He doesn't shut down and unplug his PC after use

>He doesn't shut down and unplug his PC after use

Haha, enjoy having a dead rig in 20 years.

Do not forget: You can save up to $0.20 a year by unplugging your PC when you are not using it.

This. I've saved a lot of money this way.

I do this. Is it a bad thing? I just don't want a lightning strike to kill the computer when I'm sleeping.

those cents add up

>He uses a computer which uses large amounts of energy

Pizza box computer master race, normies in my class can't even tell.

Get a surge protector you massive cocksucker

Why? Unplugging the cable takes less than 1 second for me and I save money either way by not buying a surge protector and not letting the PSU sap electricity.

What if lightning strikes when you're using your computer? You're a retard

because the more times your computer powers on, the more likely a component is to fail you retard. so you're cutting the components lifetime when you turn it off

>because the more times your computer powers on, the more likely a component is to fail you retard. so you're cutting the components lifetime when you turn it off

Do Americans really believe this?

Even worse what the lightening strikes while he's unplugging his computer?

what if lightning strikes straight onto his computer?

I was taught to unplug everything before bed so that no house fires start. Before bed I must go around the house three times checking that all electronic components are off and decharged or else I cannot get to sleep at night.

>>What if lightning strikes when you're using your computer? You're a retard

I check the weather forecast every day and make sure that if there's supposed to be lightning, I turn off the computer ahead of time. Sorry I'm not as addicted to computers as you are I guess.

>i tried to act smart
>but in fact i'm the retard

Stay classy.

What if lightning strikes directly onto your fingertips exactly as you are checking the weather?

do you turn off your refrigerator too? tv? htpc?

pick your battles man... the chance of this is so extremely small unless you have a sticker or fire starters on your charger or whatever


You fucking idiot.

Do you also go into your bunker just to be safe?

How's that idiotic? I get the impression you're salty as fuck for some reason.

R u autism?

It was on this day that I learned Sup Forums is infested with 15 year olds that never grew up in an old household where their parents never taught them to turn off electronics at night. Fucking amazing.

what a waste of time everyday.. just buy a surge protector and you remake your money by not wasting that time each morning. they literally are less then 10$

Yes. We keep ice blocks for night time refrigeration.
>Having a television in 2016
How silly!

Yeah but, theres no need for that now.

has this thread changed to the battle between surge protectors and unplugging and replugging in devices everyday?

Not using an appliance on the off chance there is an electrical strike.

You know the chances of that hitting you?

By that logic, you could literally never use car, the risk factor is just far greater than an electrical storm.

Holy shit your IQ is below the temperature of lighting outside your fucking retarded

>Not using an appliance on the off chance there is an electrical strike.
Works for me.

>You know the chances of that hitting you?
Close to none.

>By that logic, you could literally never use car, the risk factor is just far greater than an electrical storm.
Why would I need a car in NY?

you guys probably pay for anti-static wristbands huh.. you know just in case?

Apparently, fat neckbeards on Sup Forums get really triggered when people unplug stuff.

how much does it cost per year if you decide to leave your pc on 24/7? $200?

$500 if you live in Obama Care country.

guys it's almost time for my to do my yearly power supply replacement. anyone have any recommendations for a good 750w power supply to last me until this time next year?

could be triple that.. if its pulling maximum load at all time, if its just in sleep or suspend maybe a couple dollars

Sure thing friend! Since you write like a fucking retard I kindly suggest you buy a plane ticket to China and buy an el cheapo power supply in your nearest pork streetmarket! It's practically a steal at the prices you'll find there!

>yearly power supply replacement

wait what?

>not having a switch
haha burger plebs.

>this pleb

Let's see, if u do 350w EVGA power supply * 980ti power consumption,y you're probably looking at around $3k depending on what game ur playing

Seasonic X-750 will last you until this time in 10 years

>leave your pc on 24/7?
>around $3k depending on what game ur playing
wait what?

Hell no I don't wear tha gay shit, who the fuck do u think ur talking to?


this guy

Do the maths

>not replacing your rig every 4-6 weeks

who is playing a game 24/7?

which lga 775 cpu do you have for this week?

(Wph * 8760)/1000 * kWh rate

$100-$350 in burgerland, if you don't let it go into sleep mode or anything like that.

I laughed so hard some wee came out

Even if you somehow used your computer for 50 years, that's only $10. The fuck are you doing for 50 years that you somehow can power your computer but can't make $10?

Turning your computer on/off constantly wears out the parts faster than keeping it online 24/7

I do this and take the battery out of my laptop also.

I put it in sleep mode pretty much 90% of the time.
Rarely do I turn it off, only restart it

neetbux ain't what it used to be senpai

fuck you you cunt!
I´ll have you know that my experience in clinking the moose and pressing buttons on my button board has made me very rich!
You cant even computer your mom

> win+x

How did I not know about this?

Everything is left on. Machines go to sleep and wake as needed.

Phones and AP's are PoE, so they're monitored pretty well. I don't get the best logging from the workstations power wise, but the servers and switches do a decent job.

AC's on the other hand...