What are some good cloud storage sites where i can make a few free accounts and store ~80gb data?

what are some good cloud storage sites where i can make a few free accounts and store ~80gb data?

general cloud storage thread, also

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Literally retarded.

Why don't you just use mega.nz 50GB free

>where i can make a few free accounts and store ~80gb data?
lol. no.

because it is going to hell

explain ploise

According to the former owner who's trying to get his own service (of which fuck all actually exist) off the ground, yeah?
Even Sup Forums is less biased than Kimmy D


>what are some good cloud storage sites where i can make a few free accounts and store ~80gb data?

>general cloud storage thread, also

mediafire has 52GB free though I fucking hate their site, takes forever to even look through my files

I see him spouting shit, and a company providing clear retorts, not sure what additional info i should be looking at

Dotcom butthurt that he isn't with the company anymore, money issues ?

Either that or he's drawing attention to him and his new thing he's been "working on" that hasn't done shit yet.
Mega is solid, browser client is so-so, but the Windows Desktop client is surprisingly solid, and free 50GB is very nice.

Yea, using MEGA for few things all works good.

>not having your own dockerized owncloud on your personal VPS
Get off Sup Forums

MEGA all the way

dude, seriously, get a cheap hard drive and do a double/tripple backup with QuickSFV to check data integrity (you might have to use system compatibility to make quicksfv work properly in win 8.1 10)

at least you'll know the data is reasonably safe as opposed to every government agency on the planet seeing what you have, (assuming you're backing up music/films)

>trusting some obscure company with your files


GitHub/bitbucket only track limits on the size of individual files. It's trivial to split an archive to many pieces