Is Sup Forums excited for season 2 of Mr. Robot?

Is Sup Forums excited for season 2 of Mr. Robot?

Not really

Cuks are attracted to sluts

>Excited for Sup Forums fight club

i'm going to watch it anyway though.

Last two episodes of season 1 ruined the show for me.

deadass watched this show for the 1st time last time and this is EXACTLY what I thought. LMFAOOO

only unrealistic part of the show though, this guy gets laid.

Will they again feature other Sup Forums boards in the show?

They already did

This, it was fun as fuck discussing the show on Sup Forums, hope it produces more meme webms.

Pretty much this. Want to see more of that swedish milf.

Go away viral marketer.

I can stand the whole bit with him getting laid despite being socially awkward and (probably) autistic

I can stand him having friends

but one thing thats completely unrealistic is the fact he's not a complete freetard. He should have recited the stallman copypasta in the first scene he met Tyrell and he discusses linux

I agree man, I'm still waiting for them to show a manchild hacker with an anime wallpaper and a full table of anime/brony figurines.

>down with le evil corporations! hack the planet! occupy wall street!
Could this show be any more packaged for retarded 20-something pinko Bernie Sanders supporters?

How can we give them ideas?

>no one in the show is crossdressing while programming


There's a missed opportunity if we don't get to see the fat fsociety hacker's apartment full of that shit


Exactly what I'm saying

I'm pretty sure the creator or somebody browses Sup Forums specifically Sup Forums maybe even OP is somehow related to the show and here to market it.
They probably know the Sup Forumsentooman way but would'nt take cetain elements cause normies still make a large part of the viewership.

your version doesn't have the ending

>maybe even OP is somehow related to the show and here to market it.

Nah man, I shill for free, like everyone on Sup Forums

>implying it wasn't cropped to make it perfect
typical dumb asukanigger

hehe ok.But I vaguely remember during season 1 someone claiming they're from the show and asked Sup Forums's opinion on it.
