Unix have been around longer then windows. It's not going to get better

Unix have been around longer then windows. It's not going to get better.

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cool story brony

Actually, Windows (NT family) is the only remaining competitor to UNIX.

I disagree, GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonflyBSD, and illumos are all continuously improving in different ways.

They're still UNIX-based

Linux is not Unix.
AmigaOS is still in existence somehow.

>Linux is not Unix.
Linux systems are de-facto Unix systems they just don't have the right to use the UNIX brands. You cannot advertise your OS as UNIX unless it passes certification and you pay the Open Group licensing fees.

Nobody runs UNIX on the desktop anymore, aside from Macs. Rarely do you find UNIX in the datacenter. Its all but dead.

But there are no standard APIs. No company will ever succeed to make Linux popular

They don't have the right to use Unix brand as they are not certified as compliant with the Unix standard (not even POSIX). So by definition they are not Unix. They're Unix-like systems. (And I suppose we are talking about GNU/Linux, as Android is ever further than being a Unix system.)

wrong, they're unix-like. They're technically knockoffs of unix, which is completely fine.

But it already is better. Enjoy your built in spyware microscucks. I will enjoy it when the feds force Microsoft to kill all the encryption on their systems, while there is no company behind Unix that Uncle Sam can sue to cripple every version of Unix.

Who wants a company forcing something on people?
It is already easy enough to install it yourself or try it out without doing things to your system, so why would we need a company to force it?
There is a few places that sell laptops with gnu/linux pre-installed, buy those if you can't handle the other thing.

>on't ha
Inspur K-UX
Distro based on RHEL and have a Unix certification.

There's also VMS/OpenVMS derivatives.

Windows NT was actually developed by former DEC engineers and borrows some of its concepts from VMS

Companies will never support Linux if that's the case. If fact Unix including the Linux strain has great compatibility problems your hard pressed to find compatible hardware and nearly impossible to get third party device drivers. Windows does have a lot of overhead requires more resources and cost. Still most hardware will work with windows and applications like Office and Adobe Suite and other major professional software is available for windows. This is not the case for Unix.

That shit only runs on dead hardware.

Unix is more an idea than an actual OS. The idea simply grew into other things, things you use today.

That it is still around rocking is what it matters.


NT and VMS are almost like siblings. Their internals were apparently quite similar back when this article was written.

interesting reading user; Mark seems to have written a number of other NT technical articles