Favourite Hex Color Thread!

Favourite Hex Color Thread!

pic related #1D1D1D


Fuck off.



#FF0000 desu

Background: #2D2D2D

Haha lol It's quite ugly though

Color of kerbals in KSP bro

#008080 mustard race


>being a weebshit





Here, violet :3 According to wikipedia is #7F00FF



>look up hex color of favourite color
that completely defeated the purpose you dumb faggot bitch


Ikr :3

Not really. Look how pretty it looks :3



that's fairly nice actually


Is that McDonald's yellow?


How do i even check?

I thought it was 8167CE but checking hex sites tells me thats a purple instead

>JS logo's yellow

Webpajeet pls go

I'm partial to #ff8800 myself, but the deep purple range is also quite nice.



678455 because pic related

mine is darker

great choice
just not easy to remember

I have it in my Xresources. If I forget it I just look it up there.





Technology evolutes my fellow m8.

#4c26d3 and its complementary color #add326


#1FA89F is nice

dark tan


a great one that is easy to remember.

Good picks anons.


Good for simple website backgrounds you'd normally be using white.

Found the only programmer in this thread


underrated post



Not my fav pink, but easy to remember

quite a nice orange t b h
