Git clients

What Git client do you use?

>visual git
THIS is why 6 million was nowhere near enough

i use floppy drives to share my code
using a trailing number for versioning

Which client is that, OP?

private CIA git client

No clients properly support PGP signing, so I just use the CLI.

Whatever come with my IDE (Netbeans, Eclipse)

I use jetbrains' products like PyCharm and their visual git view are top tier

I heard git kraken was god tier though

Every visual client is just shit

git itself
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Google drive, of course



Atlassian have asked me three times on their developer survey what features I would like to see and three times I have responded 'GNU/Linux Version'.

Still no dice.

Only babies using Windows needs a GUI for git.

>tfw no sourcetree on gnu/linux
why livee?

The console.

I just use the CLI. GitKraken ain't too bad either, but it's proprietary. Also, I wanna learn the commands as it can't hurt to know them in case I ever have to work on a repo without having a GUI at hand.

>I wanna learn the commands
Learn them. Git is well documented.

A few months ago I attended a mandatory git-training session at our company. I was able to do more in 5 minutes with sourcetree than the instructor was able to do in nearly an hour on the command line with less mistakes.

When you're dealing with tens of branches and huge commits the command line just isn't powerful enough.

You're instructor was fucking incompetent.

did you pay money for that?

>he doesn't use Magit

On Windows SourceTree, because GitBash sucks big time.
On linux, none, because even if all of the clients existed over there, they still are cumbersome in one way or another.

Githubâ„¢ :^)

tig is an awesome program I use often for things. I also use magit in Emacs sometimes. Also I like to use the network graph in GitLab.

This and truegit
had atlassian before but shit sucks with new versions (hard to navigate because my no Colors )

Used to use GitExtensions, sometimes CLI.
Now I mainly use SourceTree, even though it's a bit slow and bloated.

IT just werks

source tree. it's unbelievably slow

git gui

It's called "git".