Seems like a site similar to vncroulette recently popped up

Seems like a site similar to vncroulette recently popped up
Post your findings

I though it would show random vnc livestreams, but it's just a bunch of screenshots

Found some french POS system

something interesting looking

>AVG Security

>mfw powerplant or biological weapon lab cooling systemcontroller


holy shit this is terrifying

some plant engineer is about to lose his job



you trolled us quite handily, sir

German Guild Wars 1 bots

People still play this game?

Heh, some Russians found a radmin with default password on an oil refinery plant and pushed random buttons, causing a fire.

>all those RPi images

give everyone a dev board to play with they said
people will learn, they said

You are quite literally a fucking retard.



apparently that's some sort of hospital control panel, don't mess with it

>"Why do Indian men wear earrings"

whats this?



there is no escaping the botnet

>This webpage is not available
