Why is file transfer between a windows PC and an android device still something that never fucking works...

why is file transfer between a windows PC and an android device still something that never fucking works, even in 2016 on a brand new S7?

seriously fuck MTP

windows no like linux kernel

I have literally never had an issue doing this.
I don't but samshit, though. Not sure if that matters.

literally all im trying to do is move music to my SD card from my hard drive, and i get completely random errors every time, followed by explorer sometimes completely locking up until i remove the device. it blows my mind that this is still an issue. time to go buy a fucking SD to USB adapter i guess, or use some shitty ad-ridden wifi app

>Own Galaxy Tab 2 and Galaxy S6
>Plug into Windows Device
>Device Connected sound effect
>15 seconds later
>Device disconnected sound effect
>Device connected sound effect
>Finally shows up in Devices and Drives

>Nexus 6
>HTC One M7
>Plug in device
>Device connected
>Shoiws up in Devices and Drives instantly

Try updating your Samsung drivers.

Also, use FTP.

ive done both user, trust me i troubleshot this shit for like 7 hours so far, now im here to scream into the darkness

Rooted?You could smb fileshare or scp through ssh.

Samsung has software that you need (citation needed) to use look at the files on your phone. I think they're trying to become Apple

>tfw use mac and rooted Nexus 6 and it just werks™️

My Moto X 2014 and X Play work fine under Windows and Linux. Mac no so much, the Android transfer utility sucks donkey dicks.

I had an S6 (which I returned very shortly after getting it) didn't work very well at all. Kept disappearing, speed was shit when it did work and just plain frustrating. I don't know what the deal was.

>tfw use Linux and rooted Nexus 6 and it just werks

I plug my note 5 into my pc, tap the charging icon and select file transfer in the pull down menu, and I can drag and drop whatever I want.

Not sure why you're being so difficult.

Also make sure the device is not locked and the lockscreen is off

>Samsung has software that you need (citation needed)
It is false. Kies is not required.

>xperia m2, flawless
>xperia mini pro, flawless
>lg l5, flawless
>xperia z5 compact, flawless

>galaxy tab 2, error
>galaxy s6 edge, error
every fucking time i use samsung i get these errors, fuck off samshit

One drive works perfectly

it's your cable dummy

>using ubuntu
>plug in android phone
>MTP drive detected, mounted

>plug in friends android phone
>off brand, Chinese phone (still great value for money tho)
>not detected immediately
>CTRL+ALT+T, terminal opens
>"jmtpfs a"
>mtp mounts at /home/user/a

So convenient

Sounds like you have abso-fucking-lutely no idea what you're doing.

Did you even let the usb drivers install?

Do you have permission to copy from that folder?

Are you autism spectrum?

Have you tried airdroid?

Set up an ftp server on your phone. Works great but speeds depend on your routers processing power and copying music this way doesn't trigger Android to scan for new media.


Set up a... Nigger, are you serious? A fucking FTP running on a smartphone, to transfer files between a phone and a computer a few feet away?

Jesus. Shit like this is why I gave up and got an iPhone. Android just cannot get its shit together. Its evangelists go on and on about drag-and-drop and SD card support, but then you get this nonsense, and Google took several major revisions to even figure out whether they wanted SD cards to have write permissions or not. And when they finally decided on adoptable storage, Samsung and LG decide to go to extra effort to remove the feature from their flagship handsets.

Count me out. Fuck.

Install winamp on your pc
Install winamp on your phone
Enjoy effortless wireless sync

>dealing with cables
Very rarely.

No faggot they're called drivers. Generic drivers are often shit. Google s7 Windows drivers op

>brand new S7
>buying samshit

Well here is your problem.

>to my SD card
you're retarded

I have a brand new s7e, windows PC, and you are totally retarded.

Try Airdroid out dude.. seems pretty legit so far. So many features and haven't had any issues with it so far.

user, maybe dont use MTP but instead mount as USB Storage

just use ftp

>install "ftp server" from f-droid
>open it and hit the enable switch
>access in any ftp client (curlftpfs, filezilla, your web browser, etc)

>i switched to an iphone because android cant get its shit together with file transfer
what the fuck is wrong with you?
>ease of file transfer
pick uno

for syncing things i use syncthing (personally mainly for camera photos and porn, but music and other things will work just as well)

>He fell for Samsung
Sorry, I hope you learn from your mistake. Literally no other vendor has this problem. It's only Samsung that is this shit.