No guts thread? How can that be. Post them

No guts thread? How can that be. Post them.

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>bank holiday

10/10 aesthetics

Right here, friend.

How do you like those thermal takes? I considered them for a while.

They are pretty good, kinda sucks that the non-rgb ones are only 3pin


They're so low RPM it doesn't matter all that much. 1,400 RPM max, or you can limit them to 1,000 RPM with the low noise cable (LNC).

PWM would be nice, but meh.

>intel ssd: 13 °C

What case plz?


NCase M1

It was actually just a few degrees under ambient. I'm not sure how that happened, but, peak temperatures (also, room was about 5 degrees F over typical ambient) when gaming are in this range.

185 dollarrrrrrrrrr


Might stop being lazy and finally finish this this weekend, got to paint the interior of the chassis black, buy some sound dampening foam, and buy a new smaller modular psu.

Maybe get an SFX PSU to really save some space.

Yeah I was thinking about that, ill see if i can find some modular ones, I think I can hide a small atx one relatively well, but a really tiny SFX would be sweet.

You could get something like the Corsair SF600. Or some of Silverstones SFX and SFX-L power supplies.
I have the SilverStone SX500-LG.

Those are nice temps for such small loop. Is it loud?


Not very loud at all.

Much quieter than the air set up.


Dust your shit

So much wasted space. I have the same problem with my case. It has room for like four 3.5in hard drives and I have two 2.5in SSDs not to mention that I have no optical drives.

Are there any cases that just cut most of the front half off basically? Who the fuck needs it in 2016?

Nobody has explained to me how having 2 inline radiators makes sense. Aren't you just blowing the heat from one of them onto the other?

Good GOY!

and nobody ever will.

but youre also doubling surface area for heat convection

Need your opinion--what would be worthwhile to throw into a RVZ02.....

>A GTX 960, that will allow me to throw in an additional HDD
>A GTX 970, that probably has the best cooling, price/performance-wise
>A GTX 980, runs loud because the card goes full-retard and boosts/overclocks to retarded levels
>A GTX 980 Ti, with a reference cooler that I can return for a full-refund

Buying anything 900 series is retarded right now. Get on the waiting list for a 1080 or wait for the 1070 to launch.

These are graphics cards I already have--not looking to spend any money on a graphics card for a good long while......

Postan my guts again

I'd go with the 970.

Speccy to follow in reply post

FYI I bought my 980 Ti when it came out

Why the fuck do you have all those gpu's you crazy bastard

>retarded gaymen trash

>user doesn't like guts posts

>Started off with GTX 980
>Bought a GTX 960 because I got it for a steal and wanted something in a productivity build
>Did a favor and bought a GTX 970 from a friend who was trying to buy a Mother's Day gift
>Hated my GTX 980 Asus Strix because it would boost/overclock to retarded levels, causing the fan to ramp up
>Said 'fuck it' and bought a MSI GTX 980 Ti Gold edition with the cooper cooler, because the 1080's are going to be sold out for the next half-year and it was on sale
>Earlier that day, bought a reference GTX 980Ti for $450 with the intention of putting a CLC kit on it

A fool and his money. Even lazily managed that much money would've done far more use in an investment account or similar.

You are everything wrong with humanity.

don't forget a meme cooler for your cpu.

also, no reason to limit yourself to reference cards.

I will have some guts soon Sup Forums. Just you wait...

Windows 10 , meme mouse and keyboard , dat cpu, sli 1080's, DVD reader

Oh god why.

You are going to love that monitor, I'm rocking one right now. Perfect in every way.

lol memes XD

Yeah it's pretty damn nice. I had to exchange mine because the bottom left corner had a little too much bleed. I would have kept it if I wasn't really into dark horror games. Hopefully the next one is good.

late to the party today, had other engagements.

How can one person fall for so many memes?

How hard is it to swap a GPU out with those QDC fittings compared to something like an AIO hybrid?

Not really happy with the GPU temps I'm getting in my Ncase but I want to be able to swap out GPUs fairly often.

>Silverstone RVZ01
>Gigabyte f2a88xn-wifi
>Athlon x4 860k
>300w Silverstone sfx
>PNY 240gb SSD
>WD Caviar 3tb
>Silverstone Slim water cooling
>3D Blu-Ray drive R/W

>not lightning

I guess availability is one issue

>not ftz01
are you poor or something?

>Reference 980Ti can be returned for a full refund and can always be sold
>GTX 970 was a favor for a friend
>GTX 980 can always be sold
>GTX 960 was a steal and can always be repurposed and can always be sold

Also, couldn't be happier with my current 980Ti--like hell am I going to wait a half-year for decent 1080's to be in stock.

What a pretentious response
>Why do X when Y is so much better?

You wouldn't be in this fucking thread if you weren't wasting money somewhere......

Pretty sure there's nigger dick around here somewhere for you to suck, hang on

>half-year for decent 1080's to be in stock.
you are delusional if you think it'll be that difficult to get them. $20 says there will be steady stock by july.

Nope just a piece of shit jew build. I like the design of the RVZ01 better

I was there with the 970's/980's
>If I buy online, I have to buy via Amazon locker because I don't have an address
>Less I have a $500+ 'toy' being sent to my parents house
>Buying local retail includes weeks of obsessively making trips over my lunch
>And my Micro Center usually jacks up the price and doesn't let you price match for hot items like this

Yeah no, even if they were in stock, it's going to be a long-while before prices stabilize. I'm not kidding--my local Micro Center goes full-retard with some of their prices.

I've got 2 780's now, just haven't taken a picture. Probably oing to get a 1080 some time soon.

I'm not sure if it's disgusting or brilliant

Ideally, that side is supposed to be the bottom--see placement of the optical drive.

If it even remotely tips over, there's the chance you can totally wreck your card.

all that and you only have 16 gigs of ram? Why not go full HAM and get 32/64?

>some time soon.
haven't you seen? It's gonna be 6 months until you can get one :^)

Too lazy to screenshot, but founder cards are going for $700 at my Micro Center.

If people are paying that much for reference coolers, what's going to stop retailers from selling non-reference for the same amount, if not more?

Because those people are really just paying early adopter tax. If manufacturers try to charge the same amount for cards later, it's not going to work.

700 is what nvidia said their founders card would cost though

There's two ways board partners could sell cards, they could say, "well our cooler and custom pcb are clearly better, so we'll sell it for more". Or they could sell it for less (sell near the msrp) with the added benefits to get the most sales. I feel like the former is the most likely though. At least until 1080ti version comes out + AMD shit, even if its not amazing, it'll still cause prices to drop (unless its super shit)

i have the exact same case and card and motherboard. My nigga

I've been considering an Ncase for a while. If I get one, I'll probably end up with a similar configuration to yours. How did you wind up mounting the DDC? Did you do any drilling or make use of existing holes? Stock pump base or EK/Bitspower custom base?

Ignore everything around the table.
Just finished the loop a few days ago, had SLI and sold one of the cards towards a 1070/1080/4xx.
Got the other card on ebay as well.
Still need to top off the res.

What kind of cooler ? Id be curious to ser my setup with a bequiet dark pro cooler!

can we be poorfag edition now?

Polaris 10 is taking too long

But you don't even need much better for 1080p gaming

Anything higher then medium setting on most games are pretty laggy though.

Currently only playing DS3 atm and it run that just fine

>aftermarket cooler
>72 degrees
Whats the deal?

Mean for

>$1299 for a fucking monitor

I don't think APUs report accurate tempature, or he used really old paste

It's complete shit

Speccy temp monitor isnt correct

Its currently 53c under about 80% load

Built a computer for a friend a week or two ago and I forgot what it was like having no room for cable management, it was horrible

>being too jewish to pay for a nice monitor

Would that cooler work with an evga model?

If you're too stupid to answer that question on you're own, you're probably too stupid to install a new cooler correctly anyways.

Ultrawide meme

nvidea refrence cooler is better for sli

How many millions do you have

he's got a point

nah, cooler master seidon 20v

One of my original inspirations

Anyone has a node 304?
Im thinking if shoving an r1 ultimate in one.

woooa dude gamer guts, i bet your mom lets you have two weiners

This would look cool if the case was smaller. All that wasted space in the bottom right corner...

Lian li cases are disgusting honestly

Less shitty pic, no access to a DSLR right now sadly...

temps are after playing bonerwatch for a couple hours

>tfw rekt

Hello Sup Forums,

I am trying to replace my old PC by something that runs games nicely and also supports my hardware developing (Vivado), as well as signal processing (MATLAB).

The budget should be around €800. I am currently at around $1024, but that is a little too much.
Can you help me optimizing my build, please?

I have no experience with newest PC hardware. I only know that the mainboard has to support the CPU and the SSD connectors.

Get a Samsung 850 evo or similar, no point getting the 951 or 950 pro unless you are doing something that will be able to take use of the extra bandwidth, gaming is not one of those tasks.

You will most likely not even notice a difference between the 951 and the 850.

Alright, thank you.

What about the choice of CPU and GPU?
Is it decent?

it's fine, but it would be remiss not to mention the upcoming GTX 1070 release which is imminent. It will be releasing between $380-450 however so it may be a bit out of your budget anyway, however the performance difference between the GTX 1070 and 970 will be fairly extreme and it would behoove you to wait and spend the extra ~$100-150. Of course, it's your choice. But the GTX 970 is based on a 28nm process first introduced in 2012, GTX 1070 is on a 16nm process being debuted in the GTX 1080 just last week.


>No essay on how shit the 970 chipset is