% more work done

I've eaten Herbalife (popular equivalent in Europe) shakes for breakfast for the past 1 and a half months. I use a capucinno-flavoured one because it contains 1/3 usual sugar.

Works well with milk. Really energizes me (contains some coffee tho).

Le soy estrogen meme has less basis in reality than wifi causing cancer

How cost effective are these? Never tried it.


I eat food that I cook from ingredients I buy fresh. Nothing beats that.

This soylent shit might be a good idea for China and India, since they both have over a billion people and still growing. It's definitely some futuristic shit.

>Getting rid of the things that make life worth living just so he can be a better slave

Wagecucks are hilarious

>people actually buy and consume chinese estrogen powder.

haha wow

No, it's Slimfast.

>Were you able to get more work done?
If drinking sewage sludge helps you to get more work done, you really should reconsider your life.

You mean food?

i have a bag of it in my fridge. been busy with school lately, so my grocery game has been slacking. im prolly gonna drink some for breakfast. it tastes pretty good and fills me up for a bit. decent breakfast. 10/10. would not drink daily

food fags are privileged scum. soylent is the advent of the western world and a delicacy brought on by the worker man, who has little time and cannot always have groceries.

Yeah eating tasty food is one of the things that makes life worth living

dont listen to these guys OP, i eat it for lunch every day. its incredibly nutritional, and when you're in a rush / just dont feel like cooking, its the best feeling to spend $1.50 and 5 minutes to get back to whatever you were doing.

>Were you able to get more work done?
I thought it was a practical joke something you'd buy just to try it.

I had no idea it was the ultimate wagecuck food

I bought into the meme and tried it. Snake oil. Buy real food, it tastes better and is cheaper.

>This soylent shit might be a good idea for China and India,
>since they both have over a billion people and still growing.
A much better idea for China and India in this case would be drinking fucking petrol.

What the fuck is a petrol?

Well, they drink water from the Ganges so...

soylent is actually technology m8

It's okay in moderation, especially if you don't have enough time or skill to make 'normal' food. I imagine anyone who consumes ONLY on Soylent as food would want to kill themselves after a few months, but that could be said for someone who only eats one type of any food for a few months (assuming heart disease doesn't get them first).

I think it's great. I am often disinclined to take a break for food when I'm in the zone, and I actually do like the mild flavor.

But cooking it definitely isn't.

>he doesn't like cooking
You a faggot, son?

I had Joylent which is basically EU soylent. I liked it but I always added a teaspoon of honey to it. Tastes a bit too bland for me normal.

lmao americans

Use DIY soylent to avoid bad tastes, farts, customize it you and your activity level, body type, current diet, goals, etc.

The base product is shit, but making your own is less than half the price, and takes ~5 minutes to make 2 weeks worth of sustenance if you know how to use an electronic scale.

The DIY site has been hosted by them for long before even 1.0 came out.

Protip: A little time spent searching for better prices on ingredients will save you a lot, rather than using the linked sources. Prices change a lot for these ingredients.

>doesn't earn enough money to hire someone to cook for him
>pretends to enjoy cooking
fuckin' poorfags

Is it easy to get sick gains with this?
Like if you just drink more than the usual dose?

>paying for dried cum
yeah no thanks

Drink 2.0 for breakfast during the week. Quick, easy and tastes fine. Does clear you out though. Poop like clock work at 9:30 everyday because of this stuff.

Would recommend for people too lazy to make breakfast.

How is this disgusting shit more convinient than simply cutting a slice of bread or two, spreading some butter on it and adding some cheese or ham on top of it? takes the same amount of time to prepare and tastes much better. And probably is healthier too.

t. Goldbergstein

Soylent has EXACTLY what a human requires (in proportions), so it is technically better than Soylent

But the website still says that it is not meant to be 100% what you eat, because if you don't eat regular food in between you'll have problems closing your mouth around your BF's dick

thanks for link.

will check out making my own, only tried on bottle of the 2.0 stuff so don't remember having farts, or it tasting particularly bad.

>Brawndo has EXACTLY what plants crave (in proportions), so it is technically better than Water

It's good if you're a minimalist who just wants perfect nutrition for minimum time and doesn't care about taste.

It tastes like salty pancake batter. You get used to it.

I only wish the price was under $5 per bag. The current price of 1.5 powder is ~$7.71 per bag. I can create poorfag meals of rice and beans for much less than that. You're paying for the convenience of somebody else mixing up all the nutrients in perfect proportions for you.

Oh and if you lift weights you'll need to supplement extra protein of course.

well its called soylent

it made you soil your bowels

Working as advertised by name

If you want sick gains, just use one of the many diy soylents intended for sick gains. That's how I got /fit/

>people actually give up one of the purest joys in life for this shit
Just eat normal fucking food

Americans don't know how to eat.

because you have to substitute EVERY MEAL EVAH with this stuff instead of using it whenever you don't feel like cooking or going out to eat


I'm just waiting until someone thinks it'd be a good idea to feed kids this. We need more weak jawed buck toothed motherfuckers.

The jews need strong slaves not weak slaves.
There was a very good reason that chinese coolies were worth more than african slaves.

No real soy, just people

It tastes like pancake batter. I happen to like pancake batter.

It's really just a better balanced slimfast without sugar or a cheaper Ensure. It's good for lazy calorie counting and literally nothing else.

I tried 1.5 and didn't like it at all. Once 2.0 came out I gave it a shot and it's WAY better than the 1.5 powder. I ordered a case of 24 after trying one and have been drinking it for lunch for the past few days. It's not as filling as the powder was but I feel pretty good for the rest of the day. I'm sure I'd feel full if I actually ate breakfast instead of relying on one bottle to work for two meals. I mix it with a little bit of Ovaltine powder and it's basically like drinking chocolate milk.

>more work done
>from drinking some cum texture/flavor/color blend of garbage
>implying you're such le busy important person that you don't have time to eat
keep the memes coming

It's never been about being too "busy" to eat food, it's about a cheap way of getting EXACTLY what your body needs. (which in turn is going to boost your mental capacity)

Although you can get the same effect from just taking a multivitamin and some other supplements with your regular food.

Substituting 1 meal a day with Joylent (EU soylent).
I actually really like it. When i am at work i drink soylent instead of eating unhealthy snacks to get some calories.

I ordered 30 meals of Joylent for a festival I was going to, for cheap and easy food. Nothing happened for months, emailed them and got a box of 90 meals instead.

Now I just have a large drawer filled with the bags, that I eat when I am in a hurry or exceptionally lazy.

I don't mind the taste of it at all, i could easily see myself eating it more, but social eating is a big part of my life.

I really want to try this stuff but everywhere I've read says there's a fucking ton of estrogen in it so I never go for it.

A few a day isn't going to hurt you.


Excess estrogen gets converted to testosterone anyway.

>8.5$ per day
Dropped, I love the idea of saving time with this but its almost tree times as expensive as a carefully crafter diet plan.

I don't want hormone imbalance like Steve Jobs.

How are you eating on ~$3 per day?

Sure I want to turn into a virtual scrawny chink cockroach

So the this day happened already? They started producing Soylent Green?

I often spend 5-$12 per meal, so Soylent at $2.40 is pretty cheap. It's about the same cost and calorie count as a double cheeseburger at McDonald's

This shit has been out for years and you're the billionth person to make that bland reference

Are you afraid you'll become all feminine, and then have your peers point and laugh at you?

Yeah dude I'm gonna risk my sex drive, fertility, boner power and get mantits for this goop.

>EXACTLY what your body needs
Because we're all 100% identical people

>(which in turn is going to boost your mental capacity)
I'm sure forcing yourself to swallow mass produced gunk mixed together by some pseudo intellectual hipster is going to ensure you meet your EXACT nutritional needs.

The false dichotomy between the mcdonalds burger and shitlent is also funny.It's as if there aren't a million healthy choices available assuming you aren't some fat fuck that can't afford to leave a screen for more than 5 minutes. If you can't afford the time or money to eat healthy chances are your health is fucked anyway.

Kek, honestly though I use my fish tank water to water my plants. It's basically liquid manure and my plants grow like crazy. Only problem is the smell.

I am thinking about getting some just for breakfast replacement in the morning.

I honestly don't care if it tastes horrible, I just want something easy and nutritious with the added bonus of being easy to drink.

It's not really even making a reference when that is what the product was named after.

christ what a raging faggot

its called marketing

Tried this as my only meal for roughly three days. v2.0, I think.

Wasn't horrible and I found myself enjoying it after a few days.

I actually did feel better after it actually. Didn't have any shit problems. Probably would buy a batch but they don't ship to my country.


food is boring and a waste of time because I live in america and the food is generally shit unless you can figure out how to make it yourself

it tastes like drinking bisquick

I have been considering it, for quite a while now. I lost 115lbs, and since then I've had a strange appetite, usually not getting hungry. I drink those Atkins meal replacement shakes regularly to substitute this, since I am also too picky of an eater to even get my fill of nutrients - which is why I'm skeptical or whether or not I can stomach Soylent.