
>not being able to digitaly monitor and control your power supply

How does it feel living in the stoneage?

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying software calculated efficiency is as accurate as actual power draw readings from the wall.

Honestly though, there really is no need for software monitoring of PSUs. Just make sure to buy a good quality gold/platinum/titanium modular unit from a decent company.

Inaccurate and not a good idea for most people.

my UPS reads the draw from the wall, after inefficiency loss.

that's pretty cool user
now how depressing it is to know you have that much technology in your fingertips but the only thing you do with it is watch hentai and jiggling 2d boobs

>implying the readings of the manufacturers own software isnt accurate

>How does it feel living in the stoneage?
Wew lad. You tell us.

Fug, forgot the point of my post.

no anime here, but I still only use it to shitpost or play vidia

It's guessing, it can't know what it's drawing from the wall without actually monitoring between the socket and the PSU, which it isnt.

My UPS in the left hand side of that picture however has constant load readings and I can accurately measure exactly how much my system draws. And it works without software.

enjoy charging that shit

I really doubt that there is a bigger error than +-10W

Never said there was, but it's still software calculated and will have a much larger margin of error than an actual UPS or Killawatt or similar hardware based power draw monitoring.

if it is integrated in the psu itself, isnt that also a hardware based monitor?

No, its software based, jonnyguru did testing on it and showed anywhere from 1-10% difference. generally it was pretty good though.

It's a great PSU, the software monitoring is just a bit of a gimmick when compared to real power monitoring. It looks nice though and it may help educate their customers a bit though, so more power to them I guess.

Link plox

All your voltages draw more than 10% of what they're designed for.
Shit PSU

Is a UPS worth having, especially if I currently live in a house with ungrounded outlets?


Been about a year since I read it, pretty sure it is mentioned somewhere in there though, it's a good read as most jonnyguru reviews are.

Yup, you don't need a big one like I got () especially if you only need short term protection. I have a 1500VA unit so I can run my desktop + monitors + speakers for ~25-30 minutes in case of a power outage.

Most people dont need nearly that long so a 700VA or less would be fine.


So in case of a electric discharge the UPS should be the fried component and not my laptop if I understand well. Also yes a small one will do just good.

K, thx
Corsair Link is still neat tough


Basically yes, it will also switch itself to battery power if it detects poor power quality from your socket (if your local power company has "dirty" fluctuating voltage it can damage sensitive electronics).

However, if your primary desire is surge protection, but a surge protector instead of a UPS. They are much cheaper, and better for that job. If you want a UPS and good surge protection, I have my UPS plugged into a surge protector so if there is a power surge, my UPS is safe.

>Being proud you PSU has botnet management

What went wrong with/g/

>but a surge

So, watts ?

>now even your psu is backdoored with proprietary telemetry software
The consumer is literally getting fucked.

You don't measure fucking capacity in "Volt-Amps" but Watt-hours

>PSU works: no need to monitor
>PSU doesn't work: no way to monitor

brilliantly useless

Yeah, you can totally be hacked by changing the voltage to your CPU

Sorta, 1500VA is about 850w for computers, but it's a bit more complicated than that


Retard, look up any and all UPS's on the market, almost all of them will give you a rating in VA.

By the way, the UPS I fucking own, which is sitting next to me. Is the APC BR1500G. It's called the BR1500G because it has a 1500VA rating. Which is roughly 865w, but depends on your equipment.

Who said anything about that?

> Watt-hours
Why don't they just use Joule?

This shit is getting retarded something's are fine mechanically

>your PSU has an arm chip to manage the power output

>you keyboard has an arm chip to manage rgb lighting

I dont buy shit equipment and thus have no need to monitor anything besides checking the voltages every now and then

>You don't measure fucking capacity in "Volt-Amps" but Watt-hours

Yes you do, moron.

Watt-hours for pure AC used in AC devices (lightbulbs)
VA for AC/DC (computers)

>not being able to digitaly monitor and control your power supply
>How does it feel living in the stoneage?
Feels great not having to control and monitor my PSU. It's not a shitty unit so it doesn't require to be monitored.

feels good man

i use it to check how much my graphics card draws

>paying 50 dollars extra instead of getting a 20 kill-a-watt

Again, what control do you have? You can boost efficiency or something? Or it's just a program to show fluctuating numbers?


> 2016
> Using corsair products

Shiggy diggy doo

>750w unit dissipating at 40+C for a pissant 230 watts

I'll take solid design over useless gimmicks.

It's a fanless design, it's not supposed to turn the fan on until it goes over 40c.

How exactly does that make my statement any less valid?

Because it could run cooler very easily if it turned the fan on...

It is a very well reviewed unit with very good efficiency and fantastic ripple suppression.

>not using your power supply to its full potential

To be fair, unless you're running old server equipment or being retarded with OCing while running 4x GPUs or something equally stupid, it's pretty difficult to use more than 500w.

Hell my GTX 960 and 5820k have yet to break 400w under load.

>Using CorsairShit instead of Siv

Power consumption in switching solid state electronics is affected by temperature, why would you not want a nearly inaudible fan turned on to shave off 5-8C and add just that much more to the efficiency metric?

Again, something you missed, my point was and is still completely valid (software monitoring and fanless operation are gimmicks)

I never said they weren't gimmicks, in fact I was the first person in the entire thread to call software monitoring power use a gimmick.

My point is it is still a fantastic PSU, despite the gimmicks, shit all over the gimmicks, but just because it has gimmicks doesn't mean it isn't still better than your PSU.

>far too autistic to use two pieces of software reporting different information

Considering my PSU is a 3-4 year old design and has been through about a dozen power outages, I can't (and haven't) trash talked any high quality power supplies in this thread.

Still, at the time a Seasonic SSR-650 for $100 was a great deal.

>my card uses 120w
>therefore every card ever made uses 120w

are you seriously retarded?

>CPU Core: 1.79 volts
Jesus christ, how is that not destroying it instantly?
An old C2Q would probably shit itself at 1.5, and my i7's max turbo voltage is 1.2 (at stock settings anyway). Rumor has it >1.4v would destroy a $600 CPU...

Being so retarded that he need two pieces of software instead of using one that can that both tasks and give you full control over everything.

Shitty Corsair software developers are so butthurt because they can't touch this, in fact all the bugfixes and reports are done by the developer of siv.

>ignoring the rest of my comment
I specifically mentioned multi GPU stupidity. Even dual 980Tis with an overclocked i7 would struggle to break 650w.

Feels pretty good, power supply tends to supply power as needed.

i read it, you are just generalizing, again, you assume everyone uses a computer as you do.

now (with this pic) add a keyboard, mouse, phone then factor in overclocking.

different components use different amounts of power, claiming noone will use (x), is just plain ignorance, i wouldnt doubt more than a few people on this board run home servers with more HDDs that 4.

I can break 650w easily with my single 980 ti and 5930k.

Lol I dare you to.

i've got a very similar system ().
>H110i GTX
>MSI X99a Mpower
>32GB DDR4 3200mhz
>GTX 960
>240GB M.2 950 pro SSD
>480GB Seagate 600 SSD
>3x4TB HDD
>bluray burner

I idle at ~110w and can barely hit 400w in the worst benchmark conditions.

A 980Ti OC'd to hell and a 5930k OC'd to hell could probably hit 600-650w in the worst case benchmark, but they'd never come close to that power draw during gaming.

>I can break 650w easily with my single 980 ti and 5930k.

Anandtech testing with an Intel Core i7-4960X @ 4.2GHz and a GTX 980Ti at 1250MHz, and 1477MHz max boost clock.

Look at that, max power draw was under 450w

>A 980Ti OC'd to hell and a 5930k OC'd to hell could probably hit 600-650w in the worst case benchmark

650w is tame, i can make it draw 750~800w under the absolute worst scenario.

>but they'd never come close to that power draw during gaming

well obviously that's another goalpost entirely

doesn't mean much

>i can make it draw 750~800w under the absolute worst scenario.
bullshit now you're literally just lying a single card can never use that much.

You're saying you can draw 400w MORE than what andandtech did even though their CPU is less power efficient and has two more cores than yours....

Seriously at least make up a more believable lie.


like i said before 650w is tame. occt doesn't use avx instructions so the cpu doesn't get the flex its muscles. under a real absolute worst case scenario with the gpu at 100% load and my 5930k running prime95 it'll break 750w.

i'd show you but i really don't fucking want to because it makes the cpu hit 95c under a custom loop and i might melt some cable connectors.

ignoring the fact the software can be as high as 10% off a correct reading on power draw.

This also just proves you've done a retarded OC like I already said. Back it off even 10% and you'd see HUGE savings in power draw.

I-I will?

>I overclocked so far everything is inefficient as fuck, therefore it's SUPER easy to hit 600w+

w e w l a d

the psu is actually hooked up to a killawatt plugged into a power strip connected to my digital UPS. all 3 devices give the same reading. but whatever lol i'm not going to sit here for the next hour trying to convince you about some arbitrary shit.

>This also just proves you've done a retarded OC like I already said. Back it off even 10% and you'd see HUGE savings in power draw.

those are my regular clocks. i have no issue with the power draw because it's completely normal so there's no reason for me to lower my stable performance.

at least you acknowledge it's true. Anyone without a custom loop cooling that shit wouldn't even be able to attempt an OC like that.
You're the 1%, have fun.

its a modest 5930k @ 4.4 and a 980 ti at 1500..perfectly achievable on air cooling.

I dont see how when there are countless reviews online showing 980Ti OC @ 1500 core and 5960x at 4.6Ghz getting only 400w power draw. Why is yours so drastically different?

It's not ~50w different, it's 250w+ different. With a worse CPU at a lower clock speed.

it was a prank bro, i was faking it and you were right all along!

Are you retarded?

I knew