8 years on helpdesk man. I don't want to do IT anymore. Burned out as fuck

8 years on helpdesk man. I don't want to do IT anymore. Burned out as fuck.

Did anyone ever quit their IT career and move somewhere else?

I know a guy that quit a year ago and is still unemployed but he says he's never been happier

>implying helpdesk is not god tier
>install adobe reader all day long and get paid for it

I am in a position where I could live a while off of my savings, but I am taking care of my parents currently. That would burn up quick. Not to mention I am sick as fuck and need insurance.

More like, kiss executive ass all day and expected to be thankful for it. Or deal with vendors fucking up my orders and sending me a dozen machines that Acronis apparently can't restore sysprep images to.

Idk about you but having to deal with people who don't know the difference between shutting down and logging off makes you want to go on a killing spree. It's truly mind boggling how fucking dumb people are.

You just need a hiatus to enjoy nature, OP.
8 years web dev here. Took a break last year. Now my fingers are itching for tags again

You must be a real twat to work helpdesk for 8 years and not move up the ladder at all.

Helpdesk across 2 companies. This company I am a floater where I get helpdesk work (image machines and fix broken keyboards) and big boy work like AD bullshit or Sharepoint.

Funny, I'm trying my damnest to get into IT at my work. Education wise I'm good for it. Just right now the place I work has a hiring freeze on till they sort out there financial issues. Right now I work in there copy center and I've been there for oh 10-11 yrs. I'm sick of my job. Managers trying to get me to take on more shit work when I already do like 3 people's jobs.

Couple years ago a guy at my IT department crashed head on into a concrete overpass support on the way back from work. I'd feel bad but most IT people I know are shitheads.

You're probably ok though OP. Get away from the shitheads.

thats not helpdesk you tool
helpdesk picks up phones and creates tickets and tries to solve problems and escalates when its too much for them to handle.

I do answer the phones. I answer tickets in Zendesk. I just happen to do other things as well.

you need to build up ur exp
take up it side projects and jobs
ex xp to 7 migrations
hardware moving and installs
and it projects where they need man power but the staff doesnt wanna do it because they are below it.
and that grunt work usually pays better than those pedestrian jobs 14-28 an hour depending on how well you lie to those indian fuckers

Still the best IT story ever told.

then redo your resume
split helpdesk and the other part as desktop support and go applying for better shit
or get ur certs up

You seem upset. Did your mommy take away your gaming console?

helpdesk isnt just one thing... my helpdesk job I do some simple sys admin work along with tickets

>tfw I am at work at my shit-tier helpdesk job right now

Life has never felt more meaningless and unfulfilling than when I am here, even though I get paid fairly for what the work is, and even though I often find myself with a lot of down time to shipost or watch YouTube videos

Honestly, I thought this would be the jackpot easy mode life I wanted, but I feel worse than when I was unemployed

What's so bad about it? I want to get into it because downtime/decentpay/gettoworkwithcomputers but everyone in here is acting like it's death? Isn't it just like the IT Crowd show that I love to watch so much?


It's boring, repetitive, monotonous, meaningless work

But at the same time, it's better than retail or customer facing work BY FAR

It's hard to explain, I guess I just feel worthless working here

Well I been working a factory job on my feet 9 hours a day for years now, so I can't imagine this being any worse.

Mental work vs physical work. Factory work takes a toll on your body, and IT work takes a toll on your mind.

Imagine it like a safer version of tard wrangling. You'll have someone lie to you to your face that they rebooted their computer-a simple solution that would fix their problem, but they'll just keep pestering you about it and call you an idiot.

At least you're on IT. I've been stuck working nights at a Burger King for nearly four years now. I'm sick of it, but it's full-time so I don't have Mich of a choice.

>Factory work takes a toll on your body
I think sitting on your ass fucks your joints and muscles more than labor, that shit keeps your body young.

I get you. I've worked at 3 different help desk jobs, better than Supermarket jobs but still shit. I took the leap and started my own company. I work for myself and love everything I do. Plus I'm on like 100x what I was earning.

>I think sitting on your ass fucks your joints and muscles more than labor
You'd be surprised what you would think if you're completely uninformed.

Fuck off. If you want something take it.

The fuck how much do you make? Did you go to school for this job?
I'm be sorely disappointed with myself (I am right now, but more so) if I didn't move up the cock sucking ladder in 8 years in a field that's renowned for mobility.
I make $24/h stocking shelves user, get your shit together.

I take food all the time.
>Select all images with French fries.

As did I. Woolworths Deli y'all

What kinda work does your company do? This is my dream, but

>no skillz

Except for audio engineering type things, but you need tens of thousands to invest in starting a company like that

Security Research. Wake up and legit love what I do. Support was the worst.

Das it mane.

Education? I'm contemplating doing a BIT majoring in security & information assurance, but not sure if it's worth it in NZ

>copy center

>10-11 years


I remember my first day at google where I had a super non-chalant conversation with a guy I just met about image processing. just out of the blue.

>oh what do you think about X
>idk isnt there a problem w/ Y
>no actually... its just because Z
>huh I never knew that
>here let me show you the math

It felt orgasmic to have an actual intellectual conversation

None. Education is shit (At least I think) when it comes to IT. Experience is key. Assembly Lang is good to know

Literally everyone says this. Looks like school is off the table then. The hardest part is getting experience. I suppose I have to lose some of dat dere autism and get out there networking with people. Oh well.

Yeah, meetup.com is great for that.

Did help desk for 5 years on 3 different companies because no other decent IT related job apparently exists here.
Had a meltdown on the first one that led to heavy antidepressants and a big sick leave.
Left help desks for a year and a half ago, but after being unemployed for this long I'm already starting to send applications to them again.

Pretty much like this shit website, never touch it as you might never leave it again.