Any plans to get in shape /gee/? Summer is right around the corner

Any plans to get in shape /gee/? Summer is right around the corner

jeff pls go

Yeah boy, lost 41.3kg and about 11%bf. Bitches hop on my GNU + Dick as I've started calling it.

I already am in shape.

The only marked improvement would be fixing my stomach (small intestine overgrowth), and fixing my trigeminal neuralgia. But one of these things is clearly not like the other.

No, I'll probably kill myself by the end of the year anyways. If you see an user giving away a t420 for the price of shipping, thats me preparing to go out.


Jeff pls go

But damn dude I would program in a dress with that Juilenne salad washboard

Even after working out so much, he still has a tiny dick.
How sad

I don't need to, I always wear a shirt and don't go to the beach.

Don't kill yourself. Or at least lie to me and say that you won't. Bugs the shit out of me having that kind of knowledge and not knowing if I could've done something.

don't off yourself, just trade it for an IBM

Summer has been here for at least a month

Just buy a MBP. Perhaps it's the thing that's been missing all your life and you didn't know it.

There is nothing you can do. Im tired of being a NEET but i dont have any drive to better myself and even if i did i would just be stuck in a shit minimum wage job in fuckall kansas. I will never contribute anything to society so i might as well kill myself.

>thinking i can afford a mac on SSDI

jeff pls go and stay go

you can drop the labels and enjoy the ride

I want to, but I have no serious plans to.

is your diet open source?

If you've given up fighting you may as well end it, it doesn't matter how bad you fail as long as you try to get back up, it's how I stopped wanting to kill my self and got back on track, by failing over and over, I've done nothing 100% 'right' in years - yet my life gets better, but since you're not even trying you're a lost cause stuck at 'nothing matters because I'll kill my self this year (this time for real)' limbo.

I am happy with having an athletic constitution.

Being ripped requires you to work out every other day. If you stop, it's all for nothing, muscle can be lost in a matter of days.

So OP can go eat a bag of dicks

FUCK user, 114? I thought it was hit here but what the hell. are you in death Valley or some shit?

That bitch got doxxed 4 years back I am surprised that people still post about him.

Not them, but it's fairly simple.
-Avoid all added sweeteners. Whether cane sugar, (high fructose) corn syrup, beet sugar, agave, honey, or maple. The goal of this is to avoid fructose.
-Avoid highly processed prepared food. This is a heuristic to not be consuming oils and additives that might inhibit the thyroid or potentiate adipogenesis.
-Eat organic food. Certain pesticides and herbicides have been shown to interact with signalling chains that increase the probability a given "calorie" will end up in adipose.
-Sleep properly, mild exercises, run a mild calorie deficit.

It's about content more than quantity. Optionally supplement with cocoa beans, yerba mate, and guarana seeds. All of which have low level pharmacological evidence supporting their utility in weight loss.

Weight loss isn't hard. I mean that in an encouraging way. This nonsense implying that the human species is stumbling around in the dark, and looking for miracle diets, is a complete lie. Most of it's also seeded by front groups and thinktanks run by major food manufacturers. That's where the disingenuous "energy balance" concept came from.

Good luck. Make meaningful lifestyle changes and the weight will stay gone.

being ripped is for assholes.

yes, i am working out, high intensity full body strength training. no isolated muscle bodybuilding shit.

pic related, the mountain/guy who is currently strongest man alive.

>almost 2 months on keto
>down to 208 from 243

I'm getting there OP. Hitting the gym 3 times a week. Having a hard time not losing muscle so I'm thinking of implementing a cheat day once a month to refeed carbs but I'm not sure if it'll help.

this is also very, very true. all of it, no exceptions. i would put heavy emphasis on the last sentence.

cheat days are for assholes as well. if you feel you need carbs, a handful of natural grain rice in the morning and a well-ripened banana after workouts should do.

I can't get in shape. I have huge back problems since I was a child and can't do much exersizes because of that.
At least I'm not fat.

This woman has cerebral palsy. You have no excuse.

Already married to a wife who has given up as well. I enjoy staying up till 2:30am focusing on OOP optimization for my company's high income application. Do I wish I looked ripped, "sure" but am I going to invest the time... "HAHAHA" na, plz thx k

Of course it is, proprietary diets are fucking cancer.

If I do more than just walking or lifting light weights I risk full paralysis

He's in Hyderabad :^)

I could never find anything I enjoyed doing. Then I bought a mountain bike and lost 30lbs. Great investment.

Doesnt keto kill your liver due to protein excess? Maybe not kill it, but certainly stress it.

Eating less cake. Quit soda. More meat and veggies. Also going to the gym 3 times a week.

Hope you find yourself in a better place soon.

>eating meme food and doing meme exercises to get into meme shape

Not technology.

>Doesnt keto kill your liver due to protein excess? Maybe not kill it, but certainly stress it.

No. Not at all. Jesus Christ, do some basic research, mom.

I actually plan to do so, OP. I will quit my job in three weeks and devote a month to learning Python, studying Japanese and getting in shape. I will also read a couple of books and get my life in order.

I am more or less fit already though, it's a matter of gaining more muscle.

So, if you're really thinking about killing yourself, let me make a suggestion:

Before doing it, raise all the money you can and go travel for as long as your money holds out. Literally sell everything you own if you have to. You're gonna off yourself anyway, right? So what do you have to lose. Still can't afford it? Go take whatever job you can find. You don't have to give a shit, you just have to raise a bit of money.

Go travel. I suggest Asia, particularly SE Asia because it's weird as shit. You can find cheap hostels in a lot of countries, and cheap guest houses in much of SE Asia (I can personally recommend Baan Bua in North Thailand and Suk 11 in Bangkok). Go volunteer at an elephant sanctuary or the dog rescue group in Thailand.

I mean, hell, you're gonna off yourself, why not have some interesting food and see a few sights first? Check out Angkor Wat in Cambodia -- it's worth paying for a guide, they're REALLY competent and knowledgeable.

Japan is, of course, awesome. Bamboo House in Akabane is pretty nice and reasonable. Still way more expensive than SE Asia, but whatever.

Anyhoo, give it a shot before you off yourself

Of course nigga. I already got over sweets and fats, I no longer like soda and shit like that. That's the first step.

>Go travel. I suggest Asia, particularly SE Asia because it's weird
And cheap. RM10 for a meal is normal (USD$2.5). Heck, RM5 for a meal from a street hawker.

Doing all 3 of those is a recipe for disaster and failure.

Already am in shape. Never really planned to though, it was kind of a side effect of living a bit more consciously. It's really not as hard as people pretend it is, especially as standards are dropping lower by the day. Everybody is some fat shit these days, it's pathetic.

Oh fuck yeah. Cheap as hell plates of delicious chicken. Fresh chicken. You probably heard that fucker crowing that morning.

Fresh-squeezed orange juice in a baggy...

Man, the food's amazing, the sights are great, and the culture is trippy as fuck. Nothing pulls your head out of your ass faster than a trip to Asia. I met more people in a few months of traveling than I did in the previous decade of mundane work life.

Why bother, when Chad is literally eating PIZZA while you spend hours in the gym. Yet you still look like SHIT whilst Chad naturally has genetically perfect FACE and FRAME

Squats deadlifts OHP and bent over rows

Buying a bench soon what's your excuse

Mom logic. Learn about fitness.

Stop being such a whiny defeatist, "Everything is everyone elses fault but mine, I guess I'd better eat six bags of cheetos and cry about it." Christ.

You eat right and exercise to live a long and healthy life you fucking moron. I know in your position being a lonely NEET fuck is suicide at thirty material but some of us haven't lost the flame.

Chad can't run 20 mph without any training or practice.

Chad would be run down and altered to my will if Chad was in the way. Chad will ultimately be left far behind.

God I wish I could throw my life away to do this

Arizona is hell in the summer man

My mom worked in at a hospital when she was in college at ASU. She likes to tell me about this one legendary day where it got so hot that the combination of increased power load from the ac and the steam literally rising slower in the heat caused the entire grid to go down.

whoa that power level m'lord

Maxed out my potential bud

Kek. You fags don't realise that Chad is literally genetically predisposed to ABS. And while you're being completely AUTISTIC and eating right every single day, cooking your meals and counting macros like an AUTIST, Chad is pounding Stacey and eating a whole PIZZA for himself afterwards.

God you are such a mouth breather. Too many fuckin words.
>calories in < calories out
>lift heavy weights

He's predisposed to anti-lock braking systems?

I don't feel and it feel great, I sold my atlas to buy new brakes?

>that pic
>in shape

Jeff pls

But the Japanese Olympics is 2020.

Don't you want to shitpost with Sup Forums while watching the Japanese Olympics?


Again, the energy balance concept is disingenuous and severely flawed. It's the functional equivalent of "eat whatever garbage you want, as long as you work it off! :D ;)" The body doesn't work that way.

You're trying to describe the body through thermodynamics with a naive idea of its internal mechanics and overall I/O. It doesn't work.

Get over it.

>le if you're going to kill yourself do some wacky shit
That's not how deppression works, idiot.

Take advantage of my pool. Doing laps in a pool is a good workout right?

Was reading fit and g and haven't slept yet, why am I seeing a lot of the same threads here?

summerfag memes, r/Sup Forums memes, Sup Forumsmemes...

Not that there's any difference.


There's even a Chad thread

Went to the gym during the winter and now I can display my toned body during summer (; I'm a femanon, btw

i started going 2 weeks ago doing stronglifts.

i'm weak as fuck so the weights are small but they're going up.

have to go at 4am though because mental illness and people cause me to freak out.

don't think it will amount to anything especially because i have no friends nor do i leave the house anyway and am on neetbux but Sup Forums told me to do it and this is the only social contact i have so i might as well listen.

It will take 4-6 weeks for you to see a visual difference. Keep at it.

i'm sore as shit all the time now. is that good or bad?

Sup Forums - /fit/

Go on, please. Any advice? I already have a Noken 4 level in Japanese, and have followed Codeacademy's Python course. I am not in bad shape, I need toning and getting bigger.