Anyone else experienced Sup Forums showing that someone else is you?

Anyone else experienced Sup Forums showing that someone else is you?

Many ISP's route thousands of their users through the same public IP address. Often they do it in bulks of 4,000 to 20,000 customers per IP address. This is to save money but also so they don't have to invest money into IP v6 protocol.

You mean Sup Forums X?


no, you?

>Many ISP's route thousands of their users through the same public IP address
[citation needed]

Sup Forums uses a cookie for the "(You)"s, not your IP address

only that post ids are stored locally in the localstorage, not on the server.

Then how come i can switch to my laptop on the same network and have my You's show up for myself correctly.

yeah i've always used it, didnt know it was a feature of Sup Forums x

browser sync?

your browsers are syncing cookies

You are logged into a botnet

Could be, also works on my phone on the same network.

And i use chrome on all of my shit.

welcome to botnet.
you can actually read out your posts and manipulate them if you edit the localstorage.

i-is it bad to like the botnet?


yes, but only when I'm drunk

It's bad to allow it to upload all your goddamn cookies and browsing history to google

This is actually pretty common to cut prices.

But what do I care? Some google AI in the future is gonna know all my porn habits and online history etc. Big deal.

It's called CGNAT, or carrier-grade NAT.

How do I (You) text?

Sometimes on clover, but not anywhere else.


(You) You probably hacked. (You) (You) Samefag.