So my brother has brought one of these things home and needs my help making it do something for a school project

So my brother has brought one of these things home and needs my help making it do something for a school project.

What do we make Sup Forums?


Why do you buy something before knowing what to do with it or even if you need it? Are you american by any chance?

Big Black Cock?

Are you? It sounds like you didn't read my post at all. My brother was given this by his school and he has to program some shit with it and whatever kid makes the coolest program wins something

Fuck off with your homework, you retarded underage scum.

Sticking it up his ass will get him an A+ for sure.

Homework help goes in

What inputs/sensors does it have?

What other resources do you have at hand? Because with the board ALONE (no buttons, LEDs, sensors) you're not going to get much interesting done (because the whole idea is to get the kids to know the whole "embedded system"-thing).
You're going to need hardware (LEDs + resistors, little buttons + a bread board and jumper wires) to be able to to something interesting.

Attach a small speaker and have it play a drum/shaker sound whenever the accelerometer goes over a certain value.

Dragon dildos

Compass and accelerometer, can't you read you stupid idiot? This is why no one takes you stupid Americans seriously.

Australian though...

Well there's the problem, the text is all upside down for you.

A lawn mower?


Is this the BBC micro of our time?

Glad they kept the owl symbol too

>my brother

Not as useful as Rpi tho

This. Or a helicopter, if you don't have enough motors.
It can stay hovering thanks to the sensors, and you can even control it using the BT interface.

kek, +1

currynigger space stations are run with these, so why not make a space station?


So what sort of sensors does it have?

a motion sensitive trigger for an explosive device

what kinds of sensors does it have? What's their resolution and update rate

Does it have an accelerometer and compass or something? If so why don't you make a guided missile? Use the accelerometer outputs to control servos.

I mean we had guided missiles in WW2 with shit accelerometers, you can probably manage it.

Install pre-made modules with pre-made programs and impress the normies with your "genius"