Why can't poo in loo code

why can't poo in loo code

They can, that's why they're taking all your jobs doing what American coders do for less.

They're to programming what chinks are to manufacturing - cheap and good enough

What is the problem with calibre?

This meme again?

It's shit. Can't even use a network drive for storage.

Woo-hoo perl isn't pajeet level

Because "I don't know why, but it works" still technically works.

They absolutely can. You don't meet the ones that can because you're not working for companies that hire top talent.

Atrocious interface, shit icon

Calibre is great fuck off. I still use v. ~0.6 though the new one is shit.

>why can't poo in loo code

>butthurt americans that know they cannot even compete with Pajeet and Rakesh try to fight the power with retarded memes that they know companies don't care about.

topkek. If you had any talent you wouldn't be threatened by H1B visa holders flooding your market. That's why I don't care.

H1B visas will take the jobs of the usual CS aka Codemonkey studies people, while I am a computational mathematician, so my jobs are safe for centuries.

Because the education system in third world countries is terrible. They're never taught why things work or how to have an in depth understanding of what they're doing. All they're taught is how to get from point A to point B, regardless of how bad their process may be.

Source: I've been to schools in third world countries before and the education is monotonous there. Teachers don't try to engage their students at all and the students don't really seem to care that much either.

The problem with H1B's is that these dot heads can live on 10 cents a day because they shit outside and live in huts made of mud.

>describes public education everywhere

That's like saying that Leonardo DiCaprio is going to be replaced by Pajeet Rakesh Malalabirineshtte just because Pajeet will settle for less for the same role.

That shit won't happen because performance won't even be close to the same.

If you can understand that analogy, then now you know why if you had any talent, you wouldn't even care about the brown invasion in Europe and America.

Git gud.

You're supposed to read books, not fap at the interface. It does it's job fine.

/lit/fag here. Fuck off.

They can tjo. It's just that since they do not understand the philosophy/principles behind it that, most of the time,they are writing a clusterfuck without they're knowing, so long as shit can run can be conpiled

In the industry, usually we bought algorithm from South Korea,germany or israel (too much hassle to develop them in house), while the pajeets would be given the task to convert said algorithm to C program. After that we would convert the program into sets of gates, transistors and switches before the usual IC manufacturing process

That process sounds so fucking convoluted.

How many suicides are the average per project?

I know a guy who hanged himself, but I think it's more because of shit marriage and he was totally depressed about it

Calibre literally uses like 4GB of ram for my collection, fml.

When Pajeet's code breaks (and it does alot), for coders like me, it's a new extension on my house or another 4 month holiday.

Keep up the good work Pajeet.


>he fell for the 8gb of ram is enough meme