How do you keep your notes Sup Forums? Do you keep them in plain text or markdown, store them in a personal wiki etc

How do you keep your notes Sup Forums? Do you keep them in plain text or markdown, store them in a personal wiki etc

Do you archive webpages with useful information in case it gets deleted?

In my brain.

Google Keep

I use a notebook, I prefer mechanical pencil over pen though.

vim todo.txt
bournal for journal
save the rest and backup eventually

I keep a journal and update it regularly.

I have a small notebook/sketchpad that I write down most stuff in, if its not around for some reason then I have a plain text doc on my desktop just called notes and a colornote on the front page of my phone

Win + R > notepad.exe, that's it, no fancy shit, just plain text....

vim org mode

Classic: Vim Org Mode. Check out MobileOrg
Currently: I use TiddlyWiki everywhere now
runs on anything with a web browser.

(vim org mode is a meme, it's actually emacs, if you're serious OP)

real Org-mode, MobileOrg, Moleskine. Export to HTML project from Org-mode instant wiki.

? the vim version doesn't have all the bell and whistles that the original emacs one does, but its got everything you need; not worth switching if you already use vim, but likewise if you use emacs use the emacs version

>vi ~/notes
It's worked for the last decade, it will work the the next. I'll occasionally use markdown syntax but I'm never built markup from it, it's just a way to covey semantic information.

I have a folder full of text files, I cant find a note taking app I like

I have several journals that I write important stuff in like passwords. I also keep links and simple things in txt files. I used to use office word when I was young but now I heavily prefer using notepad, notepad++, or vim if I'm on my computer with Debian.

Markdown and vimwiki, those are great


In .doc documents.

I can trivially explain why RAM needs will track our ability to manufacture it in sufficient density at lower cost. What about jotting down a note has changed in the last 10 years to necessitate new software?

Trello, evernote, Google calendar and few notebooks


evil-org-mode does a better job than vim-org does

I generally leave notes to remind myself of stuff so i use Unix Remind.
Usually I use asciidoc for semantic shit I want to keep.