It's a $20 button

>it's a $20 button
>you can click it a 1000 times and then the non-replacable battery runs out
Amazon is bankrupt at the end of the year. Remember you heard it here first.

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you are an idiot.

Amazonfags on suicide watch

how so? they make money off of hipsters who want an internet connected button.

>non-replacable battery

Wrong, retard.

It says so on the website you idiot

Non replaceable battery means the average pleb can't change the battery. Non plebs don't deal on absolutes. Ease of replacing the battery is there life.

>paying 20$ so you don't have to walk a few meters to order something
lol fucking amerifats

Oh you amerilards. You do realise that pushing a button will burn your precious fat deposits right ?.

what are smartphones for?

why can i tap on my fucking screen instead of pressing a button?

Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of shit with down syndrome.

nice try obi wan

lol k tyrone

I read got this far and decided it was not worth the effort

what is this and what does it do?

The hell is that thing anyway?

It allows fat fuck Americans who ran out of doritos to order some more without having to move more than 1 muscle.

Do enough businesses actually manage their inventory through Amazon to make these devices worth it?

I guess you could take them and put them in places where you store items (detergent, toilet paper, etc) and press the button instead of having to go to amazon and order it manually.

But again: People actually do this? I'm pretty sure everyone in my part of the US still goes to the grocery store to get all the stuff Amazon lets you order with these buttons.

The button in OP is a different thing from those I think,

Buttblasted American fatass detected

>People actually do this?

I think the idea isn't that people do this now but that they will in the future. I've never heard of anyone actually going to the website and ordering toilet paper or something, but the convenience of the button + same day delivery is actually pretty cool.

What is a meter?

Imagine sitting on the shitter and desperately jamming that button in repeatedly. And four minutes later, a drone delivers a fresh roll of three-ply

We are truly living in the future.

If we embrace the botnet hard enough maybe it'll even fly through the window right into the shitter

Better yet, we have an Amazon AssProbeā„¢ installed, which automatically checks

Embracing the botnet in a whole new and intimate way

Not even that. Most American children have their own phones these days. Can't be bothered to pull it out of their pocket and go to the website. MUST TAP BUTTON.

I am an Indian and honestly a kid with >70IQ should get a smartphone of their own.

it's a button which, when pressed, orders the item it's labelled with from amazon

The button is a smart business decision. It removes the consciousness of actually buying a product. Not good for the consumer but good for Amazon

>financially bankrupt
>morally bankrupt

the factory i work in actually has a bunch of these, theyre primarily in areas with rags, cleaning chemicals, towels, bathroom supplies, etc

out of WD-40? press a button, end of the day the boss looks through the orders and passes whats been asked for

2 days later we get a box of WD-40 cans

surprisingly useful, sadly, theres no 30 minute shipping on toilet paper and no button in the shitter like there should be

>Amazon is bankrupt at the end of the year.