Sup Forums using currently fagbuntu and want to switch to another distro my prefs are debian, opensuse and arch...

Sup Forums using currently fagbuntu and want to switch to another distro my prefs are debian, opensuse and arch? wich ist the best?

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debian is for stability, Arch is for the latest updates and i haven't tried open suse.. yet


This. You'll love it. It's a fully featured KDE distro

manjaro. easy to use, stable, fresh.

Zorin OS

I know Sup Forums memes are great and all but ubuntu is legitimately not a bad OS. If you're intent on switching and you liked ubuntu you'll like debian.


still works better than your os.

I am replacing Vista with a Linux OS for university use next year. Which one will work best on the older machine: Ubuntu, Lubuntu, Arch, or Elementary OS? My roommates and I will be doing software development with it.

Why not Manjaro

All the arch cool things + "just werks"

On an older machine?
Lubuntu or Arch (with some lightweight DE)
If you are a noob choose Lubuntu, Arch is not noob friendly

Using anything else than Ubuntu is only for enlarge your e-penis on Taiwanese cartoon forums.


Linux user all my life here (that's 29 years).

Coming from Ubuntu, Debian will feel very natural. You can basically configure to be a clone of what you had before. It's nice and stable. Perhaps you want something different.

Opensuse will probably feel the most different from what you're used to. Nice if you want to try something new and stay in safe waters. Not my personal favourite though due to me not liking KDE that much, but you'll never know until you try it.

Arch will be quite the adventure... You can configure it however you like (and it's not that difficult, you can do the installation in the same time any automated installation takes). Very good for learning, but expect your computer to stop working from time to time due to updates breaking things (like the graphical environment). Not worth it for work/production machines, but nice if you want to go deeper.

arch hasn't broken anything in over a year. the meme is dying a bitter end.


Even the mantainers warn you about this. If someone is coming from Ubuntu, they should now stability is not what Arch is about, just that.


It really depends on what you want to do with the system and what your priorities are.

If you're after learning how the system works (which may not be the case) take a look at this thread,

Yeah, I know. Reddit. Nobody cares.

same here.
and right now i got 955 packages (yeah fuck me right) and that causes nearly a daily updates...

i have 1414. I don't really bother unless it's kernel upgrade time.

how many packages is a normal quantity?


I've got 930, average is probably like 1500 depending on how many different things you use your computer for

Elemantary OS is the best

opensuse leap, awesome installer, rock stable, good DE integration, great package manager you can even use apt-get and it will convert in correct zypper command, yast is freakin best, obs. snapper need i say more?

I have less than 700

Debian. Thank me later.

why debian over opensuse?

Where is the difference between opensuse tumbleweed and leap? is tumbleweed like Arch(rolling Release) or an experimental/ Beta Version?

its rolling yes but should be more stable than arch. I recommend leap software is new enough and it works great + long support.

A 7 year debian user, installed once, solid, never had to reinstall. I can get my shit done on it. Never used OpenSuSe, so can't comment.

is opensuse safe? (no backdoors etc.?)

This desu

I never read anything to the contrary so it should be safe.

Fuck off with the minimizing of this screwup.

Security underpins computing as a whole, and this was an egregious mistake.

Desktop Linux is a hobbyist OS at the best of times - this amateur hour shit is just unforgivable though.

How 'old' is this machine? Lubuntu should work great, xubuntu has more shiny though.


The memes never fail to arrive...

So this is unrelated, but I'm a new Debian user and I have a shellscript I want to execute with root privileges on login.

Is there a simple non-retarded way to achieve this?

>Caring about free software and its philosophy
What free distro do you use, faggot?

open suse is still slightly better then ubuntu
debian is much better, very great
I prefere the package management of arch.
You just know about apt, so debian should be the best for you

why is debian better than opensuse?

yast had override configuration files in preverios version. don't know current state...
in debian the mirrors can be configured, so the versions can be changed without reinstallation

Oh i started using it with 42.1 so i never encountered that.

make systemd do it.
I'd imagine googling with that would turn something useful up

opensuse has nice kde. so does arch akshully, but opensuse is easier to install.

Hey im also searching a new Distro i like Gnome and Arch should be the best for it? But im not that pro for Arch now how ist opensuse tumbleweed? I want the newest Version of Gnome 3.20 and was reading that it could be possible on opensuse? and how about Debian?

Install both and you decide. Pretty sure you'll end up in Arch

Googling is giving me a bunch of bullshit about where to put the script and how to make it autolaunch. I might be doing shit wrong.

Was Debian a bad choice for a newb Linux user?

If you're unsatisfied with Ubuntu for reasons you can't articulate, it's unlikely another bistro will make you more productive or whatever. Top tier developers working at places like Google use Ubuntu, because their time is valuable.

Debian Sid is pretty good. "Unstable" is a bit of a misnomer. It's fine as a personal operating system. I've never had it crash. I've had emacs crash when accessing it from a phone app and rotating the screen.

I've tried but failed to install arch


$ yaourt -Q | wc -l

On that case just use tumblweed. It's a decent distro

Ok I will Thanks for your help

Agreed. I went with Ubuntu Mate and I'm perfectly satisfied with it. The shit just werks.

this looks useful