3 tabs open (just text and a few images)

>3 tabs open (just text and a few images)
>700 mb

Since when is this acceptable?

The sad thing is Chrome is a bigger memory hog

Other urls found in this thread:


>chrome is a bigger memory hog
It appears it isn't any more
>inb4 botnet
Sadly there aren't any good browsers any more.

Actual question: why does that happen? For what possible purpose could the program need to use so much memory for literally nothing?

Now try summing up the memory usage of all those subprocesses.

It's completely normal. Unused RAM is wasted RAM.
I just hope my firefox could use some more memory...

You've got bigger issue like downloading shit from pajeets and chinks

About 315 mb in all

>he runs Thunderbird
le me spit on you for a sec

Wow, I really enjoyed reading your quality comment. Could you tell me where did you learn to elaborate in such a useful way?

zakryłeś kartę, bo pewnie tam obrażasz papieża

Nie znasz nie oceniaj

To the DoD

That piece of software has been abandoned years ago but you use it for your gay-mails nsa b8

ech, śmieszkuję sobie tylko.
Miło spotkać Mirka nawet tutaj ;)

>implying it's abandoned
>implying it's deprecated in any way
It still gets a lot of updates. I see no alternative ATM, also full compatibility with linux icedove is sometimes extremely useful.
Widzę kolega tutaj nowy xD

"chrome consumes more"

przeglądam sobie boarda raz na jakiś czas, więc nie taki znowu nowy xD Wcześniej po prostu nie przywiązywalem uwagi do tego typu rzeczy.
No i w dodatku, czytając w większości czytając jedynie thready dotyczące linuxa, to za bardzo nie da się wyłapać, kto Polak i wykopek

This better be a bait.

Three windows (two private), 45-40 tabs, 12 extensions, no plugins, x64 Firefox 46

Maybe the Pajink who wrote that is merely a misunderstood genius software engineer.

>he fell for the 3gb of ram is enough meme


bo za duzo wykopkow to tu nie ma. Za to wiele robakow z kara sie tu przewija postujac swoje anime pulpity ;-D

Please enlighten me why this is a problem when pic related exists. Are you still going to be whining about browsers using "too much RAM" when 8GB RAM sticks go for under $20 a piece?

It's not the browser's fault you know, most web pages nowadays are bloated as fuck and browsers like chrome sandbox web pages to prevent them from crashing the whole web browser and improve performance. The days of 10-20KB web pages are over senpai.

> Felipe Buttowski

You do realize the physical memory percent value has nothing to do with actual memory usage shown on this picture, right?

>SJW board
...sorry, meant SFW.

kek, faggy name. fine slut btw

Have you washed your butt today, Felipe?

bywalcy polskich chanów zawsze byli i tu, i na ósemeczce.
also nigdy nie rozumiałem ustawiania chińskich bajek na tapetę…


are those real?

Use it or lose it, man

>not having at least 32 GiB RAM

This is why I left Firefox desu, using 14 tabs on Inox (on my x201) without it exploding feels good mane.

It sure is nice your mother buys you so much RAM Jordan.
I bought my own.

Nobody cares about what laptop you own, bitchboi.


I bought the RAM and my whole rig with my own money, user.

My mom only pays for rent/electricty/water (I don't pay to live in her basement) and she usually cooks dinner that I eat. Everything else I pay for!

Why should I kill myself, desu senpai?

you are fat

baka desu

I'm not having nearly that much with 10 tabs over 3 windows on Chrome 51

Wow Jordan, I'm so proud of you, you're almost a productive member of society.

Haven't you received enough attention in your childhood you little edgy dipshit?
There is a specific reason why people avoids you all the time. They do this even on Sup Forums.
Please just stop

Forgot pic

And you whine about something using your memory like a little whiny BABY. Sorry, but I don't talk to BABY POSTERS.

Yeah I have a job lol!

Hi, perhaps if you'd like to ignore my posts you can just ignore my posts rather than give me something to respond to. I'm guessing you're another WHINY NO RAM BITCH

I'm not whining about RAM usage. But you are still fat.

just do it desu senpai

Stop shitposting already dude, you're embarrassing the whole board.

>Razer products
>Opera Browser
Please, tell us how much better the system your daddy bought you is than mine

baka desu senpai

Stop eating already dude, you're borderline obese and represent an insult to the average neckbearded fatass out there.

Jesus, you're so fucking edgy. Your parents should've aborted you.
And yes, 3 people already told you that in this thread alone. Don't you get it? You don't belong here. Just get the fuck out.

How did you understand he is polish

>several tabs with video
>music player

G N U /


My mom didn't buy this computer for me. Here's my credit card statement from when I bought it (and proof that I paid it off too by letting u see my current balance)

>borderline obese
technically I'm morbidly obese

None of your fucking business.

>free alarm clock
Maybe your firefox is bloated with poo in loo extensions.

Note that chrome, firefox, and edge were all running the same ad-block version/lists/settings.

600 MB just isn't a lot. OP's living in a lost age. Nowadays computers have 16 GiB RAM on average so a browser is using about 4 percent of our memory.
In the time that 512 MB was common browsers would use about 100-200 MB which was like 20 or more percent.

There is literally no reason to cry about RAM usage in this year.

7 tabs open. 1 of them is twitch stream.

If I sort by name like you did, many of my Opera ones end up down below so the way you're showing might be hiding some of your processes!
Like you might have more chromes down below

>all this stupid shit running in the background

It's fine, really.

Runs well for me

>yfw that's only half the list

I blame your alarm clock user

Oh you think you hard nigga? Foh bruv, I bash yo skull in with my thinkpad

At least you have $106 for your Gaymur Grub.

Balance is what I've currently spent
I have $3893 available

>I have $3893 available
You act like that is a lot of money, it's cute.

No it's just what credit is available on this card, and it's definitely more than $106. The guy above is clearly underage if he doesn't understand how to read the pic above.