B-b--b-b-but MOM'S CAN'T CODE!

>b-b--b-b-but MOM'S CAN'T CODE!
wow Sup Forums - let me grab my first aid kit, because you just got BLOWN THE F*CK OUT

Other urls found in this thread:


>nobody said they couldnt

>sublime text
>gamer glasses
she probably can't code famalam

Sup Forums&

>unnecessary spacing
>sublime text
> wall mounted keyboard

>those long code lines
HTML isn't coding

That actually appears to be Atom.

>using atom


>html is "coding"

op is a nigger

even worse

the only thing women are good for is spreading their legs, even men are better cooks.

I read that as even men are better cocks.

That's true, too.

also men have better cocks

let me guess, she did a codeacademy lesson for html or ruby?

please report and ignore sjw bogeymen

>gamer glasses
The fuck are you on about? If you're referring to gunnars those aren't it, they don't have the orange tint

>taking selfies
>with kid
>in front of editor

Selfies are just self-portraits with intentionally place shit to imply to the viewer that everything conveniently pictured represents something about you. Also

>all of those tabs

Markup languages aren't programming. It's effectively content formatting. Last time I checked, HTML and XML still aren't Turing complete.

She can come back when she knows how to do anything outside of making edits to her Wordpress CSS.

I'm talking about gamer glasses you melt

W-who said they couldn't?
It sounds like they thought they couldn't code then did and is now trying to gloat.

What the fuck are gamer glasses? They seem like regular glasses to me. Stop calling shit "gamer" just because you feel like talking down on something you tit.

> Ubuntu running Unity
Get the fuck out.

nah girls usually have the best dicks from my experience on a liberal arts school campus


>implying your mom can code


Kill yourself.

Gotta agree with this.
Cute girly dicks are great.

I guess in a pinch a mans penis will do.

But a womens penis is much preferred.

>expert on gamer glasses
>directs others to Sup Forums

>trying to defend gaming

those are gunnars you retard

First post, best post, for every sensationalist political bullshit thread ever. When this happens...

And she is a hot mom too.

>posing in front of web dev husband's sublime text
>wearing non-prescription fashion glasses
Int("Pathetic female desperate for attention now that her vagina has been stretched beyond repair by demon spawns and no hotdogs want to be thrown down that loose ass hallway anymore")/10

>that pyramid of doom
clean up after yourself for fucks sake

>a woman in front of a screen
>s-s-see? g-girls can c-code too!!!!
She's just an attention whore like many others out there, dear OP.

But girls can't code.

what even is this thread


>Mom's can't code
posts a tranny

Sysadmin here, I have used perl and powershell to do everything, just started ruby, it's whatever.

Nigga that's HTML on the screen. It's not code.

Outside of Sup Forums they are referred to as problem glasses.

You're a retard.

My step son's mother happens to be a very good programmer.

>It's still this easy to troll Sup Forums if you mention feeeemmmmaaallleeesss

Gender has absolutely no influence on your ability to code. Or manage a website. Or build a PC. Or anything, really.


Look at that smug bitch with her nested code behind her. I just want to cum in her face.

you have to above 18 to use this site

doesn't surprise me, women have always been good with typing and numbers. secretaries will likely have to code in the future too.

Males are naturally stronger, taller, more resistant to pain and intoxication, and since the dawn of humanity have contributed tons of times more to our society, both artistically and scientifically, than women.

Lesbian feminists did.

>Hurr durr my retarded larval chimpanzee requires the truest attention or their puny undeveloped brain will comprehend that I don't actually care about them because it can do that
>No way could I just set it on my lap and get to work
>t. never had a kid ever

>have contributed tons of times more to our society, both artistically and scientifically, than women.
Only because men used their superior physical attributes to oppress women. If women had been allowed to, I'm certain they would have contributed just as much as men.

Gender has influence on how much you are interested in things that do not immediately affect your social standing.

No, women just never saw the point when it didn't get them more sex, more attention, more control over public morals, and more comfort.

When you move into fields that affect those things you find that women contribute more often

Basically men are fucking insane and worry about things that don't actually matter, like "dominating the galaxy", while women are practical

never forget

What he said are facts.
What you're saying is purely hypothesis.

if you put a bunch of autistic males in a group you'd get the female result with a few pyramids, towers, and anime girls made of perfectly good building supplies laying around

>men, why didn't you make anything nicer?
>i appreciate the finer things
>i'm a minimalist
>who needs tables when you have anime

I remember this but I forgot the details. Somebody post the screencap, copypasta, link or whatever; please.

So women are equal to male autistis?


So... You're saying that women are dumbed down men?

That women are giant children, like autists, only more boring instead of true overgrown toddlers.

fuck you

That was a scripted TV show that pandered to prejudices.

It's 2016. I can't believe there are still such sexist people like you guys around.


are you fucking serious?

OP is coding, not programming

Not actually sexist, I believe in equality (aka not feminism). The only reason I responded was because of this line:
>men used their superior physical attributes to oppress women

Programming is an abstraction
When it was just numbers women were used, but as it evolved into something like math, majority left

>Da patriarchy faked everything to make women look unequal
>Da jews faked everything to make niggers look smart

same diff

nothing shows that the women were inherently worse. they weren't raised from birth with carefully selected influences to ensure equality with the men. the men could have easily been beaten and punished into liking work.

>My step son's mother
Isn't that you're wife?

I'm really hoping that's HTML and not 17 layers of nested loops.

Probably not but speaking of blowing. ...

HTML isn't programming.
Coding also isn't programming.

Fuck off.

Accurate recreation of code.

Girls don't have cocks, anons.
These "girls" you're talking about are actually just men (traps).

>using xhtml closings on meta tags on html5

retard alert

>web dev
Its a given that your already retarded

thanks senpai, i havent html'd for a couple of years


You mean atom, not sublime.

>What the fuck are gamer glasses?

Glasses for gamers, you fucking retard.

>Coding also isn't programming.

Someone's triggered by what he thinks are "normie" words.

This image never stops being relevant.

MILF alert!

She's cute. I definitely wouldn't shove her out of my bed.

The mom's not bad either.


Nice HTML you got there.
Nobody said they couldn't, but now you've made it obvious they can't.

What the fuck are gamer glasses?

MILF/10, would fap again.

>being this retarded

Kill yourself, you shit brained baboon.


CSS is Turing complete

who /masc/ here?