How do you dress for a software engineer interview at a tech company?

how do you dress for a software engineer interview at a tech company?

my country is relatively casual. also it's fucking hot in the summer. suits are out of the question.

basketball american shorts and no top

>tfw phone interviews

I would hate them... I don't like phone people. I prefer see them and knowing how they are instead of listen at their voice

I usually wear jeans or shorts with a t-shirt or a polo

Ironed shirt and black trousers or jeans did the trick for me

Do these people realize they're a walking stereotype?

Every single bay area web dev looks the same and they all share pretty much identical interests.

Ideas from /fa/

Vineyard and vines

A respectable shirt/polo, jeans/pants and shoes that don't draw too much attention to themselves.

match the shoes to the belt

>that pic

>Okay now add me on Skype so we can finish the interview

Just use a static image or default image or turn off video and say your webcam isn't working or you don't have one


Any tips for non-albino?
I like to wear socks too

have the one with their life stories?
/fa/ is a fucking creep show

Fuck i wear a hoodie to my work and a notebook bag, because how could i carry my laptop without it.

Does it mean im a numale?

we called them normies back in my day

yes you're also a cuck

>that grayed beard


I'm glad I no longer live in the same country as this cuck.

Smart casual!

Image search "smart casual" and make yourself look like that. Proper shirt, proper shoes and long pants.

You can get a job in jeans and t-shirt, but it will pay $5k/year less


Just wear the standard uniform of all other sudacas:
-football jersey
-puma sneakers
-optional mullet

>any Sup Forums real life get together will go really well and wont be incredibly awkward and cringey

Who thinks like this?

Slacks. Dress shirt. Tie. Dress shoes. Dress belt.

Says I care enough about first impressions to not compromise my brand for comfort.

They all look like twinks, and that white guy in the middle has a long neck.

>software engineer

My connection is too bad for video and I don't have webcam so np goyim we can go on the web version of skype

Asking just means you're insecure. It's just a drawing of a zero-effort outfit. The only actual detail that's accurate is "cheap, but still-name-brand glasses" and fitbits. The former are worn by any middle-class person, and the latter could be worn by anyone in the tech industry. Grats.

>having a laptop

Literally a human-giraffe crossbreed

Skype? Back off, proprietary scum!

This. There's not a single bit of engineering involved, unless perhaps you're working on medical devices.

jeans and some button up shirt

bam easy

Seems to work out for /k/ just fine.


this is fucking spot on. I've never seen a programmer in anything but a hoodie, jeans and a t-shirt with a logo. I'm probably this only one in a 1000 mile radius that sometimes wears a shirt

You forgot the most important member

Did you miss the time one /k/ommando made brownies with his own 'batter'?

Doesn't fill me with confidence for the next nuggetfest.

Why projecting so much there, bud?
Are you offended?

>Why projecting so much there, bud?

What am I projecting?

>Are you offended?


leather jacket, black jeans, red superman shirt, army boots, perfect shave, buzz cut

>quick someone call security