Why aren't you using mac address filtering for wifi?

Why aren't you using mac address filtering for wifi?

> WPA? fuck typing that shit in.

> buh someone can fake my mac address!!!

If you're smart enough to do that, you can use have free wifi.

>you can use have free wifi.

but seriously it's way easier to just do mac filtering than typing in your wifi pw every time you factory reset or reinstall gentoo

>firends visiting
>hey jamal, tell me your MAC address please so I can let you connect to the WiFi

> friends

>broadcasting all your network traffic for everyone to see

> >

> assuming sending anything over the air is secure

>insinuating I can't splice into your cabling and sniff ur data

> turning your computer on

>Mac-filtering instead of 802.1x and guest provisioning
>His home wifi doesn't scale

Because I don't use a Mac.



>mac address filtering
>no wireless security
any kid can look at one packet and see your mac address and then spoof it.

yes but how often do you think those kids leave they're basement?

why take the risk when it takes 2 seconds to type in a key.

even wep would be more secure than this.

your trying to be clever and it isn't working

im not op and i agree its a fucking retarded idea which has literally zero upsides, leading me to believe that you are responding to a troll thread. i merely tried to save you from this pointless waste of time by pretending to be retarded.

filthy bootlegger

Upsides? Devices lose wpa2 keys all the time, you reformat, reflash your phone etc. some devices don't do wpa2 and are regulated to wep poverty. Mac address filtering it's no problem, add those in your /etc/config/wireless

Yall the type of people who go nuts about GPG and security then leave ssh passwords on

Using "password" as your passphrase is literally more secure than this you dipshit.

>being friends with niggers