Buildin a PC for father

>buildin a PC for father
>previous one is 10 years old this year
>only does facebook, youtube, random browsing

can you suggest a better build?

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we are poorfags
must be under 300 euro

does it really need 250GB of storage if that's all he does

Buy him a refurbished laptop. I'm sure he still has his old PC's monitor, keyboard and mouse laying around if he wants to keep using them. Plus the old man can take the laptop to his old man chair if he wants to chill out there.

Upgrade the cpu to at least a nice i5 or midrange i7
You need at least 16 GB RAM if you want the rig to be useful in a year's time
Get a rosewell psu, they're best
That's a low end ssd too, might as well get a mechanical drive

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Does he even need 8gb of ram or 250gb of SSD?
4gb and 128 should be enough if that's really all he does.
Also, I'd get an acutal good PSU. You really don't need 500W, get a good 250W instead, it will be the same price and much less problematic.
Other than that this seems pretty good. Are you reusing the old case?

that's not a tripcode you fucking autist

Clan tags are now tripcodes?

thats actually a good idea
but laptop screens are SHIT senpai
they are low resolutions and/or shitty TN panels
no good screens for cheap
last year I got him a good AMVA monitor too

I selected 250GB because I don't plan on upgrading for like a decade

8GB because browsers just consume every single megabyte and it needs it

also please show me a good 250W PSU

old case is still in good condition
I'm a bit worried about it because its a big case and the motherboard is tiny-ATX size
are they compatible?

>gaming tier CPU for fucking fagbook/jewtube/random browsing

dumb intel shills


The case should be compatible with mATX, and I agree with having 8gb of ram.

Spend an extra 30 bucks and get an i3

I needed a similar youtube/facebook machine, OP. Here's the build I went with:

thats just a stick


A Celeron and 4 GiB RAM are enough.

>get a rosewill PSU
Dumbest advice I've heard, they're shit. Either seasonic or one of the EVGA units made by superflower or enjoy your blown caps

maybe you could save some money if you get an AMD A4 or A6 instead of a pentium


Get a G3258 and overclock it, it still has the low cost segment covered.
Throw in a SSD and look at it fly.

>falling for the G3258 meme

I had one, it was just barely worth what I paid for it. Even at it's max stable frequency, it still gets BTFO by my 6100.

>an i5 or i7 for light internet usage
>a HDD over SSD for 250GB drives

Literally the dumbest tech advice I've heard this year. A Sandy-bridge Pentium is more than enough for the average grandpa, and the SSD would absolutely be worth it too.

Good choice, probably one of the best compromises between price, efficiency and performance out there atm.
>Kingston 8 GB
I would also go with 8 GB. It's future proof and costs nothing
>Samsung 850 EVO Basic 2.5" 250GB
I'd go with something like 64 GB. If he needs storage in the future, he can very easily buy another HDD (external or internal).

By the way, don't even think of listening to and . You save absolutely no money in the long run.