So Sup Forums, what are for you the essential programs to install in a recently installed Arch Linux? Your opinion

So Sup Forums, what are for you the essential programs to install in a recently installed Arch Linux? Your opinion.

>not kde plasma

look at this nigger

Pic not related, that's not my setup, imagine a new installation.

KDE isn't the best choice for a laptop. XFCE is goat though.


Btw, what WM and DE would you all recommend?
>Not Linux

>not Windows

What are your reasons to not like Linux? Or do you not have any?

>not Android



for me its i3, dmenu, net-tools, feh, zathura, pcmanfm, termite, alsa-utils, firefox, qbittorrent.

No, seriously.
Just format to NTFS.
In a few days, when your not looking, windows 10 will install itself.
What could be easier?

>Using a pic of an iPhone emoji

pacman-explicitly-installed() {
comm -23

>unstable, SJW enabling software
>rather than the reliable, flexible and light Xfce



This thread is awful.

Here's my shortlist:


>SJW enabling software
I need my software to be TRUE WHITE NATIONALIST supported. None of this liberal busllshit! Right, user?


Just a reminder that if you can't be bothered installing screenfetch,
cowsay `uname -a` is acceptable in all post you're desktop threads.

cmus, vlc, qbittorrent, chromium, openbox, tint2(if you need it), I use terminology as my terminal emulator to get the best of both openbox and a twm.


>wikipedia dmenu
dmenu is a keyboard-driven menu utility developed as part of the dwm project.
In addition to dwm, dmenu is often used with other window managers like xmonad, or Openbox, and other software like the uzbl web browser.
read up on this after using awesome on Arch with dmenu, I logged into a fluxbox session, and launched dmenu from force of habit, then shit brix when it werked.

>Not Gentoo
>Windows Decorations
>Not tiling

What are you, retarded or new?

you can tell the people that use their computer for actual work and who don't.

no one uses a tiling WM for anything other than rice, They lack basic desktop functionality and make multitasking a pain the ass.

I install all of the packages

You just need to learn how to use tiling. Not that hard. You can get a lot of stuff done at once with it.

What does english has so many goddamn redundancies in it? Fucking 3 different versions of "your". Shit needs to be updated the code base is pretty messy.

Really? I've been using bspwm at work and am really happy with it. It has all the functionality I need

Let me fix your sentence.

Why does English have so many goddamn redundancies in it? Fucking 3 different versions of 'your.' Shit needs to be updated the code base is pretty messy.

>no one uses a tiling WM for anything other than rice, They lack basic desktop functionality and make multitasking a pain the ass.

I have a 12.1" screen and having a tiling wm is awesome. I don't have to move Windows around to make space, but it's done for me. If I need something over the whole screen I just move it to a different tag. Also, if I need to (for whatever reason) awesomewm can have tags set to floating, so I get the best of both worlds.

Yeah I use awesomewm.

pastebin your pacman output.

what the fuck is cowsay? that shit isnt installed either

Quite a few actually. But I recently moved completely to KDE and I don't regret it.
Before KDE:
#pacman -S cinnamon sddm ufw gnome-terminal firefox geany-plugins vlc viewnior engrampa libreoffice ; systemctl enable NetworkManager.service sddm ufw -f

After KDE:
#pacman -S kde-applications-meta qupzilla vlc libreoffice ufw; systemctl enable ufw -f