Which programming language do you avoid like the plague?

Which programming language do you avoid like the plague?

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Rust. Swift. Haskell. F#. Scala.

Basically all the meme wankwank languages dweebs bleat about on here. I've learned them all enough to know I have no use for them, or that at worst they're just shit for anything other than bragging about using them.

Ruby (literally just because I've heard its bloated buggy bullshit) and .NET (because it's bullshit methods used during library calls make the cleanest code written for it preform like spaghetti code written by a 13 year old in BASIC)

python and java.
A few applications is good, but when people are generally too lazy to program, the end result is not good.

Java; holy fuck javashit mcshitnuggets
>need 2 debug? heres 100 lines.
>need to use a library that should be standardly implemented? Better make a fucking for loop for all those imports cause ur gonna be here awhile

C and C++

It's such a stupid clusterfuck to dick arround with pointers, also there are basically no Jobs out there outside of Kernel develloper, GameDev or technical systems.

You need twice the time to devellop something which is a fraction of split seconds faster than Java. But you pay with buffer overflows, memory leaks, shitty exceptions handling and bad threads.. but hey you are a split second faster!

Such a stupid nonsense.

>I avoid these languages because I'm to dumb for pointers and a slow typer
>No jobs other than the good payed ones

Ruby just because it's slow as fuck, especially those JVM implementations. Sure it's pretty but not *that* much prettier than say... Python.


I just hate them and everything DB based

Visual Basic

everything about it is baffling

Scala is especially macabre. It's just an absolute abortion of a language.

Really tired of this "functional AND object-oriented :-)" shit

What do you use instead?

pajeet please go

Nice reddit pic, faggot.

Go, Ruby, any functional hipster language.

>Functional hipster languages
I can understand that, but why Go? Granted it's basically useless for everything except concurrent servers, but still.

Yes. Im curious as well.

I couldn't agree more.
Not him, but I find I can very often get by with a simple BSDDB instead.
For the cases where that's not possible, I've started playing with a custom database library based on BSDDB that implements a pool of arbitrary objects, and far more direct access to indexes into it. It's still a fairly early project, so I don't know how useful it will become in he end, but I have some hope.

pajeet confrmed

Go shit all over your designated java keyboard so I can have job security rewriting your trash in C++

I suggest a proper IDE for the latter

>needing a IDE to do the simplest of things
Keep confirming that java is an awful abomination. it tickles.

No, they are just bad langauges.
Languages that were designed when Atari was a thing and CPUs were slow and RAM was expensive.

And then some people develloped giant projects, whole operating systems in C, because it was "state of the art" back than.

And then every generation has to deal with this giat amount of shit code. And they tell themselve "Oh wow, thers's so much C/C++ code, it must be good for something!". Like Crabs in a basket each generation carries on to maintain and write in this fail of computer langauges.

>"Let's eat shit, 10,000 flies can't be wrong!"

C and C++ are the very definiton of technical debts.

Let me guess:
Arch user?

Nice meme, friend.

The industry would like to have a word with you..

G (as in LabVIEW)
Fuck graphical programming, seriously.

php, ruby and the microsoft languages
- php is a fractal of bad design
- ruby has a syntax that makes it look like it was typed with someone's face
- VB is just a bizzarre set of anti-patterns masquerading as a language and it is slow as FUCK

not sure if it's technically a language but i try to avoid mySQL. i don't mind SQL (SQLite is nice) but mySQL is just an unstable resource-hungry POS

> so I can have job security rewriting your trash in C++

This amount of delusion..


I read sql server 2016 is heavily integrated with R. Maybe there might be some work-arounds with R to make queries? But that sounds fucking way harder and a lot more work than it's worth.

> Pajeet and Rasheed breed like cockroaches
> Prabesh my son, it is time to learn Java

limiting your project to C means that people
don't screw that up, and also means that you get a lot of programmers that
do actually understand low-level issues and don't screw things up with any
idiotic "object model" crap.


There are no job adverts for C because turnover is incredibly low. Want to know why? Because we code with something other than our curry-scorched assholes.

How the flying fuck is any SQL any different from the other language wise. Maybe their RDBMS s/w is different but the actual language?

I'm kind of curious as to what you're trying to do that you describe it yourself as "the simplest of things" yet you still apparently need a "for loop for all those imports".

Could it be that you're just a bad programmer?

i like SQL, mySQL is just a shit piece of software

Out of languages that I use I try to avoid bash because complex string manipulation gets pretty fucking annoying with it.
I try to avoid python because 3 is replacing 2 but whenever I program in python 3 I end up in situation where the useful libraries are only for python 2.
I try to avoid java because trying to code java without IDE is annoying and I don't always machine with machine that has enough storage for IDE for java.

I guess it's hard to get your jobs outsourced because amerifats suck at coding so badly..

Brilliant idea, Linus!
Why not using Assembly?

The wierder and uglier the language, the smarter the coders, right?


Wow I'm stupid, I sped read like a true sped.

My apologies for not reading your post properly.

C and PHP, because they're both incredibly poorly designed bug prone shits that remain inexplicibly popular.

They are popular, because they're USEFUL. WTF do you use then? Batch?

machine code desu


>They are popular, because they're USEFUL.

So what part of C makes it "usefull" then?

C fags in denial, LMAO

I'm starting a 3 month PHP + Sql school course in just a few days. This is also my first serious attempt at programming. How fucked am I?

>Not enough storage to install an IDE

What the fuck? IntelliJ is 260 MB, Eclipse 140 MB. Even for a raspberry pi that's not much storage space.

Keep telling yourself that, C pajeet.

You're coding in a dying langauge.

Server-side JS


Different dude responded to you but w/e lol

get out kris

Ruby isn't slower than Python. I hate that people still believe this nonsense.

The fact that you can write relatively non-bloated shit code that is readable regardless?

But I'm white.

Not anymore.

>basically useless for everything except concurrent servers
I've had decent success using it for terminal-based utilities too, but outside of those two categories it is legitimately painful to use.

When you're working within those two categories, however, Go is a fucking godsend.

Im a C illiterate dumbfuck.
What's a memory leak?

Quite the opposite..

>An analysis of GitHub data shows that C developers are creating the most ugly hacks — or are at least the most willing to admit to it. To answer the question of which programming language produces the most ugly hacks, ITworld's Phil Johnson first used the search feature on GitHub, looking for code files that contained the string 'ugly hack'. In that case, C comes up first by a wide margin, with over 181,000 code files containing that string.


Ruby syntax needs no semicolons, rarely needs parentheses or curly braces, has clearly named functions for almost every basic task...it's the easiest & cleanest syntax I've ever seen. What's not to like?

It's when an application keeps using more and more memory the longer you use it. You've surely encountered this with some shite program that you left open for 3 days or so and came back to find it taking up 6 gorillion bytes in RAM.

They will make you a codemonkey. Which is probably better than your current situation

>citation needed

> clickbait article
> journalist uses search function once and writes article
> only looks at code from people who know their hacks are ugly and are willing to admit it openly
I had a decent reply all typed out but it isn't worth it.
That """article""" is bullshit.

C comes form a time when people thought it was cool to manage your own memory. In fact is WAS a good idea when disc space was expenise, so you could free the used space once you were donce with it.

Nowadays it's a nightmarish and stupid "feature" that you have to to declare and free the use disc memory.

Java (and every sane language) does this automatically, and that makes it a BAD language according to Sup Forums because people think an awkward language will save their jobs form getting outsourced and only attract "smart" programmers (as those folks like to see themselves).

Mandatory indentation is literally a retarded idea. And its OO model is a complete joke.

You should be indenting your code anyway. I fail to see how this is a problem.
> OO model
Don't use it then.

Ruby is a load of wank. Barely any users outside of the Rails crowd, low amount of good documentation, piss-slow interpreter and the language itself is the mongoloid child of Perl and Python with added >muh blocks. Ditch this shit.

Thank you for the thorough replies, based anons.

>he wants citations in opinions

Wow, C code quality is below JavaScript..

Who would have known?

ruby is about the same order of magnitude as python, it's just ugly. post you're replying to never claimed that ruby was slower than python, just that they were both about as slow as one another

Anything that isn't JavaScript.

>it's just ugly

Funny, every person I know that spends some days at ruby thinks it's the most beautifuil language ever..

# server
require 'socket'

server = TCPServer.new 3000 # Server bound to port 3000

loop do
client = server.accept # Wait for a client to connect
client.puts "Hello !"
client.puts "Time is #{Time.now}"

# client
require 'socket'

s = TCPSocket.new 'localhost', 2000

while line = s.gets # Read lines from socket
puts line # and print them

s.close # close socket when done

python and ruby.

I've written production code in over a dozen programming languages, yet only PHP was torturous enough to make me quit a job.
Rasmus Lerdorf should be barred from using computers for the rest of his life.

>2 space indentation


Now as comparison the server in C
(I'll spare you the client)




int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
int sockfd, newsockfd, portno, clilen;
char buffer[256];
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr;
int n;

/* First call to socket() function */
sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

if (sockfd < 0) {
perror("ERROR opening socket");

/* Initialize socket structure */
bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
portno = 5001;

serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);

/* Now bind the host address using bind() call.*/
if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
perror("ERROR on binding");

/* Now start listening for the clients, here process will
* go in sleep mode and will wait for the incoming connection

clilen = sizeof(cli_addr);

/* Accept actual connection from the client */
newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr, &clilen);

if (newsockfd < 0) {
perror("ERROR on accept");

/* If connection is established then start communicating */
n = read( newsockfd,buffer,255 );

if (n < 0) {
perror("ERROR reading from socket");

printf("Here is the message: %s\n",buffer);

/* Write a response to the client */
n = write(newsockfd,"I got your message",18);

if (n < 0) {
perror("ERROR writing to socket");

return 0;

Wow, it's so much more readable than Ruby, right?

Any C language. Because I'm too stupid to into that.

POSIX shell scripting. bash extensions have pampered me.

>C and C++ are the very definiton of technical debts.
And they're also pretty much the only languages other than assembly that allow you to write close to the hardware.

>or are at least the most willing to admit to it
As opposed to Java developers, at least we know when our hacks are ugly.

And that's why they are still here.

But nowadays we got so much optimization, for example the JVM is damn close to C for many cases.

And for many contemporary problems this microoptimization issues don't even matter anymore.

>Close to the hardware
I know this is something huge that C has going for it but why wouldn't someone just write a wrapper for c to make writing drivers easier, excuse my ignorance.

And thanks to the JVM, when they run they use 2 GB of RAM for editing a text file.

>disc memory
Please be trolling.

c++ is a great language, especially the newer versions since c++11, it has done a lot of things right: operator overloading, multiple inheritance, raii etc.

>being this ignorant
Fucking plebs. They're nowhere near the only systems languages, and certainly not the only viable ones.

Your argument is only valid if I consider you to be smarter than those people. And I don't. Noone probably does.

>Just because It's mainstream it's bad


I love it when people argue without facts

>JVM is damn close to C for many cases
In terms of CPU time, that is true for some cases, but then you also get a 500 MB Eden space just because you want to allocate a 5-byte array, and a 2-second start-up time for the JVM. Per process.

What would be a good alternative, then? Honestly curious.

The point being that if you think that the memory management debate for C vs. GC'd languages is about disc space, then you have literally no idea what you're talking about.

>he thinks functional is the opposite of object oriented

source code for these chart columns is where?

They're different things. The end.

>Just because It's mainstream it's bad

That wasn't my point.
It's more about historical circumstances.

Like COBOL is still in wide usage for banking, nevertheless it's a bloody bad language.

The problem is that computer industy moves muuuuch slower than the actual available technologies. People favor "stability" and neglect innovations, that's why there's so much bad code out there.

Admittedly not all the listed languages are 100% suitable, and some suitable ones aren't listed, but you get the idea.

Ada is the king of safe, mature, maintainable, etc systems languages.

>Like COBOL is still in wide usage for banking, nevertheless it's a bloody bad language.
Yes, but C isn't. It may be bad if you consider it wholly from a high-level perspective in a comparison to languages like Java or Lisp that define their own execution semantics, but that's a mistake.

C reflects the underlying hardware, and therefore give you greater control of program execution, in a way that you can, by definition, never get in a high-level language.

All the meme languages Sup Forums uses to write fizzbuzz programs