/o/ here...

/o/ here, im not very tech-savvy (just enough to troll the Best Buy employees) and needed help with figuring out if this laptop ive had in storage is any good.

Laptop is a Dell Latitude.

Would it be worth it to try and revive it?
Ive never turned it on but i have the charger for it.
I should also mention that i havent owned a non-smart phone computer in almost 5 years so this laptop could come in handy.

Will post pics.

Btw this thing weighs like 30lbs, i might start curling with it if its a dud

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Turn it on and check specs...

It's most likely a paperweight.

Would be cool to have as a gaming laptop even if it was for PS1 games

This right?

I thought this was a remote of some sort

>1.8ghz pentium M
>256mb of ram
>40gb HDD
>32mb Vram

Its basically a thinkpad T42 but from 2002

which means its technically usable for shitposting and old games
install XP, upgrade ram to 2gb, play The Sims and shitpost all over Sup Forums about it

PCMCIA port of some sort, being used for what looks like the wireless card
pop it out, see what it says it is, usually you can either push the unit in and it will pop out or it may have buttons on one side of the port

Dude did you drop ink on your camera

It's pretty much worthless unless you want to install XP or a very lightweight distro on it. It isn't powerful enough to game on (unless you like dos games).

>not covering up activation codes

Thanks for the free ram access code pleb.


wtf shut up

Is this not xp?

Debris in it

I have no idea what that means

>Not going for the free CPU access code
Can't wait to install all those extra cores :^)

>I have no idea what that means
You just gave up access to extra ram. You use the code to download it.

These cards popped out

Im not sure which codes those are, im a filthy casual to all of this

oh those are just filler cards, just plastic to keep the slot closed
the codes are nothing important when referring to hardware from 2002
this is XP or windows 2000
refer to this sheet

Ah okay, just read it in the brochure thing.

Was this a high-end laptop back in its day?

Any tips on getting this sucker again?

I tried before to get it charged, even bought an extra battery and nothing but not sure if the replacement battery was any good.

what the hell are you using to take those pictures with?

Literally this.

A digital camera that survived a blueberry explosion apparently.

that looks so good compared to w10

no seriously i wanna know.

I do bluecollar work, dust gets into EVERYTHING.
Last time i got the screen replaced on this phone (all the seals keeping it together melted apart) the guy repairing it grabbed a brush and cleaned out a TON of dust. It was visible in the light.

i have a latitude like that also. c600. network hardware is broke, battery is broke and there is 3 keys missing.

to be honest OP, if you cant get it to start up or boot to anything, you might as well toss it
its sad but computers die, and if this wont work its probably not worth the effort required to get it functioning again

if you want this kind of experience with a pentium M, windows XP kind of laptop, find a Thinkpad T40/41/42, R52 or X40/41

theyre cheap, theyre functional, and will last for a few years worth of music, video and shitposting

>years worth of music, video and shitposting

That was my main goal with this laptop.
Ill hook it up to a charger and see if itll turn on or anything.