Does anyone think google might suffer a backlash due to this?

>Does anyone think google might suffer a backlash due to this?

>Not to mention revising her wiki

No one cares about this ugly chink. It's disgusting how Japs are treated as Gods on the internet.

There's nothing wrong with it, all of them are terrorists and degenerates, flour from the same fucking sack.

Tears of a Jew.

literally who?

this is why we don't let them have a military.

literally who, as well, but the whole equality meme has ostensibly now devolved into instead of bringing people up to a level, we should all bring ourselves down to other's levels, even if that means down to the level of a mass murdering, manipulative cult leader

Hoho just you wait...

t. Citizen from a commie country ruled by a terrorist bitch

Malcolm X redeemed himself before his death before the forces that he once led took him down. Che seemed alright, I see his redemption in that he truly believed in Marxism and didn't seek to rule over the resulting revolutionary governments. Fidel and Osama were both evil murderers and tyrants, although Osama never got his kingdom.

> yet another feminazi

Go back before the first May 19 edits.

Nothing alright about Guevara. It tells a lot about the intelligence of people when they praise these murderous thugs.

No, only the people who worry about liberalism on the internet care, and they only complain on the internet

Same with the wiki edits

I was going to vote Bernie but now even if he's the nominee I'm voting Trump. Seriously this is the thread that did it. This sjw bullshit is bullshit. Wtf Google.

Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. I agree with her.
Consider a lobotomy, ignorant US/UK/NATO/EU complex. You're not amusing or funny.

Cute. The PsyOp really paid off. You're just too pressured by your perception of public to be a progressive. You don't understand politics. The average American with a poor education. Yes, vote for Donald. Especially since your afraid to defend yourself against those folding after being judged by the third wave if you ever identified with them. There are groups within groups, and just because a few get media attention, don't forgot that there are real progressives. The major right and left paradigm got us into this mess. Look beyond your ignorance and the two party systems. Also, ultimately understand no matter the elected, strong social movements are what change things. Without these, voting is useless. We need movements as history has taught.

>oh noes, she liked le american boogey man
Nobody cares. If Americucks are so sensitive, maybe they shouldn't finance Jihad for a few barrels of oil next time and there won't be le evil turban man to wreck their Jew towers.

who are you quoting?

>When a person has an opinion I disagree with, that automatically makes the other 99% of their opinions/arguments invalid

Sup Forums is truly Right-Wing Tumblr sometimes.

>You're just too pressured by your perception of public to be a progressive.

What does that even mean? The majority of the public has been for "progress no matter how bad it is" for the past 20 years.

Non-American here.
Who is Malcolm X? What kind of name is that? Why not just Malcolm? When I first saw a street named after him, I though it was some anime comic cartoon hero.

African slaves didn't have a concept of last name, so when required to sign documents after freedom they simply put an X. Malcom X was essentially a terrorist.

No shit. tumblr, Sup Forums, MRA, radfems... they're different faces of the same coin. How could they exist as some kind of communities if they hadn't their nemesis to "fight" (ie post stuff on the Internet) against?

>haha yaya praise some black slacktivist who pretended to understand maoism and probably denied the tens of millions dead
>most people praised bin laden in the 90s

>look up when she gave the interview
>she praised bin laden after 9/11

he was a popular civil rights finger that was commonly contrasted to martin luther king jr. He was a total non-pacifist and believed distinctly in "self defense" against the police and invasive "white devils". he wanted total segregation and a separate country altogether for blacks. (many neo-nazis got on board with this, because the dindus wouldn't last a week without whitey. there's a famous meeting between george lincoln rockwell (founder of the american nazi party)). He was also a member of the nation of islam, a weird islamic cult who's entire congregation were african americans believing in WE WUZ KANGS. If you don't believe me, all that alien shit about Yakub the super-scientist from the hollow earth originates with the nation of islam. He replaced his last name with X because his real last name was according to him "a slave name". Emancipated slaves were commonly given the last names of their owners

thanks guys

After two nukes, two towers look like child play.

>admiring a government puppet
o im laffin