Softbricked my Galaxy S4 by installing Xposed

>Softbricked my Galaxy S4 by installing Xposed.
Fucking help me please.
I don't want to go back to my shitty Galaxy S ;_;

Other urls found in this thread:

Just buy an iphone

literally this.
It's the only good solution

Fuck off with your 87's.
I'm not buying an iPhone.

>what are cwm/twrp backups
It's your own fault. Now get back to .

>implying I play vidya
>implying you can fucking make cwm/twrp backups on a locked bootloader

>what is Odin

>implying I haven't fucking tried Odin
jesus lad
heimdall fucking broke and it doesn't even send the file, just fucks in the first second

You useless fuck. How in hell d'ya manage that?

wow, that sounds horrible.

Try XDA mate. You won't real real help here.

You tried it wrong obviously then

HOW???? That's like breaking your car by turning on the lights

I fucking bet you installed the default Xposed and not the modded one for Samsung devices, you fucking useless shit.

to those of us who actually care about helping others and not being a 12yr old faggot pretending to be 18.

ok soft brick is easy fix.

check out what the fuck odin is
check out if they have a twrp for your phone model
check out the download for the stock rom on your phone (if you dont want twrp do this as twrp roots also.)

oh also remember to unlock the boot loader under developer settings. much less pain and suffering. you are welcome

You are a stupid fuck.
He would already need a custom recovery installed to even install Xposed, so telling him to find out if twrp is available is fucking pointless.

OP, I dont know if this might help you, but I softbricked an S4 once, and I just used a different version of ODIN to flash the autoroot shit again and that fixed the broken partitions.
Good luck.
He should be able to boot to recovery and just flash the uninstall_xposed zip file right?

using odin would removed the Xposed bs bricking his phone.

Yeah he should, although we need OP to tell us the actual model of S4.
I have had an S4 and my current partner has one, with Xposed on it working fine.
OP, we need to know the model, i.e jfltexx is the international SD600 model.

twrp is a custom recovery, you stupid fuck.
Team Win Recovery Project.
Learn to read before you post again, you dipshit.


I had flashed it, I'm still stuck in bootloop though.

Thank you, now, what version of Android are you running?

yes it is a recovery but it is also a custom rom.
its also used for backing up your phone.

Try to stock recover it, download the image from sammobile and use odin to get everything back to stock, never have failed this for me.

I believe it's the 5.0 OTA, OF1 is the short code.
I'm trying to flash the stock roms, but I'm getting
E: footer is wrong
E: signature verification failed

I'm able to get to recovery, the bootloop is still there though. This is the heimdall log:
Heimdall v1.4.1

Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Benjamin Dobell, Glass Echidna

This software is provided free of charge. Copying and redistribution is

If you appreciate this software and you would like to support future
development please consider donating:

Initialising connection...
Detecting device...
Claiming interface...
Setting up interface...

Initialising protocol...
Protocol initialisation successful.

Beginning session...

Some devices may take up to 2 minutes to respond.
Please be patient!

Session begun.

Downloading device's PIT file...
PIT file download successful.

Uploading SYSTEM
ERROR: Failed to confirm end of file transfer sequence!
ERROR: SYSTEM upload failed!

Ending session...
Rebooting device...
Releasing device interface...

No, it is a recovery, not a rom.
In the world of Android, a rom is the operating system, a custom rom being a version modded by someone.
TWRP, a custom recovery, is a replacement for the stock recovery designed to allow users to backup their rom and flash custom ones.
Please, learn a bit before you post again, you fucking mongoloid.


I dont know what le fug is heimdall, but you should try with Odin better.

Fuck off to reddit

Heimdall is Linux odin equivalent.
>inb4 le install windows

Use this version

Fuck off to reddit

Also, OP, what version of Xposed did you install?
Needs to be from here

fug :DDD
i installed the wrong one
can i just flash this shit?

No, you cannot. You will need to reflash your system.
What custom recovery do you have?
What Xposed did you flash?
Did you perform any backups?

nope (fug :DDDDDD)

...How did you flash Xposed with a stock recovery...?


You are a fucking moron, I am done giving out advice. Fuck off back to wherever

You do not belong on /g

We are literate here and read instructions, you do not.



Don't count on me you stupid faggot

Post IMEI and I'll take it from here

>using Xposed

It serves you right!

Give this guy advice hes not a Macfag.
If you dont I will call my Councelor to come and speak with you Microsoft or Apple shills.

if you can get into recovery, you just need to flash /system/ again and delete cache. this is babby tier.

Look into Odin and stock firmware for you variant S4.

>xposing his phone's security

You're retarded if you somehow fucked this up. Also Since you seem to be technologically inept.