ITT we post our MBTI and recommend each other stem field jobs would fit us


(yes I know I'm fucked)

Those tests are not accurate and you should never live by them. Don't limit yourself to 4 fucking letters. I seen people claim they are one type and are not really that type.


Who "Architect" INTJ here?


Fuck off with your astrology tier bullshit

I always come off neutral as shit in these tests. Same for the political compass ones. I guess I just don't care too much about anything.

Fuck off with your astrology meme pseudoscience bullshit.

Ps your mother is whore

Most of Sup Forums will be INTJ

Don't really brand myself by what some online survey says but got “The Architect” (INTJ-A).

Finally something different from what I usually get INTP/INTJ. Still close enough.

Thought its mainly due to depression/or rather mild anhedonia. General logical mind dominates what I do, act, think on daily basis now because my emotional output is dulled/restricted due to depression. This works out as I dont feel sad or angry or happy or lonely etc. It could be called "double-edge" if I actually felt those stronger emotions, but since those things are dulled, it feels more useful than not.

reporting in

this, ive been depressed for a few months now

I usually get ENTJ, sometimes ESTJ and today got ENTP.

This thing is useless

You can make it give you anything you want if you know what answers they're looking for.

Which is why these tests are useless, if you see yourself as ENTP or whatever the fuck you'll most likely pick the answers that correlate with ENTP.


this thing is useful for relationships but not for career choices lmao

sadly, self-assessment only works if you are both honest and know how you act

that said Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums and Sup Forums, does have a disproportionate number of INTP/INTJ/ISTJs

I am INFP-T and am studying bioinformatics

This is not true, I used to get INFJ a while back, but now I consistently get INFP, once I even tried to get INFJ and I couldn't




Not that it matters, I'm already fixed on electrical engineering.

What are some good examples of differences between S and N with context related to Sup Forums?

You actually believe this junk science? This is barely one step above Astronomy.

I think it's one of those tools where you can get a small amount of insight/truth if you really drill down into it, but at that point you're probably better off doing something else and/or using a different metric.

Also didn't the original creator say something about how the point was to transcend the different dichotomies(I/E, N/S, etc.)?


Barely one step up from those middle schoole 'which marvel superhero are you' questionairres.


Observation => Conclusion
Intuition => Conclusion

For example, the new pascal vs polaris/vega

Intuition would rely more on past data (300 vs 900 series), Observation would ask more hard data on Pascal/Polaris to make conclusion. Its not like people are completely one or the other, but the stronger of the two usually dominates the conclusion. You can make set amount of intuitive guesses on what the performance/price of unreleased GPU would be based on small amounts of data and then use past knowledge of nvidia/amd to make some conclusion. That would be more xNxx type. If you'd rather wait it out and see the actual prices before making any conclusion, you'd be more inclined to be xSxx. Ofcourse, again, we're capable of both lines of thought at same time, but one would usually dominate over other.

Basically hard fact (S) vs Abstract data (N)

INFJ, am I fucked in life, or what?

Not exactly. For example, people with strong/dominant Si(introverted Sensing) would actually be more prone to the "using past data/track record" than those with Ni or Ne. The difference has more to do with how you relate data.

An N type would tend to favor a more crossdisciplinary and/or theoretical approach whereas S types are more restrictive about similarities and causal links. A more apt comparison would be that S = inductive reasoning and N = deductive reasoning

Well, I am obsessed with speculating about the potential value of these upcoming cards, so I guess that's N for me.
Still, they say that intuition is rare compared to sensing, but that doesn't seem so to me, then again, I only interact with people like myself.

INTJ master race. I can't can't stupid people and I know I'm better than n everyone else.

As a mathematician, this feels highly fitting - especially considering my main interest in logic and other axiomatic theories.

I usually either get INTP or INFP from these online tests.

end yourself tbqfh

>S = inductive reasoning and N = deductive reasoning

Dont you mean the opposite?

Not at writing, though.

I was completely honest during the test.
Any1 looking for husbando?

This is a gay-free area, buddy.

INFP - I'm studying CS
inb4 memes

No STEM jobs would ever fit any of you because the MBTI is pseudoscience and 4channers are a dysfunctional and unemployable

>I usually either get INTP or INFP from these online tests.
Worth noting is that this is surely dependent on the phase of my life I was in at the time of the test. For example, I got INFP while in a relationship.

Me too, high five. Coulldn't be arsed to read about the implications, but I like the cute drawings.

Not at all. Are you sure you don't have inductive/deductive mixed up?

>recommend STEM jobs based on MBTI
Why don't you post all 16 possibilities in sqt, dumbfuck?

a useless test invented by quacks


I have no idea of what this was about
